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when is the stronghold lag being fixed?


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I am very disappointed with the lag with legacy strongholds, cargo holds, and gtn. Whenever I try to move items in my cargo hold or legacy stronghold in my personal stronghold, It takes up to five seconds for it to process. When I use the GTN in my stronghold I have to click the search button up to ten times. Some times I have to close the entire gtn or cargo gold tab just to get it working. This Is really annoying. In my opinion this defeats the purpose of having a stronghold. The convenience of having all the utilities all in one spot is the only thing I care about.


And no it is not my computer or internet that's the problem. When I use the GTN or cargo hold on the fleet this lag is non-existent. Since I am the only player in my personal stronghold, I expect it to be lag free just like the fleet that has nearly 200 players. This glitch should have been resolved before it went live on the live servers. I don't care if it would have taken an extra 2 months to fix. I would rather wait for good quality instead of getting poor quality sooner and then be disappointed .


Bioware Please fix this as soon as possible. This is very frustrating and degrading. This issue never should have made it to the live servers. Please hire a quality assurance team. Or atleast test it your self. You make plenty of money from cool cartel market items and ones that you stole from crafters:mad:


now i haven't noticed anything with my storage or gtn but im not saying its NOT there B^P i have noticed a lag in my mail and with the doors of my strongholds, also with the loading of items in my stronghold. i am constantly running into doors having to back up and go forward again for the doors to open... sometimes the doors still don't open B^P

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I also noticed some lag in the strongholds at prime time, but it was still playable, just a little bit more latency than usual. The last thing we need is to have the hook and NPCs limits decreased even further, so I hope this only occurs because everyone is anxious to try out strongholds, and will disappear by itself over time as people finish decorating their strongholds. :) Edited by Jerba
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I don't experience the issue. Could be something about the way you have yours constructed. An issue perhaps, on the backend?


I didnt' notice any GSH lag last week, but over the weekend it got pretty bad. That could mean it was caused by a large number of users online at the same time (their network bandwidth got filled up), or possibly the servers running the stronghold instances were running out of resources (memory and CPU).


Hopefully as we go forward, they will be able to size their server and network resources to fit the demand. This was the first weekend since the release of strongholds, after all, so having some trouble isn't unexpected. As people get their strongholds decorated and the novelty wears off, there won't be as many instanced GSHes running at the same time.


Remember the queues at launch? Oy!

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I had some lag on Nar Shadaa during peak hours, but still usable.


Consistently less lag on Tatooine.


Also had no lag when I visited Kass City but I don't use that one much.

Have not used Coruscant much at all but I imagine it will be like Kaas City ...

until new players start buying and using the home world Strongholds.


I think by year's end we will see that home world Strongholds being almost as laggy as Nar Shadaa is now.

I expect that only the luxury housing on Tatooine will stay fast.

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I seem to get the lag described, but only when logged into my laptop, and only on the Nar Shadaa stronghold. It seems to build up over time, getting worse the more I use it until I either relog or switch toons.


I do not see these issues on my good computer, but it's definitely noticeable on the laptop, and much worse in the stronghold than it is on the fleet or parked in my ship. I wrote it off the my laptop just not being able to handle the new content.

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Yeah I used a bit of the good old hyperbole there I admit, but as a matter of fact I'd more then welcome a second or more delay in using a terminal inside all my strongholds if I'd get to use more NPCs in return. Can't even display my pets and keep on a moderate security force at the same time:(

Now you're just blatantly lying. :D



Nar Shaddaa on TRE has been lagging for me since the day it launched and when I still had it at 10% with only a few minipests around. The lag isn't game breaking but it's really annoying and detrimental to gameplay experience. Gifting comps, opening cargo holds, editing hooks, interacting with mail and GTN terminals, moving items between cargo tabs, ... Everything you can possibly imagine doing in your very own stronghold lags.


If this continues on NS, I'll have to move somewhere else and try to forget the millions I've spent unlocking all the rooms there.

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Yep GTN on my NS stronghold keeps lagging out after about 5 sec then locking me out of it till I relog.


This generally happens if you put a new item in the listing window before the previous one has finished posting. So if you press submit on one listing and then right click on another too quickly you might get locked out.


It looks like there's some kind of race condition in the code which causes it to get stuck if one call happens before the other.

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When I use the GTN in my stronghold I have to click the search button up to ten times. Some times I have to close the entire gtn or cargo gold tab just to get it working. This Is really annoying.
I only get that if its an empty search meaning 0 results came up. Then I'm free to set the price as high as I want. After I put up the item, my results show my item as the only result.
In my opinion this defeats the purpose of having a stronghold. The convenience of having all the utilities all in one spot is the only thing I care about.
Amen to that. Utility was my only focus until I discovered Conquest Bonus boost; having that 100% completion on all 4 or just 3 strongholds is really important to save time in acquiring 35,000 conquest points per week.


now i haven't noticed anything with my storage or gtn but im not saying its NOT there B^P i have noticed a lag in my mail and with the doors of my strongholds, also with the loading of items in my stronghold. i am constantly running into doors having to back up and go forward again for the doors to open... sometimes the doors still don't open B^P

I can attest to this door wonkiness. or Door lag. Stronghold door lag. I've experienced it, sometimes doors won't open, you stand in front of it, refuses to open or it opens once, quickly close, and a feeling there's a 10-second delay before it will open again.


Your lag is most likely related to the Columi / Rakata and Battlemaster / Centurion shells.


Dump them in the trash altogether; Your overall performance will improve.

That doesn't make any sense. Besides out of what you mentioned I only have one columi armor shell. Its really cool and unobtainable. I am not throwing it away.
Its awesomeness and rarity are bogging down your system. You would do well to destroy them altogether and get the new ones from the CM.


Much, much better.

I returned after a year of not playing. Still have some elite warhero shells, (with modifications in them) going to make a high-end level 50 bind on legacy set.


The Columi, Rakata, Battlemaster, WarHero and the rest, I vendored. I just really needed the cargo space. Adding sentiment to 1 year old gear was juxtaposed by the fact that I can stop playing swtor and never come back. So why hold on to all that sentimental-vendor trash taking up precious cargo space.


You know what this post reminds me of, a suggestion to bioware to make stronghold decorations, like statues that you can hang armor shells on them. Really would have been useful before I vendored everything.

Edited by Falensawino
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