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I want my credits back


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Yes because I totally have time to follow everything posted on the forums and livestreams of all the games I play.




everything you needed to know was right in front of you. you didnt take the time to read it so you should have to pay the consequences, no one feels sorry.

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You obviously haven't read the rest of this thread.




so i read the whole thread. filled with like minded people saying the same thing i said. also, you used hypocrite wrong, no where in this thread did i contradict myself on actions/decisions/comments i made. so please use words properly.





the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.


yeah, no where did i do this

Edited by thatPERSON
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Good thing I read this thread then.


I feel very sorry for the OP, though. I too am unable to devote my time reading up on every scrap of info on every single little detail on this game, and other games.


Granted, the ship decoration does say starship hook, but the serious lack of information at the stronghold kiosk telling you what you can and cannot place is truly dreadful.


You can easily tell Bioware saw the huge success of Wildstar's housing project, and they scrambled like headless chickens to implement a somewhat reasonable, but sorely lacking, system of their own.


I sill love both my DK and Coruscant homes, but at least now I know not to invest in make 3 ships. Just one for my Nar Shaddaa home.


And why is the NS landing pad SO far out of view like that? When I zone in, and turn around, I wanna see the pad THERE on the horizon, not down below at the risk of falling off of my sky palace. Raise the damn thing at zoning in level.

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so i read the whole thread. filled with like minded people saying the same thing i said. also, you used hypocrite wrong, no where in this thread did i contradict myself on actions/decisions/comments i made. so please use words properly.





the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.


yeah, no where did i do this


No, you cherry-picked the thread for people who don't agree with me, ignoring the ones who do agree with me.


And when you cherry-pick crap like that, it doesn't surprise me that you cherry-pick meanings of words, ignoring the others as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No, you cherry-picked the thread for people who don't agree with me, ignoring the ones who do agree with me.


And when you cherry-pick crap like that, it doesn't surprise me that you cherry-pick meanings of words, ignoring the others as well.


Absolutely. People populating these forums just assume it's everyone else's norm. *shudders.*


The thing on Coruscant Nar Shaddaa IS a landing pad. Exactly like the one Padme's ship lands on in the prequels...


What's next? Should we assume that just because we've been able to swing lightsabers until now DOESN'T mean we'll still be able to when the next big expansion comes out?

It's not even the fine print - there's NO fine print on this. Only hardcore unofficial info.


And I'm not even mentioning bugs abroad - in French, centerpiece has been translated as "dining table" :eek: !!!


Just like commendation stuff, there should be a 2-hour refund for god's sake, and mostly everyone (here, that is) will know that is valid EVEN if you equip the damn thing and test it in the filed for 120 minutes.



Oh, and not only the rug placement is horrible on the balcony, but it si bugged. The central one just won't appear.


The hooks are poorly placed. There are not enough hooks on that landing-pad-that-ain't-a-landing-pad, when there's ample room for it.


And yes, I had to dish out 3M to find out, as I'm a guildmaster and bought stuff for my guild before I did for myself.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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The thing on Coruscant Nar Shaddaa IS a landing pad. Exactly like the one Padme's ship lands on in the prequels...




The hooks are poorly placed. There are not enough hooks on that landing-pad-that-ain't-a-landing-pad, when there's ample room for it.


But it's not a landing pad, it's a taxi pad.


It's 25m in diameter, 22m if you don't count the short wall around the edge.


Movie era ships:

Padme's yacht (H-type Nubian yacht) is L:47.9m, W:8.1m, H:7.1m

Episode 1 yacht (J-type 327 Nubian) is L:76m

Millennium Falcon L:34.37m, W:25.61m, H:8.27m

Slave 1: L:21.5m, W:21.3m H:7.8m

Rogue Shadow: L:65m

Jade Shadow: L:55m

Tantive IV: L150m, W:48.6m, H:32.6M


Swtor ships:

Defender Light Corvette is L:94m W:71m H:29m

BT-7 Thunderclap is L:96m, W:61m, H:80m (with S-foils deployed)

Fury Intercepter is L:100m, W:88m, H:33m

X-70B Phantom is L80m, W:94m, H:18m

XS stock light freighter is L:88m, W:101M, H:27M


Your ship in Swtor is the same size as the Tantive IV, which is more of a warship than a personal starship like Padme's yacht. Even then only the Slave 1 would actually fit on the pad, every other popular ship in the Star Wars universe would overhang the pad even if its landing gear could theoretically fit on it. Nevermind whether it could actually support the weight of a ship or not given the pad's size.

