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[Bug] Lost the majority of the achievements from the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event


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I'm a casual player. Hunting AP takes a relatively lot of my playing time. The point of this is : for nothing. So now I'm done with this aspect of the game, unfortunately.


On a sarcastic note, maybe you should tell us when you plane to reset Day Life Event ? To know when players can start to hunt this one.


Suggestion : add an achievment "bug counter" for each achievement, to know how many times we get one. Could be useful...

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My achievements are still missing! I want them back - without further begging.


The first thing you have to do is to provide an ETA of a fix for the problem. Why are the achievements gone? This happens after the event was stopped, I think.


It does not help anyone to put the Topic on a list of known bugs, you have to fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

spend 3 weeks of game time and 5 mills to get all the darn achieves there even the blow machine

have 8 speeders and 6 gorilla mounts (those arent rancor correctly), and countless gold certs

and still nothing to fix it ://////

every time i pass my mouse from that achieve terittory, i have a hard pinch in my heart

lucky for some that lost SOME of those achieves, not like me that lost ALL

Edited by Kissakias
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Agreed STILL waiting for the achievs...on a plus note: IF You have a [Kingpin's Rancor] in your bags and you mail it to another toon....you will get that achievement back. Still thou I want all those achievement points back already...you don't seem to LOSE the legacy title so it's not like they can't tell you got something! If they want proof isn't that proof enough?



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Another bump. I find fault with the logic that they don't reissue for broken achievements. The achievements themselves weren't broken. If they had been, people wouldn't have put the time and credits towards earning the rest of them. The follow up patch that deleted / rolled back these achievements was broken. Unfortunately, it's just another sign of poor internal code documentation / versioning / QA. I understand Bioware is in a position now where they can't tell who earned what - so it's either grant all of the Nightlife achievements to everyone, or get rid of them altogether. I opt for the latter. Edited by ladymoffitt
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all same problem with nar shaada's achievements I was 100% and all lost I don't know why

Please get my achievements back I spend a lot a time and money for that

I pay subscription I think you can check up on my account


Hoggan server: DarthNihilus

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  • 3 weeks later...
Bump, i want this screw up fixed. You tell us to earn them again but wasn't this a one time event? Surely it cant be difficult to regrant them. Although ig you still have the golden certificates you can still get the "Cashing In" Achievement Again. I paid millions into that event only for bioware to show their incompetence yet again.This is just the kind of crap that puts me off events and even paying for a subscription. I have the unlucky title and the kingpin's rancor on a few of my toons yet i have no Achievement for either of them. Wut? Edited by SkepticShockwave
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I know this is the post for NS Nightlife event achievements but I'd like to also note that there are other bugged achievements like:



  • Battlemaster of Ilum = I finished it last week (during the Gree event week) and the achievement is not showing up;
  • Yavin IV Grave Robber = Achievement is bugged for me, every time I try and send a ticket about it I get an automated message telling me to send a bug report (which I already sent twice);
  • The Makrin achievement on Makeb... old story, right?;
  • Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event achievements = Got everything but the rancor achievement and lost everything on the following day.


I'm paying to play and I keep getting replies like: "we won't fix it", "send a bug report", seriously, might as well stop playing.



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I know this keep on getting the odd bump - but I thought a "yellow" had already said that it wasn't going to happen - achievements are lost.

If that is the case, annoying as I'm sure it is, keeping on posting isn't going to suddenly make it possible to get them back....

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I know this keep on getting the odd bump - but I thought a "yellow" had already said that it wasn't going to happen - achievements are lost.

If that is the case, annoying as I'm sure it is, keeping on posting isn't going to suddenly make it possible to get them back....


To date they haven't said anything of that sort, just that they were looking into it. And I'm not naïve enough to believe that the data for the achievements will just magically appear one day. It's more of a request to BW NOT to launch this event again without either deleting all achievements for it for everyone or granting all achievements for all active players during the last event, or something to that effect. The other option would be to delete the points associated with the achievements in there (like some of the vehicle/armor achievements) but still have the achievements listed with zero points.


Basically, it's simply not acceptable for them to expect us to grind the achievements again, with no guarantees that we'll retain them the next time. They need to implement an alternate solution.

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Basically, it's simply not acceptable for them to expect us to grind the achievements again, with no guarantees that we'll retain them the next time. They need to implement an alternate solution.


I'd say that's a specific incidence of the general philosophy that it's not acceptable for them to give us a list of achievements that they don't intent to track accurately. Since it's only the check boxes and points, and not the CC or items, that disappear, I'd guess that not enough people care about achievements for BW to care, so people who care should probably stop before they hurt themselves. There are only three tank classes, and the crafted SoR gear for one of them is broken and hasn't been acknowledged, much less fixed, and I'd "guess" there are more sin/shadow tanks than achievement hunters...

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This may have been mentioned before in this thread, but I just wanted to note that I'm at 100% nightlife event achievements on the PTS. What that means is that the data from the event was never lost. It's still there for everyone that completed it.


The trick is for the devs to figure out why it doesn't show up as completed on the live server environment. It's no longer a matter of trying to restore data that was long lost. It was never lost. So it's just a matter of convincing them that it's worth it to try to figure out what the display issue is and fix it.

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Hey Guys!


I'm following this thread since beginning, and I have the same problem as everybody here.

I also checked on PTS and there I got 100% ... so I made a Screenshot - PTS 100%.

The second link is a Screenshot from Liveserver (Jar'Kai Sword) with my current event "status": Live Server Screenshot.


Please get this fixed BW.

Regards from Europe!


herzdrache / Draganus

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