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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Show off your Strongholds!


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Here's the link to the "Tour" of my guild training grounds. There's too many pics for me to post em all here, also some parts are still a work in progress.




This is one of two of my legacy strongholds I am filling out aesthetically the other being my Nar Shadda one which will be a Smuggler's Resort/ Spy front. Kinda gutted some things from there to expedite the completion of the Tatooine guild HQ though.

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Here's the link to the "Tour" of my guild training grounds. There's too many pics for me to post em all here, also some parts are still a work in progress.




This is one of two of my legacy strongholds I am filling out aesthetically the other being my Nar Shadda one which will be a Smuggler's Resort/ Spy front. Kinda gutted some things from there to expedite the completion of the Tatooine guild HQ though.


just an fyi. guests cant view your pics so all we can see are the lil tiny pics in the thread.

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Welcome to

Sha'al's Sky Palace of Light Darkness


*Que dramatic thunder*


Owned by Dread Master Sha'al, this Cult HQ is as opulent as they come.


Here's the First Floor:








North-West Room



North-East Room



West Room



East Room




Edited by AshlaBoga
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  • 1 month later...

There have been a few changes at the Stronghold. The Freighter now berths in the docking bay. Khem, Gault, Xalek, and Blizz arrived at the Stronghold one day with a Sandcrawler. When asked where they got it, they were all silent, except Khem, who just laughed.



There are new additions to the Museum of Archaeological Finds That Probably Shouldn't Be Kept in the Sun. Everyone likes the Holocron of Ancient Masters. Only the Sith Warrior likes the statue of the Emperor. She often stands in front of it moodily muttering, “I am the simperer’s bath” or “I am the dimpler’s math” or something like that. No one gets close enough to clearly hear what the Sith Warrior is saying when she’s like that. She’s a Marauder so she carries twice as many lightsabers as the other Force users in the family. Respect.



Everyone is getting into the spirit of Life Day. There are decorations in the Stronghold entrance, and on the balcony. That's the Stronghold's pet horranth just before he learned why liquids and power sources for holo-trees don't mix. It's hard to house-break a horranth. Fortunately the med droids are programmed with veterinary care protocols.




Even the Cantina is decorated.



Feasting and fireworks are on tap for the Stronghold. The male Twi’lek dancer and his thousand-yard stare were given the holiday season off. Bowdaar and Fess have promised not to fight (as much) during the holiday. Jorgan and Revel often sit together, sharing tales with each other because no one else wants to hear their, “back when I … “ stories anymore. HK and SCORPIO share tips on how to take down organics. T7 and 4X formed a special bond, prepared in anticipation of the perfidious Empire scum violating the Stronghold truce and attempting to decimate all that is good and right in the galaxy.


Truly a festive time for all.


Happy Life Day Event, everybody!


Edited by Nmyownworld
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  • 2 months later...

Although not yet completed (as I have a handful of items still to get to finish), quite a few friends of mine have been dying to see my finished project., so I posted it now to make sure others don't take credit for my ideas. :D


Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace: Vindican's Vacation Retreat @ the Jedi Covenant (broken down by rooms):


Full Layout & Breakdown of Room General Features


(each pic is labeled and some subtitled):


Grandstand (Entrance) - Welcome Center, Full Concierge Services, Quick Travel Access to Luggage, Taxi Services, Secure Market Transactions


Central Hub (below Entrance) - Main Dining Area, Two Cantina Bars, Banquet Hall, Dance/Concert Stage (converted), Central Traveler Receiving (those guests not traveling by ship use Hypergates)


NW Room - Republic Sleeping Quarters, Private Study, Jedi Archive Access, Intergalactic Internet Access Terminals, Server Droids, Health and Wellness Tank, Sanitizing Station


West Room - Republic Theater (showing only PG - PG13 movies) w/ State of the Galaxy Sound System, Priest Services, Church, Popcorn Machine, Private Communications Booth (doubles as Confessional for Priests and Private Meditation Chamber)


NE Room - Imperial Sleeping Quarters, Private Study, Sith Academy Archive Access, Deep Intergalactic Web Access Terminals, Server Droids, Anger Management Chamber (converted from Torture Chamber), Hazardous Waste Disposal


