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Have you ever re rolled same class and side before and why?


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Warrior: started with 3 things I then regretted and wanted to fix: being mean to Vette, being human and not pureblood (was F2P when I made him), and being a Marauder (it sounded so cool from the advanced class quest giver!). Thus, I rerolled the sucker.


Agent: Made a sniper, utterly hated how combat feels, and decided to go Operative instead.


Inquisitor: Loved the story and just wanted to experience it again. Same thing happening with the Warrior now.

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Yes. I've done it multiple times. All of which generally revolve around PVP. Once because my guild thought it would be hilarious to make a guild of body size 4 male troopers, give them a funny guild name, and then group for little league pvp (when we're not dancing shirtless on the bar in the cantina). I've done it a couple other times to try out different advanced classes, talent trees, or just to have a toon in a particular PVP bracket to group with friends. I've also done it for PvE reasons just because I'm playing with someone else who is leveling up a toon. Edited by Prisoner
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Left maybe a year ago and came back recently. When I was getting ready to start playing again, the first thing I did was to delete all my old toons, which included two 55s and three 50s. I'll eventually have one of each class again, though I may go with different ACs the next time around. I may use the same names for some of them.


I would have deleted the 55 Vanguard at some point even if I had not decided to clean house, because



of one episode very late in the class story. I made the choice to let Jaxo die the first time around, and was really disgusted and slightly traumatized by the result. Her death was so pitiful that I hated that character after that and hated playing him --- it's the only time in the game I've had an actual feeling about something the character did during one of the stories.


I went ahead and leveled him up to the cap anyway, but I already had decided that I was going to re-roll him just to replay that episode and get it "right."


The rest of the characters I deleted because I wanted to come back to the game and play the parts that I had fun with in the beginning, without getting sucked into all the "endgame" grinding ******** that I hate. Just thinking about relearning old toons and everything that I had on them all being obsoleted by the endless new "tiers" of gear was the main thing that had kept me coming back before. So deleting all the old toons removed that obstacle. I also had invested a huge amount in crafting, which wound up never being anything than an annoying train wreck and massive cash sink. So I wanted to erase all of that as well.


I saved all the credits and legacy bound stuff though, and sold off everything I could before deleting the toons. I also saved one 55 that was completely stripped for the time being, until I get one of my new characters to max level. Once my first 55 is finished and geared up to Basic level, I'll delete the last of "the old guard" and continue from there.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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YOnce because my guild thought it would be hilarious to make a guild of body size 4 male troopers, give them a funny guild name, and then group for little league pvp (when we're not dancing shirtless on the bar in the cantina).

Guild tag spotted the other day on Imperial Fleet (Harbinger): <Body Type 4 Can't LOS>.

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Criminy. Its taken me since launch to have five different things at 55.


I haven't even had time to see all the class stories yet.


No, I'll probably never have multiples of the same advanced class at least. Not enough playtime in my weeks.

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I have multiples of every class. I love the class stories.....IMO it's the best part of the game. So I'll lvl to 50 (not a fan of makeb or the 50-55 grind) and then start a new character.

Not the worst idea ever. With the stupidly punitive reverse progression curve they built into the 50-55 range, unless you're going to ride the gear treadmill to its ultimate end, it's all downhill after 50. Except for having higher HP, by the time you cap out and throw on your Basic (156) purple gear, you will have worse stats at 55 than you did at 45.

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I have quite a few characters of the same classes - different specs and such. Healing sage, DPS sorcerer, etc. My favorite characters are the somewhat silly ones, like the white Miralukan commando named Stephany-wonder (instead of Stevie Wonder.) Nothing says "scary" like a blind person with essentially a gatling gun.
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Have two smugglers - sawbones & slinger. Rolled it twice because love the smart aleck female smuggler lines and love the non-flashlight carrying classes.


Have two Counselors - Definitely not for class story. Leveled infiltration shadow, love the AC, as my second character. Very fun game play, but was really useless for a time in endgame PvE, so leveled a Seer as second heals.


Have two Knights, watchman was third character, decided I would make my first tank so leveling a guardian now.


Leveled all the Imps, but guild isn't that active on that side, so really haven't seen a need to reroll there and trooper just isn't my style. Think she looks silly in a dress.



Of the classes, I am most likely to reroll another smuggler and make her another sawbones. Not crazy about the smugglers story, but can get enough of the lines and I love the game play style. Plus you can never have enough healers.

Edited by mikebevo
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