Edited by Draqsko
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Not calling "Uludelu" out per-se, just this is a good example.


I love lines like this...

If you had done some research on the fansite or saw the official SWTOR twitch showing the stronghold you would know !!!




Google is your friend !

So we as Bioware/EA customers should expect that the in-game information is not sufficient to tell us all the restrictions in regards to in-game content? We should be expected to do "research" from blogs, marketing videos, etc. before playing the game?


Imagine if someone had spent 1.5M credits to buy a new lightsaber from a vendor on the Imperial Fleet only to find out that it was limited to only being wieldable by Dark Side Jedi Shadows. Nothing in-game says that. Nothing in the patch notes. And in answer to "Why sell such a limited item on Imperial Fleet?" was "Didn't you read the tweet they posted 3 months ago that the new saber was for Shadows only?"


I don't, per-se, see this as a failure of the design of the DK and Couracant strongholds. I do, however, see it as a failure in either the the description of the starship decorations or in the information about the Strongholds when you are purchasing/unlocking them.


If you tell me "See the 'Details...' button? Click on that before you buy the Stronghold." then fine. My bad for not reading it. Tell me that the information was only available in some marketing twitch video or on Dulfy's site, bad on Bioware for not giving the information in the proper place.

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They said a long time before that only Nar shaddaa and Tatooine had hooks for ships !!!


If you had done some research on the fansite or saw the official SWTOR twitch showing the stronghold you would know !!!




Google is your friend !


None of that should be necessary. This information should be available in game prior to purchase. I play Everquest 2 as well, and before you buy a house there you can tour it, see how it's laid out, etc. That's not too much to ask here.

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I don't get the jabs at the OP either. Glad I came across this actually cause I would have put in the time to make the 5 alien date cubes and 5 Universal MK-3s (not cheap in mats), boughtt the darn ship and expected to be able to put it on what looks like a landing pad, you know, WHERE YOU WOULD LAND A SHIP.. I'm sort of annoyed I spent the million credits to open it up that balcony at all now.
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Absolutely. People populating these forums just assume it's everyone else's norm. *shudders.*


The thing on Coruscant Nar Shaddaa IS a landing pad. Exactly like the one Padme's ship lands on in the prequels...


What's next? Should we assume that just because we've been able to swing lightsabers until now DOESN'T mean we'll still be able to when the next big expansion comes out?

It's not even the fine print - there's NO fine print on this. Only hardcore unofficial info.


And I'm not even mentioning bugs abroad - in French, centerpiece has been translated as "dining table" :eek: !!!


Just like commendation stuff, there should be a 2-hour refund for god's sake, and mostly everyone (here, that is) will know that is valid EVEN if you equip the damn thing and test it in the filed for 120 minutes.



Oh, and not only the rug placement is horrible on the balcony, but it si bugged. The central one just won't appear.


The hooks are poorly placed. There are not enough hooks on that landing-pad-that-ain't-a-landing-pad, when there's ample room for it.


And yes, I had to dish out 3M to find out, as I'm a guildmaster and bought stuff for my guild before I did for myself.


One correction: As a guild master myself the 3m for the balcony did not come out of my own personal credits, it came out of the guild bank. So to be accurate the guild pay for the unlock not yourself.

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I just don't understand why Bioware didn't use the old regular fully scaled models for the ships, and just build BIGGER HANGARS, its just gonna be clean up work they have to do later when people complain about it enough, and it accomplishes nothing. I don't understand the difficulty of creating a copy'n paste cutscene for leaving a stronghold in your ship just like leaving a planet normally. But instead we got nice pretty cutscenes for DK, Coruscant, Tatooine, and Nar Shadda that no one even asked for or expected......
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on Tatooine your ship will be stored in a hole. Does't look much like a landing pad.


This made me ROFLMAO!!!!! You should probably go watch the first part of A New Hope... you know the part where the Millennium Falcon lifts out of a docking bay that looks exactly like that hole which you don't think is a landing pad/hangar bay.

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Hullo all!


I rarely come to these forums, but I'm sure glad I did this time! The only thing left to unlock in my Coruscant apartment is the balcony, and I did plan on putting a starship there. Not anymore.