East Room - Imperial Theater (showing ALL movies) w/ State of the Galaxy Sound System, Escort Services, Strip Club, Love Wrapper Vending Machine, Private Communications Booth (aka - Private Dance Room)


Vestibule - Cosmos Casino


Main Room - Jawa Market & Trade Center, Utilities


West Hall - Utility Closet


East Hall - Zoo


Balcony - Speeder Show, Beast Day Care & Training Facility, Event Hosting


Antechamber - Research & Development, Science Workstations, Medical Facilities, Experimental Weapons Research & Depot,


Solarium - Cent Comm for Imperial & Republic Forces, GSF Valet and Sign Up Station, Starship Monitoring Services, Historical Tours, Underwater Sports, GSF Training Simulators w/ Instructor Led Classes


<Grandstand (Entrance)>



<Central Hub>







<NW Room>




<West Room>




<NE Room>




<East Room>










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continued from above....


<West Halll>




<East Hall>











<Main Room>























Feel free to reply to me here or on the tor-decorating post I listed



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Loreius' Dromund Kaas stronghold (Progenitor) -- designed mostly with a) his requirements as a Dark Council member and b) his character and background in mind.


Entrance Hall.


Guests are immediately greeted by Darth Imperius' private secretary and a protocol droid to serve their needs. By the window, there is a small waiting area -- until an impatient Darth Ravage smashed it, there was also an Alderaanian designer clock that ticked just the faintest bit out of beat to throw off even the keenest mind.





While outside the apartment, Darth Imperius' security detail from the Imperial Guard and military are posted, the only security personnel he will suffer inside his living space are his trusty companions. Only on the rarest occasion are all of them on guard here, with Andronikos and Lt. Drellik both being engaged in other duties within the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. Khem Val, however, generally sticks around, and Xalek follows Imperius like a shadow. Note also the genuine Rakata amphorae at the east end of the hallway. Imperius is a published archaeologist, and his apartment reflects that interest.


Sitting Room.



This space can be used, depending on the occasion, as a private living room, hololibrary, drawing room for entertaining or secondary waiting room. Previously, this room housed the master bedroom, until Darth Imperius also acquired the penthouse level of the building and moved upstairs.






Somewhat inspired by the Oval Office in terms of layout. Though Darth Imperius also has a representative office at the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, he does a lot of work at home. In particular, Dark Council politics are steered from this desk -- or, more frequently, from the sofas over tea. The room is decorated with ancient datacrons and archaeological artifacts seized on Oricon and Yavin IV, and above the doorway, in view of the desk, portraits of Darth Malgus and Darth Revan speak to the owner's political sensibilities. The third image has Darth Imperius posing before the lightning-torn Dromund Kaas skies. Note Ashara, Imperius' faithful apprentice, guardian and lover, rolling her eyes at her master's antics.




What Ashara would call her master's man-cave, if not for the fact that Imperius' hobbies tend towards the literary and academical.


Grand Staircase



This grand dual staircase houses some priceless Rakata artefacts and one of the most extensive collections of contemporary art anywhere in the Empire. Unfortunately, the former slave Imperius tends to judge art by its pricetag, making for an eclectic collection of suspect artistic value.


State rooms



Used only for the most elevated of occasions, this combined dining room and parlour is where Imperius entertains. Though he generally prefers the informality of his office, the central table has been host to dinner parties attended by most Dark Councillors. Darth Vowrawn is a frequent guest, and on one occasion even Jedi Master Rhiatavi, Barsen'thor of the Order, has dined here.


Computer room


Hidden from view by a tasteful Selkath partition lies the apartment's more functional part.


Briefing room



This secure briefing room is sound-proofed and regularly scanned for recording devices. While Imperius would brief and discusss with his IRS lieutenants at the ministry, this is where personal participation in campaigns are planned with his companions. It's not often that it's used, but when it is, it means trouble.


Meditation chamber


Despite the name, this room full of ancient datacrons is more often used for other activities since Ashara moved in. That wampa fur is pretty fluffy.


Master bedroom


Ashara complains that Imperius always steals the blanket.




For the rare occasion when the weather on Dromund Kaas isn't terrible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got it done!











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