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Continuation of class story lines with a twist


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How about giving an option via a series of quests that allows to switch factions at the end of our class stories. Here are some possible suggestions:


The Imperial Agent has enough of the Empire and decides to go rogue and join the Rebellion.

The Smuggler decides it can be more profitable to chase bounties and starts handling contracts for the Empire.

The Trooper has seen the corruption of war and figures he can turn a buck turning him into a soldier of fortune.

The Bounty Hunter becomes employed as an instructor with the Republic to train their troops.

The Jedi give into their hatred and fall to the dark side.

The Sith see the goodness and pledge to light.


Of course, this would be optional and can simply serve as a means to switch factions.

It would give the Rebellion an Agent and BH.

It would give the Empire a Smuggler and a Trooper.

And it would satisfy the force wielders who wish to have an alternative.


What do you think?

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How about giving an option via a series of quests that allows to switch factions at the end of our class stories. Here are some possible suggestions:


The Imperial Agent has enough of the Empire and decides to go rogue and join the Rebellion.

The Smuggler decides it can be more profitable to chase bounties and starts handling contracts for the Empire.

The Trooper has seen the corruption of war and figures he can turn a buck turning him into a soldier of fortune.

The Bounty Hunter becomes employed as an instructor with the Republic to train their troops.

The Jedi give into their hatred and fall to the dark side.

The Sith see the goodness and pledge to light.


Of course, this would be optional and can simply serve as a means to switch factions.

It would give the Rebellion an Agent and BH.

It would give the Empire a Smuggler and a Trooper.

And it would satisfy the force wielders who wish to have an alternative.


What do you think?


Mentioned before, many times according to my Forums Search.


Won't likely happen because defecting conventions would require a serious rewriting of how the stories go. Fun idea, yes, but not likely to be implemented.

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Bioware certainly has great story telling abilities and can surely come out with a quest that can make this happen. Perhaps something along the lines of the size of Makeb's quest series.


has been mentioned many many times either via "faction change" or "new class stories" both have been an affirmative NO.


class stories are done and ended, and will not change.

Faction is as much about your story as anything, thus also not changing.

As a freebie Gender is also set in stone and not changing.

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Do you really see them expending the effort to go through every single class and rewrite every comp and ship an other potential faction flag just so lazy people can have a insta high level char of a diff faction? Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Yes, I actually do. MMOs adapt and change to order to progress. Smart companies always do. Before the shutdown of this game, mark my words, there will be an option to change faction.


*places 50 credits down on the table* Fifty creds says it ain't gonna happen. It has been said no by BioWare staff before. Run a forum search if you don't believe us. Go ahead. We can wait.

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Yes, I actually do. MMOs adapt and change to order to progress. Smart companies always do. Before the shutdown of this game, mark my words, there will be an option to change faction.


Mighty presumptuous don't you think? Are you a software developer? If not then how can we take anything you say as nothing more than an opinion? Anyway, it has nothing to with business but rather that their are companion flags as well ad romances make it pretty much impossible to do. Eric even confirmed it.

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Many companions hate the opposite faction.


Why would Eric Jorgan, Elara Dorne, Fourex, Corso Riggs, Kira Carsen, to name a few Pubside comps alone, willingly switch sides with you? And it can't be just because of your sheer awesomeness and charisma. They need to have reasons.


Impside examples include Quinn, Pierce, Andronikos, Kaliyo, and the vast majority of the BH comps after a point in BH story who are also not fond of the Republic, so they're going to need reasons, deep, believable reasons for the switch.


Hence my fifty credit bet that it will never happen.

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Many companions hate the opposite faction.


Why would Eric Jorgan, Elara Dorne, Fourex, Corso Riggs, Kira Carsen, to name a few Pubside comps alone, willingly switch sides with you? And it can't be just because of your sheer awesomeness and charisma. They need to have reasons.


Impside examples include Quinn, Pierce, Andronikos, Kaliyo, and the vast majority of the BH comps after a point in BH story who are also not fond of the Republic, so they're going to need reasons, deep, believable reasons for the switch.


Hence my fifty credit bet that it will never happen.


Not to mention, the Character's Voices.





What about those Agents that go rogue and DON'T want to join the Republic? And just because they might have had enough with the Empire wouldn't automatically mean that they would want to jump into bed with the Republic, let alone what makes you think the Republic would even welcome the Agent with open arms?


Or those Sith that want to make the Empire even better from within?


And with the Trooper making a "buck" what would make them join the Empire and not just become a Merc For Hire?


