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conquest 35 000 target to high for casual players


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Crew missions are a fairly inefficient means to acquiring mats. Farming in the open world is much more efficient. Granted that does take more than the 15s of clicking like you said, but in an hour or so you can gather enough mats to craft you way to far more points than any other means as far as I'm aware.


You know what else is a good source? Nodes in your house. I think each node can hold like 4 or 5 "gatherings" before it's dead, and you get at least one gathering attempt per character on your stronghold - sometimes two or three before the "resource exhaustion" sets in, and you don't need that gathering skill to get the materials.


So, the one node of Electrum in my stronghold gave me probably a good 10-12 metals and compounds for that tier (Electrum and whatever that first-tier compound is for Grade 5 Scavenging) before having to wait another half an hour or so.



Just giving people a heads-up about this aspect. You don't need Scavenging to use a metal node in your house.

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Nah, I don't care about having "complete control of a planet." I only care about getting one of each crafting node in my house so I can easily get exactly what materials I need without running across planets and scouring fields to find them as they pop up. Once I get one of every node type, I'm not going to worry about hitting even personal conquest goals, unless our guild somehow grows exponentially to the point where we could actually make a showing. Right now, it's me, another guy who plays a lot, and two guys who are a lot less active than the two of us.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's a rather long cooldown on using the gathering nodes in strongholds. I'm not sure of the exact probabilities, but usually after gathering 1-3 nodes you get a resource exhaustion debuff that lasts four hours. Since the nodes only give 1-4 materials per use, you can, on average, gather about 30 materials on a single character per day. Less if you actually want to sleep or can't log in from work. You'll get twice that from sending your five companions out on gathering missions once.


The only ones really worth it are the enriched durasteel and perfect upari crystal ones, which you normally can't get on demand.

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Crew missions are a fairly inefficient means to acquiring mats. Farming in the open world is much more efficient. Granted that does take more than the 15s of clicking like you said, but in an hour or so you can gather enough mats to craft you way to far more points than any other means as far as I'm aware.

Crew missions have the benefit of allowing you to do other things meanwhile. You could run dailies, flashpoints or ops while acquiring materials on the side.


Open world gathering nodes have a respawn time of 4.5 minutes IIRC. In many cases it's possible to find an area with 5-10 nodes in close enough proximity that you can gather them continuously. Each node gives 2-4 materials, so it's possible to get 300-400 materials per hour that way.


Execution times for crew missions very from 3 minutes in grade 1 to 45 minutes in grade 9. Depending on the mission yield, you can get anywhere from 3 to 14 materials per run, though IIRC the grade 9 ones give a bit less than others, and grades 1 and 6 don't have all the yields available. On a rough estimate you can get between 60 and 500 materials per hour depending on the grade.


Of course, you can combine open world gathering and crew missions for even more yield per hour.


By comparison, as per my previous post, the stronghold gathering nodes provide about 2 materials per hour for a single character.

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Crew missions have the benefit of allowing you to do other things meanwhile. You could run dailies, flashpoints or ops while acquiring materials on the side.


Open world gathering nodes have a respawn time of 4.5 minutes IIRC. In many cases it's possible to find an area with 5-10 nodes in close enough proximity that you can gather them continuously. Each node gives 2-4 materials, so it's possible to get 300-400 materials per hour that way.


Execution times for crew missions very from 3 minutes in grade 1 to 45 minutes in grade 9. Depending on the mission yield, you can get anywhere from 3 to 14 materials per run, though IIRC the grade 9 ones give a bit less than others, and grades 1 and 6 don't have all the yields available. On a rough estimate you can get between 60 and 500 materials per hour depending on the grade.


Of course, you can combine open world gathering and crew missions for even more yield per hour.


By comparison, as per my previous post, the stronghold gathering nodes provide about 2 materials per hour for a single character.


This is true, but there's one other thing. The stronghold nodes can be gathered by toons not going anywhere. You can only play one toon at once - this is true. But with twenty alts, you CAN log in and set crew skill missions and check GTN auctions and while doing this, it's free mats with every log-in. AND you get to pick your favorite material to boot.


When you can scan a single node three, four times in a row...it just ads up.


That said, I will concede the pool will get stale, and rapidly so. Therefore I propose to keep the rewards fresh and interesting, Bioware should expand the rewards, as I'm sure they will at one point. I propose new nodes, that actually yield mission mats - underwold metals, cloth, investigation metals, dimplomacy mats, and so forth. No more than 2 to 4 per node, and different nodes for everything, every tier. This should keep the random drop box pool fresh.

Edited by ghoul_drool
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As a formerly 'more than casual' gamer and now casual I can just say:


Either scratch conquest off your list or make it your priority. With 1-2 hours of gametime a day (well not every day, but at least half of them) wich is seriously a lot of gaming if you ask me, the goal for conquest isn't achievable unless you focus that gametime on it. So it is by no means "achievable by doing whatever you want". And to be honest, I doubt that to be any aim of the system: Either you do that, or you do something else.


I myself have scratched it off my list of things I'll ever do. Because... yeah... no. It might be fun once. But every day of play spending my time on mindless low-heroics-farming. Noooooooo sir. I prefer to actually do something else. I.e. pvp. And no, that won't get me the points to get a personal reward.


