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you know what lives on Naboo don't you? You really want to see and hear Gungans? no thanks. was naboo even in KOTOR?


I know. *evil grin*. Gungans. Lots and lots of gungans. When I played SWG and was bored or had a bad day, I'd go hunt them by the dozen. Fun. :D

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I dont believe naboo was even settled around 3300BBY so i dont think it would be lore appropriate


Around 3951 BBY, prior to the end of the Sith Civil War, Elsinoré den Tasia ascended to the throne of the Core World of Grizmallt. She sponsored the Republic explorer Kwilaan, who discovered Naboo with a fleet of three ships—Beneficent Tasia, Constant and Mother Vima. The planet became known as Naboo, after the deity Nabu. Naboo quickly became notorious amongst big game hunters who favored the indigenous veermoks, although it would be five decades before permanent Human settlement.


Eventually, in approximately 3900 BBY, Human refugees fleeing a violent revolution on Grizmallt, led by none other than Kwilaan, settled in the mountains and great grass plains. Cultural differences led to tension between the two peoples—but direct conflict was rare. Over time, there was more conflict between the various Human settlements than between the Human nation of Naboo and Gungans.


The Gungans long lived in rival cities. In 3000 BBY, a warlord known as Rogoe destroyed Otoh Sancture using Bursas. Boss Gallo escaped this destruction, being on a hunt at the time to provide food for a feast. Gallo united the thieves under rogue Captain Marsune and the various Gungan cities' defense forces to form the Gungan Grand Army. Gallo and Marsune led the Army to conquer Rogoe's capital, Spearhead, which he renamed Otoh Gunga—a city for all the Gungans. The Bosses of Otoh Gunga, including Gallo's descendant Rugor Nass, maintained a hierarchical leadership over the Bosses of the other cities thenceforth.




Also the only places on Naboo that is around this time is Moenia (possibly) and Deeja Peek. Theed doesn't exist during this time, and even IF it did, it would be but a Farming Village, and not as it appeared in SWG/Movies

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Our universe would be ripped asunder.


Jar Jar is for Star Wars what that fateful night of 1955 is for Back to the Future.


It would be impossible to do anything, fate protects morons. no matter what we did, they would live on.

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As long as the story involves the annihilation of many, many, many Gungans, I have no qualms with bringing Naboo in.


No allied Gungan NPCs, no cut scenes, no dialogues, no voice acting, just the simple annihilation of Gungan cities and populace. It would even make sense in terms of lore considering such a systemtic destruction of the Gungan society could have pushed them into hiding underwater, allowing the humans to become the dominant specie on Naboo.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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We got clone wars gear in game or atleast similar while thousands of years past so who cares?


Republic Armed Forces have throughout Republic history in its incarnations until the rise of Palpatine's Galactic Empire, has used mostly the same looking armor. The only changes were in materials until the Clone Wars when Fett and the others teaching the clones designed their armor after the Mandalorian in helmet with the T-visor. Which, as we watched The Clone Wars, we see the T-visor fall into disuse except by the other troops until the helmets go back to the old style, and the two eye-visors with their blind spot.


I know I have grammar issues in there, but...


Anyway, maybe the Republic would meet a Binks and have to help him/her, and maybe this ancestor would actually not be so annoying. And Imp side can just go Gungan hunting in an attempt to spark a war between the humans and Gungans.

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Around 3951 BBY, prior to the end of the Sith Civil War, Elsinoré den Tasia ascended to the throne of the Core World of Grizmallt. She sponsored the Republic explorer Kwilaan, who discovered Naboo with a fleet of three ships—Beneficent Tasia, Constant and Mother Vima. The planet became known as Naboo, after the deity Nabu. Naboo quickly became notorious amongst big game hunters who favored the indigenous veermoks, although it would be five decades before permanent Human settlement.


Eventually, in approximately 3900 BBY, Human refugees fleeing a violent revolution on Grizmallt, led by none other than Kwilaan, settled in the mountains and great grass plains. Cultural differences led to tension between the two peoples—but direct conflict was rare. Over time, there was more conflict between the various Human settlements than between the Human nation of Naboo and Gungans.


The Gungans long lived in rival cities. In 3000 BBY, a warlord known as Rogoe destroyed Otoh Sancture using Bursas. Boss Gallo escaped this destruction, being on a hunt at the time to provide food for a feast. Gallo united the thieves under rogue Captain Marsune and the various Gungan cities' defense forces to form the Gungan Grand Army. Gallo and Marsune led the Army to conquer Rogoe's capital, Spearhead, which he renamed Otoh Gunga—a city for all the Gungans. The Bosses of Otoh Gunga, including Gallo's descendant Rugor Nass, maintained a hierarchical leadership over the Bosses of the other cities thenceforth.




Also the only places on Naboo that is around this time is Moenia (possibly) and Deeja Peek. Theed doesn't exist during this time, and even IF it did, it would be but a Farming Village, and not as it appeared in SWG/Movies


Thanks for the informative post. :)


Anyway I dont want to see gungans... Id much rather we had one of the KOTOR planets like Kashyyk or Dantooine of heck even Rakata Prime (Lehon). Would be nice for us to see the impact we had on the planets from 300 years prior :D

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Thanks for the informative post. :)


Anyway I dont want to see gungans... Id much rather we had one of the KOTOR planets like Kashyyk or Dantooine of heck even Rakata Prime (Lehon). Would be nice for us to see the impact we had on the planets from 300 years prior :D


But.. but... wesa be waiting for you!


Seriously though, Rakata Prime's coming very soon. Confirmed with multiple in-game screenshots from Gamescom's Cantina Flash Drives.


Forged Alliances Part III is taking place on Lehon. The screenshots included pics of Lana, Theron and Jakarro all together under palm trees.



But yeah KASHYYK we need to see KASHYYK (Dantooine would be nice too, especially if it goes all viney-plainey again. I found it pretty :).

Edited by Maullum
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Thanks for the informative post. :)


Anyway I dont want to see gungans... Id much rather we had one of the KOTOR planets like Kashyyk or Dantooine of heck even Rakata Prime (Lehon). Would be nice for us to see the impact we had on the planets from 300 years prior :D


Plus, I'd honestly rather see the forest moon of Endor then see Naboo as seeing there were be more reason to go to Endor then there would be to go to Naboo.


"Around 3645 BBY, a black-market spice dealer claimed that his product, a rare flower, came from a secret Republic bio-lab on the moon. The spice dealer was later found to be incompetent or a cheat: the flower that he sold was improperly cared for by the spice dealer or the spice dealer's source."

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