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The wookie in the new FP....


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(The point of this post is that Lowbacca, an extremely lame character of the EU, have exactly the same ''setup'' as the wookie : translator droid strapped to the chest)


Manaan itself as an instance is not too bad : the mechanics are more intricate than usual (although not terribly original-I immediately thought of Grobulus and Jinrokh upon seeing the second boss) and it could make a very decent hard flashpoint. The difficulty of it as a normal flashpoint is irrevelant, since by design normal FP are mostly whacking around at targets.


A minor disappointment is the look of the instance : I don’t know how Bioware managed to do it, but I find TOR Manaan a lot less impressive than KOTOR Manaan (and God knew how KOTOR was ‘’run in corridors on various planets’’ ) which is not very good.


But what killed Manaan for me was the story. The plot itself is more serviceable than brilliant, but that’s not the issue. The wookie with the protocol droid. It’s a rip-off of a EU (pre VII) canon character, and one at the bottom of the garbage bin.


TORists, acclaim Lowbacca, a Wookie Jedi Knight (please don’t think too much about how a wookie-a being with fits of rage and poor anger management can be a Jedi. Or how the lore specifically say that Wookie force sensitive are extremely rare-one per generation more or less. Or how convenient it is that the said force sensitive Wookie of this generation just happens to be Chewbacaa nephew ! Or how it might be a bit overkill to give to a character who can

already rip limbs off people psychic powers and a lightsaber


Poor Lowbacca already have a deck against him :


-He was written by Anderson


-For a young adult novel series (groan…)


Saying that Lowbacca sucks as a character is an understatement. He sucks to Aquaman level in a team that is already struggling. (1) Why Bioware picked him as a model for an in game toon is beyond me. He is barely above Kyp Durron (another Anderson character), Callista or even Jar Jar Binks.

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(1) You might not be terribly surprised to learn that Lowbacca go to the Jedi Academy and make lots of friends, all teenagers, the fine team that was supposed to be the spearhead of the New Jedi Order.


As it was lampshaded in a Zahn book,Luke Skywalker curriculum might deserve some revision, as the Lowbacca and his friends, despite fighting extremely lame vilains (no kidding, one arc is them fighting a group called the Diversity Alliance), even by Starwars Bantam era standards, failed in an extremely epic manner with their lives.

The team was made of the following A-class Jedi material


-An amputee of royal origin ! (who lose her arm on the premise of the academy. You would think that this would be an A-class PR relation disaster, but the book needed to preach on giving handicapped people respect and/or that losing an arm make you less arrogant-the books were really awful. That message would have been a lot more efficient with any character except a royal princess with psychic powers)


-A future Sith Lord of the super space nazi style (that will bang the said amputee and father another probable little time bomb)


-The sister of the future Sith Lord, who will end up giving to the Imperial bloodline considerable Jedi powers thanks to some banging with the founder of the second Imperial line(which is arguably worse than her brother, who was at least loyal to the New Republic successor government)


-A insupportable rich kid that will end up mind controlled by insects


-A kid raised in the lower reaches of Coruscant (read : ‘’edgy’’ kid)


-A non-force sensitive drug addict that is however for some reason on Yavin IV training with her friends-despite, I repeatl, not being a Jedi. (Probably to ''not feel different'') No, seriously : they needed to preach on drugs too, even after the amputee preaching and the racism is bad preaching-altough as the Diversity Alliance was trying to genocide Humans with bioweapons, the message was a bit mixed…)


And by far, Lowbacca is the most irritating of the bunch. That’s something epic.


(Lowbacca was also in ''normal'' books, but after such a brilliant start...)

Edited by Angedechu
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He's actually a Chewbacca rip-off.


The protocol droid is named C2-D4, which is in clear reference to a certain protocol droid being in a partially disassembled state in a certain famous movie.


The wookiee is a smuggler, like Chewbacca, rather than a Jedi.


Lowbacca's translator droid was not, in fact, the disassembled body of a protocol droid.

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Please be trolling. This is a BLATANTLY obvious reference to Episode V, specifically where Chewbacca carries around C-3P0, complete with him carrying part of the droid on his back. Rag on minor EU characters all you want, but the only two things the Wookiee in Manaan and Lowbacca have in common is that: A. They are Wookiees, and B. They use translator droids to communicate, which, I might add, would realistically be almost required for any Wookiee travelling the wider galaxy, due to their difficult to understand language and physical inability to speak more common languages. Their personalities, professions, etc are all completely different. I get that you wanted to rag on EU stories of potentially questionable quality, I'm just not sure how you made this connection. Edited by Taleek
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He's actually a Chewbacca rip-off.


The protocol droid is named C2-D4, which is in clear reference to a certain protocol droid being in a partially disassembled state in a certain famous movie.


The wookiee is a smuggler, like Chewbacca, rather than a Jedi.


Lowbacca's translator droid was not, in fact, the disassembled body of a protocol droid.


I agree.


I thought he was more of a reference to Chewbacca and C3PO in Cloud City.

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I wanted to hate the wookie and the droid but I found them likable.


Maybe its cause a man in the desert must take what water he can find so any new story content is going to be appreciated or it might just be that I'm not taking the new FP that seriously and they are some comic relief while I await the new expansion.


Other than that I agree the new flashpoint isn't overly amazing but its a lot better than nothing.

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We will see how Rakata Prime goes. Hopefully when we fight Arkous and Darok there they wont be as generic as the bosses in Manaan.(especially the last one)


By the way nobody mentioned Lowbacca's appearance in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrouds. He is a crazy traitorous wookie with a machete there.

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