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The WZs are full of PvE conquest points headless chickens


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I'm mainly a PVE'er but I PVP most nights when I'm online. But I'm the first to say that some PVE'er are pretty awful in PVP and it is actually really funny to watch them run around.


Funny experience from the other day.


On Alderaan I usually head over to grass at the start of the WZ to cap / delay. One PVE sorc is starting to cap so I open up on him with hidden strike - shiv - lacerate. Normally a sorc would forcebubble / overload / force speed etc by this point, but this guy was just trying to recap while I was attacking him - so I said **** it, lets have some fun. I was standing fully visible behind him while he tried to cap, when it got close to a cap, I would rifle shot to break the cap. This happened 3 times.


The third time he finally realized that someone was behind him so he painstakingly keyboard turned, hit me with a saber strike, backpedaled 10 meters and started to hard cast mind crush. I put him out of misery with an awesome combination of explosive probe and rifle-shots while I jumped around him. It was fun to watch him standing still and keyboard turning, trying to target me.

Edited by HBCentaurion
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You all are missing the real root of the problem.


Right now conquest points are much easier to get through PvP then PvE. Lets say that you're in a large guild. Your guild wants to conquer a planet. They look at the objectives and see that the PVP ones are pretty darn easy to repeat and aren't once per legacy like a lot of the PVE quests.


Now, I have 7 55s. Currently that would be 7000 conquest points for the single warzone queue. Finish the weekies on all those toons and that's a heck of a lot of conquest points for ONE ACCOUNT.


Right now on my server, the leader is a large PVP guild, or at the very least, a guild that I think is using the general ease of pvp warzones to amass a lot of conquest points. PVE heavy guilds that do a lot of hardmode FPs, OPs, etc. will never get the same amount of points simply because of all the organization and time required to do them between multiple characters - in fact I know it's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE for me do the group finder ops conquest between 7 55s (not to mention that a single 15 min warzone gives you 1000 points as opposed to a 2 hour+ ops giving you 2000...seeing my point yet?)


If conquest DOES catch on, and the large guilds figure out how much more they need to PVP then PVE to get the top score...well, you all best get used to this.


Up to the point imo. Personally I do PvE when there is no premade. Solo reg q is a bit of a mess.

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Don't really see how more people playing PvP would ever be a problem. PvP in SwToR isn't exactly a vibrant and expansive community as is, so anything to get more people playing it would be awesome.


Exactly. More Players queuing for PvP is a good thing even if the players are bad. Regz are the perfect place for trial and error anyway because they don't matter at all.



No reason why there shouldn't be both separate PvP quests and separate conquest quests for group ranked.


This would be awesome. You should post this to the Suggestion forum since none of the Devs ever read the PvP forum.



Doesnt help that all these pve idiot want to derp dps on heal classes. So now we have wz full of dps heroes getting farmed..


Want to escape being matched up with the derps? Then assemble a team and queue Group Ranked. Easy solution.

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Exactly. More Players queuing for PvP is a good thing even if the players are bad. Regz are the perfect place for trial and error anyway because they don't matter at all.

Want to escape being matched up with the derps? Then assemble a team and queue Group Ranked. Easy solution.



This ^^

Edited by MotorCityMan
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They probably need to change the PvP conquest to RANKED only. That may help fix the issue. Team ranked especially.


If they did, then the whole thing would collapse from lack of people earning conquest points. As it is, PvP is the only way to earn points on a lowbie.

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They probably need to change the PvP conquest to RANKED only. That may help fix the issue. Team ranked especially.


not the right answer. All that will do is innundate ranked with conquest point people. Better left to regs, and jiust do pre-mades to lessen the brain dead aspect.

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