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Why does no one que for Operations?


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Well the thread is pretty self explanatory. I just turned LvL 50 and i want to do some classic ops but I want to get the coms from the group finder, and I have not found one group in the GF yet. So why does no one que?
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Probably due to people not wanting to group while only having leveling gear and risking having a lot of people no knowing what to do. Getting a group via general chat is more likely to succeed.


Also people might be just power leveling and the operation might be a waste of time for them.

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Idk if it's been changed with GF but don't all bosses on 8 man OPs only drop elite and not ultimate comms? Sure you get 30 ultimates for completing the OP via GF and that works for TFB and DF but S&V is too damn long and I wouldn't be confident of a GF PUG finishing DP
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Idk if it's been changed with GF but don't all bosses on 8 man OPs only drop elite and not ultimate comms? Sure you get 30 ultimates for completing the OP via GF and that works for TFB and DF but S&V is too damn long and I wouldn't be confident of a GF PUG finishing DP


Only 16m SM level 55 ops drop Ultimates, as far as i am aware (and then of course HM and NiM, but those are not for a casual player).

8m story modes of level 55 ops always dropped Elite commendations.

Level 50 ops drop classic commendations from bosses and I think even from GF queue (which are nice for some of the old shells if you liked them, or if you do not have RotHC)

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For me personally its the fact that as dps, I'm in the queue for at least 2-3 hours +, only to sometimes get a group for whatever ops it is, for them to not know how to use their own class and fail (mostly) on trash, let alone boss mechanics.


The ops themselves are too long for random strangers to complete imo, tis in part why Blizz's Pandaria version of raid finder wasn't too bad (although in WoD thats all changing...for the worse).


I agree with what others have said though, classic raids should be there as well as the 55's. Especially considering the strange need for classic ops mats, for Strongholds.


So all in all, I'm not queueing for hours on end, only to mainly see a group disband or take far too long to complete. I've learnt to make do with 1-2hr + 55 HM queues and the ults from those; occasionally getting the odd TC group if I happen to see it in fleet chat.

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Por que? WHY won't you spell it properly? Not a spelling/grammar nazi because in video games, who really cares, but lord, que means "what" or similar in so many languages.


Queue is a British word for the American English term for line. So, instead "let's get in line," it's "let's queue up." I have no idea how queue became a staple of internet video gaming parlance.


I bet one of you guys taking the appropriate course could impress the hell out of your professor if you wrote a paper concerning this. It wouldn't even have to be a linguistics paper either, it could be a psych paper, and I bet you anything a psych paper with linguistics as part of the thesis especially when lent to the topic of modern youth internet youth psycho-linguistics would make said professor have an ******...and I just made all of that up.


In other words, they love BS, but QUE, no ********. means "what" or similar. QUEUE is the word for which you are looking.


Just having fun, this is not to be meant to be taken seriously. Que? What was that you said? Que? LOL

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Only 16m SM level 55 ops drop Ultimates, as far as i am aware (and then of course HM and NiM, but those are not for a casual player).

8m story modes of level 55 ops always dropped Elite commendations.

Level 50 ops drop classic commendations from bosses and I think even from GF queue (which are nice for some of the old shells if you liked them, or if you do not have RotHC)


Yeah, that was kind of my point - why do 8 man GF where you have to complete to get 30 ultimate comms when you can quickly run the 16man S&V weekly for 24(?)

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Yeah, that was kind of my point - why do 8 man GF where you have to complete to get 30 ultimate comms when you can quickly run the 16man S&V weekly for 24(?)


Because it is harder to get 16 people together maybe? I do not know. The GF ops were originally 16m, but it caused some major glitches, so it was removed.

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Even with the group finder most Ops groups seem to form in chat to cut down on (some of)the idiot factor.


It's a bit better at 55, but still the same applies, not to say it cant be a good laugh.


The most fun TFB SM run I ever had was a half pug in GF, we took 2 guild tanks, 1 healer and 1 dps and let the group finder take care of the rest.


Even with bolster the other players were beyond terrible, they knew very little of the tactics and even when stuff was explained at length they still messed it up but since we had tanking and healing taken care of we just laughed our asses off in TS watching the sentinels suicide into trash packs and be generally awful.


Good times :)

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Probably due to people not wanting to group while only having leveling gear and risking having a lot of people no knowing what to do. Getting a group via general chat is more likely to succeed.


Also people might be just power leveling and the operation might be a waste of time for them.


I don't know what server the OP is from, and doesn't matter. I have a cpl lvl 50's, but haven't tried to do Flashpoints or Ops on them because I want to fully Gear/Armor up my New Main at 55. But other lvl 50's should be using the Group Finder or it's their loss for not getting gear they may want.


If ur not in a Guild, maybe you should see about a guild that fits ur personality and Needs as well. If ur in 1 and they don't want to do Fps and Ops with you, then maybe You should try another Guild. My Guild and others are doing a lot of 50-55 Fps and Ops just for more Achievements and more Guildship and House Furniture, along with crafting schematics.


The Good thing about being in the Right Guild, is that they are willing to take the time and patience for you to learn the Fights for ur lvl 50-55 Fps and Ops.

Edited by MandFlurry
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Yeah, that was kind of my point - why do 8 man GF where you have to complete to get 30 ultimate comms when you can quickly run the 16man S&V weekly for 24(?)


because you could run everything but last boss on 16 man, then split into 2 groups of 8 for 30 more coms :p

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Most people DO queue...after the group is formed. There's no benefit to using GF for Ops. You still wait for 2 tanks, 2 heals and the easy to get 4 DPS. By starting your own group you have more control over who you do it with. Edited by TUXs
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The chance of getting 3 other competent... or at least not horribad... players with you for a random flashpoint are pretty close to nil. And you want us to try for 7 randoms instead of 3 to go up against content that requires thought and has mechanics?



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The chance of getting 3 other competent... or at least not horribad... players with you for a random flashpoint are pretty close to nil.

You and hyperbole are good friends, I see. Or you have extraordinarily bad luck or you are extraordinarily picky. I find it more the rule than the exception to get teamed up with decent enough players for GF FPs.

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I find it more the rule than the exception to get teamed up with decent enough players for GF FPs.

Same here, as far as HM FPs go.


Occasionally I get a vastly overgeared group that makes it easy, occasionally I get a terribly frustrating group that's worth a story in the group finder thread, but mostly I get a group that is decent enough to do the run without too much trouble.

Edited by Khevar
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Mmm hmmm... I'm sure the flashpoint queues are filled with experts these days. :rolleyes: If that's the case, you guys should all queue for random ops.

Please don't take what I said and twist it. I said that most of the flashpoint groups I've had are good enough to finish it without too much trouble. That's all. I didn't say (or even imply) that the queues were filled with experts.


I also didn't say anything about group finder ops. While a poor group could finish a flashpoint, they'd likely hit a brick wall even in a simple level 50 operation.

Edited by Khevar
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