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KOTOR2...what exactly was the exile?


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Hello, I played through KOTOR2 a year ago or so, and I'm still unsure of what the exile was.. A wound in the force or whatever... Can anyone perhaps explain this a bit?? (Maybe I'm slow, and that's why I'm not getting it?) lol.. Edited by migzmando
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KOTOR2 Spoilers Contained within.


The Exile was a Jedi Commander under the rogue Jedi Revan during the war with the Mandalorians. During a critical battle between the Mandalorians and the Republic at Malachor V, the Exile either gave the order or Revan gave the order to activate a superweapon that used the unique gravity wells of Malachor V. The amount of death and destruction caused the Exile to subconsciously decouple her connection to the Force.


Her severance from the Force was generally referred to as a "Wound in the Force" by other Jedi. The idea was that the Sith of the Sith Triumverate wanted to exploit her Force-detatched nature to increase their own power / destroy / kill...



Hope that helps a bit.

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Hello, I played through KOTOR2 a year ago or so, and I'm still unsure of what the exile was.. A wound in the force or whatever... Can anyone perhaps explain this a bit?? (Maybe I'm slow, and that's why I'm not getting it?) lol..


This should probably be posted here.



Regardless, the Exile was a high-ranking leader of the Revanchist movement, which was led primarily by Revan. At the time of the last battle of the Mandalorian Wars took place, above the orbit of Malachor-V, she deployed this super weapon designed by this one brilliant engineer named Bao-Dur.


The use of said weapon result in massive casualties for both sides... Mandalorians, Jedi, Republic soldiers, etc etc.


Seeing that the Exile had this unusual ability to form a connection with other people, close and not so close to her, she "forced" herself to become deafened by the massive wound in the force that was created with the loss of so many lives; Instead of both experiencing and / or accepting such massive outcome, she just chose to negate it... Thus, the myth(?) that she became force-blind was initially conceived.


As the events of KoTOR 2 took place, she eventually started to - supposedly(!) - regain her connection to the force but she miscalculated... She wasn't regaining her connection per se but rather siphoning it from those around her: Her companions, targets she killed, etc etc. In a sense, unbeknownst to her, she was no different than Darth Sion or even Darth Nihilus.


Eventually, with the destruction of Malachor-V following her confrontation with Kreia, I always came to believe that her connection to the force had been restored and even though she could still form connections to others, it wouldn't be in the same sense as earlier.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I was under the impression that it was the jedi council that stripped her of her connection to the force or something like that.



That was the Exile's earlier assumption, one the Jedi Council chose NOT to expand upon when she chose to return and be judged by her actions on Coruscant.


The surviving members of the Council did try to sever her completely later on in Dantooine however.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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