To be fair to the OP, I don't consider myself a half-wit and I read everything in-game, but I haven't come across any official, in-game information that would've said "no starships on Corus and DK"... in hindsight it makes sense, because it's an apartment, not a whole, dedicated building just for you, and it's also very close to the spaceport where you park your ship. That's okay, I'll either get one of those fancy AA-guns or grind some Fleet Comms and put an Imperial Scout there (yes, my Imperial Agent is the son of my Republic Smuggler, so they share the same apartment... along with my smuggler's two brothers and a Bounty Hunter! The three small rooms upstairs are for those "alts", the two big ones downstairs are for my two "mains" :) )

Edited by AdamMieter
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But it's not a landing pad, it's a taxi pad.


It's 25m in diameter, 22m if you don't count the short wall around the edge.


Movie era ships:

Padme's yacht (H-type Nubian yacht) is L:47.9m, W:8.1m, H:7.1m

Episode 1 yacht (J-type 327 Nubian) is L:76m

Millennium Falcon L:34.37m, W:25.61m, H:8.27m

Slave 1: L:21.5m, W:21.3m H:7.8m

Rogue Shadow: L:65m

Jade Shadow: L:55m

Tantive IV: L150m, W:48.6m, H:32.6M


Swtor ships:

Defender Light Corvette is L:94m W:71m H:29m

BT-7 Thunderclap is L:96m, W:61m, H:80m (with S-foils deployed)

Fury Intercepter is L:100m, W:88m, H:33m

X-70B Phantom is L80m, W:94m, H:18m

XS stock light freighter is L:88m, W:101M, H:27M


Your ship in Swtor is the same size as the Tantive IV, which is more of a warship than a personal starship like Padme's yacht. Even then only the Slave 1 would actually fit on the pad, every other popular ship in the Star Wars universe would overhang the pad even if its landing gear could theoretically fit on it. Nevermind whether it could actually support the weight of a ship or not given the pad's size.


Come on, don't try to squeeze exactitude in the game, it can't work.


If we want to take things in the films as reference, anyone hit by a lightsaber dies instantly unless it's a sith lord wielding one saber himself... Jedi have a policy never to attack first ("Han shot first" controversy), so Jedi Shadows stabbing people in the back would be expelled from the order...


And I'm pretty sure the Crown of Naboo would be informed by the Senate or Coruscanti transportation authorities whether they CAN or CANNOT land her damn ship BEFORE the queen actually does the trip! ;)




Back to the platform/ the game:


First off, the ship model is just that, a ship model. It's supposed (?) to be half the size of the actual one. Can you know for sure until you get one? No. A non-refundable one at that. Tremendously expensive to craft.


The platform.

It's in the distance, behind a locked door. Can you have an idea of its actual size until you go there and unlock the damn thing? No, you can't. And the price is 1M for your own stronghold, 3M for guild one.





One correction: As a guild master myself the 3m for the balcony did not come out of my own personal credits, it came out of the guild bank. So to be accurate the guild pay for the unlock not yourself.


Guess where the guild credits came from, in my case? Yes.

Anyway the problem remains. Whether it's an individual that has to be refunded, or a guild, what matters is the refund.


And WHY a growing number of paying customers feel cheated out on this one.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I don't get the jabs at the OP either. Glad I came across this actually cause I would have put in the time to make the 5 alien date cubes and 5 Universal MK-3s (not cheap in mats), boughtt the darn ship and expected to be able to put it on what looks like a landing pad, you know, WHERE YOU WOULD LAND A SHIP.. I'm sort of annoyed I spent the million credits to open it up that balcony at all now.


I would love to know how you plan on landing your ship there considering the player ships are longer than the DK/Coru Stronghold is wide

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Come on, don't try to squeeze exactitude in the game, it can't work.


If we want to take things in the films as reference, anyone hit by a lightsaber dies instantly unless it's a sith lord wielding one saber himself... Jedi have a policy never to attack first ("Han shot first" controversy), so Jedi Shadows stabbing people in the back would be expelled from the order...


Lightsaber physics is entirely different than sizing, Even in games you can't fit a 85m ship on a 25m platform....



The platform.

It's in the distance, behind a locked door. Can you have an idea of its actual size until you go there and unlock the damn thing? No, you can't. And the price is 1M for your own stronghold, 3M for guild one.

You can you know look out the big frigging window that overlooks the platform, and its abundantly clear from that view that the platform is not going to fit a 80m ship....



That said it would be nice if the elevator went down to like a lower level hanger than had a starship hook.

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It's abundanlty clear that things are not on scale. Your 80m ship ends up being 40m, and that 25m platform, seen from windows, could be 40m, or 30 m, with the ship protruding from it.


And anyway the problem is "why did they make the platform too small" in the first place.


Stop nitpicking...

Edited by BenduKundalini
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