Just accept what many else fail to even realize: A game of this magnitude contains a lot of stuff that is meant for players with totally different interest. Meaning: unless you can change your interest, you won't participate in that part of the game. There are lots of "small guilds" wanting to do the "big guild" thing. And there are lots of PvEers who feel threatened by some parts being only achievable when accepting to pvp a bit. PvPers are mostly used to never-see-stuff and never-get-stuff. ;)

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I am a super casual player and I got my 25K last week in no time, I even last night before going to bed check to see and I was around 39K and I dont even know what I did except the dailies for yesterday in Corellia, but I dont know if that counts. I think 25K is the right amount for casual players.
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I'm pretty sure invasion bonuses only apply if you have a guild with a guild ship and you're invading that specific planet that gives you the bonus. Otherwise, you get just the base points plus the bonus from your strongholds. For example, I'm in a guild, but we have four people in it. No guild ship. No invasion bonus. I could stand on... I think it's Voss that has the crafting bonuses, right? I coudl stand on Voss and make an Invasion Force, and I would get the 2k from making the force, the 250 points from making a War Supply, and my 11% bonus from my one stronghold that's near 46% completion. My guild's not invading Voss, so we don't get double those numbers.


As I understand it, no guild ship means no reward for hitting the points target (at least I seem to remember a thread somewhere complaining about not getting their rewards as they didn't have a guild ship, though I guess it could have been the guild reward that they didn't get)...

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As I understand it, no guild ship means no reward for hitting the points target (at least I seem to remember a thread somewhere complaining about not getting their rewards as they didn't have a guild ship, though I guess it could have been the guild reward that they didn't get)...


You get personal reward as soon as you hit the goal, regardless of being in a guild or not.

If the guild you are in has a ship (so they can invade planets), and managed to place in Top10, you will receive the rewards once the review period has ended (so on a Weekly reset)

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You get personal reward as soon as you hit the goal, regardless of being in a guild or not.

If the guild you are in has a ship (so they can invade planets), and managed to place in Top10, you will receive the rewards once the review period has ended (so on a Weekly reset)


So if I hit the mark and my guild will not make the top 10 I dont need to bother with those conquest quests anymore?

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Please make it a 3 tier system


12 500 small reward

25 000 medium reward

35 000 big reward


as it is now i will not try to get rewards because i don't hove the time to reach 35 000 .


I only play 2 hrs on a tues night, and then one other day and i normally have 3 chars with 35k target completed, so no i dont think its a unrealisitc target for casual game time, i can do it and i have limited time online. toughest one for me was this week with crafting one, and in one day got char capped.

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So if I hit the mark and my guild will not make the top 10 I dont need to bother with those conquest quests anymore?


Well, if you are so certain you guild will fail, then no, you do not need to.

You will of course get only the personal rewards, so no Pruple Jawa Junk or Flagship Encryptions.

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I've been hitting the goal with at least a few characters every week. (8 in the 2nd week, I think. But more like 4 a week for the 1st and 3rd weeks.) I think that the point values for some things could use some fine tuning and they need to eliminate "once per legacy per week" restrictions and work those out to be "once per character per day or week" instead, but the goals themselves don't really seem unreasonable.


With that said though, I could also get behind changing the personal rewards to a tiered system of some sort. Naturally the most interesting prize, the box with the 3 random resource node decorations, would be reserved for the highest goal. I would picture this as being an overall increase in the rewards rather than just splitting the current rewards up between three different points, so I'm thinking maybe they could add a smaller prize box (with 1 random resource decoration, and possibly excluding the rare / grade 9 nodes from the possible drops in that box) as a middle tier reward. And I would suggest rewarding a 5k credit chip for the lower tier, a 10k chip for the middle tier, and a 25k chip for the upper tier.


They could even go farther than that and add in one or more additional reward tiers beyond the current 35k goal. Maybe a 50k goal? Perhaps a 100k goal after that? I'm not sure what to suggest for a prize for additional tiers aside from a 50k credit chip and yet another 3-resource box though.


Oh, I almost forgot about the jawa trade items while suggesting the tier rewards. Maybe we could be looking at something like:

lowest tier = some number of green junk

next couple tiers = some number of green and blue junk

highest couple tiers = some number of blue and purple junk


I'd also suggest adding new reward options for guilds as well. Like maybe guilds have tiered target scores as well. Scale it based on... 10 really active players? So perhaps the lowest goal for the guild is 500k (can be met by 10 players reaching their 4th tier personal rewards), then maybe have a middle tier at 1mil and an upper tier at 2.5mil. Guild members must reach their tier 1 personal goal to be eligible for guild tier 1 rewards, their tier 3 personal goal for guild tier 2 rewards, and their tier 5 personal goal for guild tier 3 rewards. This will all be rewarded at the start of the following conquest week, just like the top 10 and #1 guild rewards. Naturally each guild tier reward would have to be smaller than the guild top 10 reward, but they can spread around some 10k - 25k credit tokens and all levels of jawa items and one reward box containing a random encryption through the guild tier rewards.

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