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Everything posted by DarkJediCaine

  1. I will add my name to the "petition" to have the DK and Cor landing pads changed to starship hooks. You see this in movies all the time. Why was this not implemented in the game as well from the start? Poor, lazy, rushed, cash grab design.
  2. Sorry but for the same cost as a GTN kiosk, the wall mounted version is just so lackluster. The kiosk is just far more cooler.
  3. Good thing I read this thread then. I feel very sorry for the OP, though. I too am unable to devote my time reading up on every scrap of info on every single little detail on this game, and other games. Granted, the ship decoration does say starship hook, but the serious lack of information at the stronghold kiosk telling you what you can and cannot place is truly dreadful. You can easily tell Bioware saw the huge success of Wildstar's housing project, and they scrambled like headless chickens to implement a somewhat reasonable, but sorely lacking, system of their own. I sill love both my DK and Coruscant homes, but at least now I know not to invest in make 3 ships. Just one for my Nar Shaddaa home. And why is the NS landing pad SO far out of view like that? When I zone in, and turn around, I wanna see the pad THERE on the horizon, not down below at the risk of falling off of my sky palace. Raise the damn thing at zoning in level.
  4. I agree with this. I'd love to have a scale-able class dummy and an Operations dummy for my SH. I don't pvp, ever, but I can easily see the need for a dummy for those players that do pvp. And this needs to be a crafting item. The Operations dummy should be a Synthetic Mk-3, the scale-able class dummy a Synthetic Mk-1, as well as the pvp dummy.
  5. I currently have the Coruscant, Dromund Kaas and Nar Shaddaa strongholds. The first two, all the rooms are unlocked. However, the 350 hook cap is absurd. In my first two homes mentioned, the two upstairs halls have very little in them, but I've already attained my max hook count. Both balconies have 3 or 4 things on them, but my max hook count is attained. My little white bar says 100% completion, but I'm sorry but that's totally wrong. I want to decide WHEN my homes are completed, not some maximum hook count slider. WHY is this penalty to paying customers implemented?? Get rid of this stupid little white bar telling ME I'm done with my homes. I second the notion everyone else above my post has stated, that this hook system should offer the player full control of how many decorations he or she wishes to place in their home. And furthermore, I also agree with the NPCs limitation. The max number is completely absurd. Additionally, I don't want holos of my npcs, especially those that show up as being naked with their undergarments (Kaliyo, for example). I have put time, effort, and credits in fitting most of my Companions with sweet looking armor/robes and weapons, and THAT's what I want to see in my house. And being able to make them sit on a chair or use a computer terminal would add to the immersion. Lastly, and I truly agree with the OP, the RNG drop rate for decorations in SM FPs, and even some Ops, is truly absurd. What this entails is a system created to promote farming, when it should be a system against farming. This sort of system is perfectly designed for gold farmers. The casual player, like myself, abhores the very idea of farming. I propose that the final boss always drops a decoration. This would allow most players to go in solo or as a group, and get the decorations they want/need. This should also apply to the bonus boss of any FP as well. So far, on HM, and FP bonus boss has had a 100% drop rate, and justly so, but some SM FP bonus bosses (looking at you Battle of Ilum), the drop rate is truly small. And that leads to the mentality of some players to tell others to put up or shut up and buy it on the GTN, thus encouraging and promoting gold farmers. One final note, I too do not pvp at all. It is quite unfair to be forced to pvp in order to get more imperial and republic banners, among other decorations. (Yes, I'm fully aware that leveling a toon to level 15 to get free decorations includes said banners.) All pvp items should have the option to be bought with either warzone comms or fleet comms, that way people like myself can play space battles for our fleet comms. And FFS, lower the damn price, especially on banners. That's just stupidly too high. TL;DR To sum up: Remove the maximum cap on hook counts. Get rid of the completion bar. I'M the one who decides when my SH is completed, not Bioware. Remove the RNG factor on drop rates in SM FPs and OPs. Add the option to buy pvp items with fleet comms so those who don't pvp can still run space battles to get them. Get rid of NPC limits and add some worthwhile animations, including getting rid of the holo view. One final final note, revisit the cost of decorations from reputation vendors. Almost EVERY vendor sells their wares using a Universal MK-3. This is just plain LAZY design. Some deserve to be MK-3s, but most should be MK-2s and some MK-1s. And as far as Manaan goes, 2 Manaan Research Data is STUPIDLY ABSURD for a damn plant!! This should be a Synthetic Prefab MK-2 at BEST!
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