And why would the Bounty Hunter stop hunting BOUNTIES to become a Trainer? Heck, how exactly would you create a Storyline around being JUST a Trainer and who would want to be a Trainer doing nothing BUT Training on that ONE World?


Also, Jedi becoming corrupt would not automatically make them want to join the Sith Empire. Heck, what makes you think the Sith Empire would even welcome them into the Empire?


And how or why exactly would a Smuggler go from SMUGGLING to Bounty Hunting? Those are two different "business venues" that don't really have much if anything in common.

Edited by Altyrell
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"What about those Agents that go rogue and DON'T want to join the Republic? And just because they might have had enough with the Empire wouldn't automatically mean that they would want to jump into bed with the Republic, let alone what makes you think the Republic would even welcome the Agent with open arms?"


See, now ya thinking and being creative. Everything can change. Agents once with the empire may defect in a situation reminiscent to how the republic became the first galactic empire in the movies. There are good people in the empire. I can see agents becoming valued resistance fighters and can become key players in taking down their former commanders.


"Or those Sith that want to make the Empire even better from within?"

This would be a great idea as well if people wanted an advanced storyline without technically switching factions per se.


"And with the Trooper making a "buck" what would make them join the Empire and not just become a Merc For Hire?"

Precisely! Giving the empire a class that uses rifles and BFG.


"And why would the Bounty Hunter stop hunting BOUNTIES to become a Trainer? Heck, how exactly would you create a Storyline around being JUST a Trainer and who would want to be a Trainer doing nothing BUT Training on that ONE World?"


With this, I thought about Jango Fett. He was the model for the clone troopers. He didn't "just" train. He pursued his own thing on the side.


"Also, Jedi becoming corrupt would not automatically make them want to join the Sith Empire. Heck, what makes you think the Sith Empire would even welcome them into the Empire?"


Reread what ya wrote and ask yourself "why wouldn't they?"


"And how or why exactly would a Smuggler go from SMUGGLING to Bounty Hunting? Those are two different "business venues" that don't really have much if anything in common." Smugglers need to eat and jobs are rare, so the ones hungry enough will go where the money is. Bounty Hunting and Smuggling go hand in hand in the underworld. Think Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly.


and as far as companions go, those that are truly with ya will stay and those that aren't you lose. It's a decision you would be forced to make. Think Mass Effect when you had to choose between Kaiden or Ashley...

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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"What about those Agents that go rogue and DON'T want to join the Republic? And just because they might have had enough with the Empire wouldn't automatically mean that they would want to jump into bed with the Republic, let alone what makes you think the Republic would even welcome the Agent with open arms?"


See, now ya thinking and being creative. Everything can change. Agents once with the empire may defect in a situation reminiscent to how the republic became the first galactic empire in the movies. There are good people in the empire. I can see agents becoming valued resistance fighters and can become key players in taking down their former commanders.


"Or those Sith that want to make the Empire even better from within?"

This would be a great idea as well if people wanted an advanced storyline without technically switching factions per se.


"And with the Trooper making a "buck" what would make them join the Empire and not just become a Merc For Hire?"

Precisely! Giving the empire a class that uses rifles and BFG.


"And why would the Bounty Hunter stop hunting BOUNTIES to become a Trainer? Heck, how exactly would you create a Storyline around being JUST a Trainer and who would want to be a Trainer doing nothing BUT Training on that ONE World?"


With this, I thought about Jango Fett. He was the model for the clone troopers. He didn't "just" train. He pursued his own thing on the side.


"Also, Jedi becoming corrupt would not automatically make them want to join the Sith Empire. Heck, what makes you think the Sith Empire would even welcome them into the Empire?"


Reread what ya wrote and ask yourself "why wouldn't they?"


"And how or why exactly would a Smuggler go from SMUGGLING to Bounty Hunting? Those are two different "business venues" that don't really have much if anything in common." Smugglers need to eat and jobs are rare, so the ones hungry enough will go where the money is. Bounty Hunting and Smuggling go hand in hand in the underworld. Think Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly.


and as far as companions go, those that are truly with ya will stay and those that aren't you lose. It's a decision you would be forced to make. Think Mass Effect when you had to choose between Kaiden or Ashley...


You still don't understand do you. The devs said NO. Okay no nada never..going..to..happen. So even what you say is true and that is still a stretch considering you apply Mass Affect morality to this game. But anyway, like I said, the devs have spoken so really your screaming at them to be creative is pointless.

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Malcolm Reynolds isn't/wasn't a Bounty Hunter.

Jayne Cobb USED to be one, sort of, prior to joining Serenity.

We really only saw one actual Bounty Hunter and that was in the final episode. So I don't really see your Malcolm Reynolds of Firefly example.

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