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Why does BW hate solo players that much?


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If you dont want to cooperate and play with others its obvious that your game will be limited.


I wouldn't actually call standard flashpoints "cooperating" or "interactive", since they are so cut and dry. Everyone knows what they are doing, nobody talks to anybody else unless its a complaint. Its one of my main grievances with modern mmos. There are a lot more ways to make people truly cooperate in online games, but most developers (and players) seem usually just content with the illusion of it.

Edited by Karkais
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And I have absolutely no problem with all that you've said




So long as I never see you create a thread and complain that the game's not catering to your single-player experience.


I have no problem with it not catering to me exclusively.


You can look above to the sorts of things I find very ... lets call it disposable about these games.


Idiots and their cheerleaders = the sort of things common to these games that, imo, make them direly in need of a flea bath.


The plurality of things to do? Some of those things catering to groups and some amongst those catering specifically to the hardcore?


Nah, that's fine. Worst I have to say about that is that Bioware's about typically in the mmo industry for seeming as clueless as a newborn deer about some comedically obvious things.


This whole thing about conquest rules? They have no apparent clue what's up. It seems to have taken them by surprise that some players found the easiest ways to get the most points the fastest and them bombarded it.


Looks to me like planning specifically to light a fire, but failing entirely to predict the effects of fire on the things immediately around it, then expressing shock when the roof ignites.


But, no. My chiefest problem with the game is that I have social standards. To succeed most optimally in these games, you're best off to be a kissass that pretends to like everybody, except for the people that whomever you're trying to impress at the moment don't like.


Your best bet is to 'just be cool' with every form of racism, misogyny and tiny-minded commentary by the ignorant that you can imagine bubbling forth in common banter.


I'm not cool with the stupidity.


Alas, there's nothing about the game that causes that, or could correct it.

Edited by Uruare
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You sound like you'd be a joy to play with, sign me up. We can ridicule ******* and idiots all day long, but we'll be sure to stop just short of racism or misogyny, because we'd hate to plummet off our ridiculously high horse and realize how ignorant we sound.


Fun fact - I don't spend hardly any of my time in game ranting about anything to or about anything. Most of my time is spent amusing myself and my friends.


As to the ranting, I do that on forums, where at least the farting into the wind it all amounts to being is assured to hit a portion of its target audience.

Edited by Uruare
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Yeh but why would a solo player expect rewards for group content?


Because he/she has grown up in an entitlement era - where trophies are awarded to the losing team in order to shield them from hurt feelings.

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Because he/she has grown up in an entitlement era - where trophies are awarded to the losing team in order to shield them from hurt feelings.


I think the real answer is something more on the order of there being designed imbalances between the value of the rewards available for solo play compared to group play.


You attribute to childish greed what more realistically throws back to a very common and very ubiquitous human tendency - the tendency to desire improvement.


Things that have nothing to do with being good at the game are hurdles to getting the best things in the game.


Its more important to raid that you know the right people than that you actually be exceptional in any capacity. Been a raider - most are just normal players that happen to know the right people, have the right amount of time available and have the interest.


Its not even vaguely mysterious as to why some people look at various aspects of the situation and go 'This is crap' and 'Why am I being punished because I don't have 60 hours a week to play a game' and 'why are people like me glass-ceiling'd from being able to get the good stuff simply because I prefer to spend my playtime doing things more on my own than with a small army of other people?'.


The importance of these questions is in what they imply, and what those implications mean for the bottom line of games like these. They're important questions for MMO publishers and developers alike to be both aware of and concerned with, because its central to the value of their product to a definitive majority of MMO players.


If you can't see even the remotest possibility that maybe such perspectives aren't necessarily infantile bawling, you don't deserve any greater consideration than to be dismissed without regard in kind.

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Its a mmo, not a singleplayer game.


If you dont want to cooperate and play with others its obvious that your game will be limited.


LOL, in FACT it was assured at launch that if you didn't or coudn't group that your gameplay would be unaffected- UNLIKE WOW, that was a PROMISE.

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LOL, in FACT it was assured at launch that if you didn't or coudn't group that your gameplay would be unaffected- UNLIKE WOW, that was a PROMISE.


Yeah... no.

Nobody made any such promise. If you were promised anything, it was the solo class stories. Which you got.

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You can solo heroics this game is so solo friendly. Are you kidding me guy? Why did you play an MMO if you hate playing with other players so much? I was like you once. I bought the game purely for the Star Wars stuff and the fact it's as close to a KOTOR sequel we will get. But after a while I learned PvP and playing with others is pretty damn fun. Try playing with other people for a while, you may find the stuff you avoid all the time is pretty f***ing awesome.
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I have no problem with Conquests being mostly a guild feature, but what I would like to see as a mostly solo player is some more new story, like Makeb, that is not tied to group content.

Also, some new (humanoid & romanceable) Companions would be nice.

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