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Here is a way BW can stop people complaining about premades


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So is this turning into a gear complaint as well as a premade complaint? Maybe you really should stick to carebear pve.


Just a player who blames everyone but himself for his losses. If it's not premades it's gear. He's completely lost the argument and he knows it. No point in discussing anything with this guy he's an idiot.

Edited by PloGreen
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So is this turning into a gear complaint as well as a premade complaint? Maybe you really should stick to carebear pve.

Just a player who blames everyone but himself for his losses. If it's not premades it's gear. He's completely lost the argument and he knows it. No point in discussing anything with this guy he's an idiot.


Haha, you clowns are just hilarious.


Who complains ? I am just laughing at you as the sorry excuses for PvPers you are. First gear up like crazy and then cry like little babies at the very though not being able play against newly dinged 27k 55s with your premades.


No wonder ranked is dead when the self-proclaimed "pros" are of that calibre.


Also where are you - we have a date, remember ? Since you don't seem up for it, maybe Baghdad Bob can stand in for you ?

Edited by Bobbafatter
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Haha, you clowns are just hilarious.


Who complains ? I am just laughing at you as the sorry excuses for PvPers you are. First gear up like crazy and then cry like little babies at the very though not being able play against newly dinged 27k 55s with your premades.


No wonder ranked is dead when the self-proclaimed "pros" are of that calibre.


Also where are you - we have a date, remember ? Since you don't seem up for it, maybe Baghdad Bob can stand in for you ?


Why would I waste my time rolling onto a EU server just to steamroll some PvE scrub? Go back to the PvE forums dude. PvP is clearly not for you.

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Haha, you clowns are just hilarious.


Who complains ? I am just laughing at you as the sorry excuses for PvPers you are. First gear up like crazy and then cry like little babies at the very though not being able play against newly dinged 27k 55s with your premades.


No wonder ranked is dead when the self-proclaimed "pros" are of that calibre.


Also where are you - we have a date, remember ? Since you don't seem up for it, maybe Baghdad Bob can stand in for you ?


Who complains? All you have to do to find the answer is look at all of the abolish premade threads there are in this forum. It's not the premaders that are complaining. Also, I must be blind because I've never seen a premader complain about not facing noobs with bad gear, can you please link me where they said it?


Ranked is dead because of the trolls with a rank under 200 or so that join arenas just to lose, not because good players like farming regs.

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Who complains? All you have to do to find the answer is look at all of the abolish premade threads there are in this forum. It's not the premaders that are complaining. Also, I must be blind because I've never seen a premader complain about not facing noobs with bad gear, can you please link me where they said it?


Ranked is dead because of the trolls with a rank under 200 or so that join arenas just to lose, not because good players like farming regs.

Hmm, does anyone want to abolish premades ? Haven't seen anyone proposing that.

Edited by Bobbafatter
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Who complains? All you have to do to find the answer is look at all of the abolish premade threads there are in this forum. It's not the premaders that are complaining. Also, I must be blind because I've never seen a premader complain about not facing noobs with bad gear, can you please link me where they said it?


Ranked is dead because of the trolls with a rank under 200 or so that join arenas just to lose, not because good players like farming regs.


You can't reason with an imbecile. Leave him to his warped opinions.

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I don't really see premade teams as a problem. I think and find it to be wonderful to go up against a well organized team that can communicate with each other. Sure, we get beat badly in most events, but every once in a while we win. I find that some PUG's will play a little better against premades. I like Ventrilo, but I find that other users who have a server tend to put the system on a lowend quality sound standard. So, even if you sound great on your end, it sounds bad on other people's end.


And, you always get the one player who has to shout in the microphone. They forget the whole point of a microphone is so you do not have to shout. Then you get the player who doesn't understand the difference between gain and volume. They just set them to max because they think max is always best. They tend to either feedback or motorboat allot. Then, you get the player who thinks the microphones cannot pick up their music blasting in front of them.


It would be nice to have an ingame voice system. Mainly because, I do not like to log in to people's personal Ventrilo or Teamspeak servers if I have no idea who they are. For me, that is a high security risk.


Thank you

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I don't really see premade teams as a problem. I think and find it to be wonderful to go up against a well organized team that can communicate with each other. Sure, we get beat badly in most events, but every once in a while we win. I find that some PUG's will play a little better against premades. I like Ventrilo, but I find that other users who have a server tend to put the system on a lowend quality sound standard. So, even if you sound great on your end, it sounds bad on other people's end.


I've been sort of swayed on this issue. the problem I have with premades in the reg queue is that there's no matchmaking in the reg queue. I don't mean something as intense as a rated system should be. I mean something as simple as a same-faction match with 4m-premades on one side and an assorted slew of pugs (often all dps or heals) on the other. I mean...really? same faction. I think the algorithm divides the teams before it finds 16 players. it needs to invert that. get your 16 players, THEN assign them team. it's no guarantee that both premades are going to be top notch, but you have to assume that they'll work better with each other. anyway....it's quick in all the WZs except CW.


it's not just a premade issue though. like there will be a premade of a healer and a dps. same faction arena. the other team receives a tank and 3 dps (pugs), while the premade receives...two healers. I mean...come on! or there will be an all dps match, and there are 4 stealth on one team vs...iunno...4 mando dps. or all ranged vs. all melee. these are thing that aggravate me about the reg queue. at least give it some semblance of role balance when possible (I get that inter-faction matches it's not possible).

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I have run with premades a lot its not always tank/healer/dps. usually its anyone want to pvp in guild. if we get that setup then great if not no worries. we have won and we have lost as premades. I have beaten a premade of my guild before while I have lost also.


premades are not the issue...its the lack of communication. Its the Yolo. Its the not reading ops for call outs. Its not at least following a tactic that someone may have come up with. Its the no one wants to guard. No one wants to go to snow/grass. No one but 1 is trying to cap the door and no one is watching them to make sure they get it. Or its no one is trying to cap because DPS RULES ALL>

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I have run with premades a lot its not always tank/healer/dps. usually its anyone want to pvp in guild. if we get that setup then great if not no worries. we have won and we have lost as premades. I have beaten a premade of my guild before while I have lost also.


really? how often have you ever been in a premade with two heals or two tanks? I've done it couple times for a couple matches, and we did it kind of as a joke. I had a laugh a couple days ago when I saw it. but that was seeing it...like...once in 20-odd WZs.

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really? how often have you ever been in a premade with two heals or two tanks? I've done it couple times for a couple matches, and we did it kind of as a joke. I had a laugh a couple days ago when I saw it. but that was seeing it...like...once in 20-odd WZs.


Mostly it's 4 DPS or 3 DPS with a healer or tank. I've never run with multiple tanks, but I have run with 2-3 healers before, just because that's who is on.

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Second thing you should do is keybind. Your abilities should be like muscle memory. This is best done as you level but it's never too late to learn. Bind everything, use shift as a modifier, or ctrl. If you have multiple toons try and make certain skills like cc breaker universal it will make things easier. Never backpedal (there are very few exceptional circumstances where this is ok). Straffe, don't keyboard turn.


Thank you for taking your time to respond :) I ws given most of the advice already and was training myself to do just so, but it is good to see that I am on the right track. :) Actually, in a wz, I peeked, and I am 28.5 thou HP, still laughable, but at least not below 20. :)


I have a couple of questions, not to derail the thread, or anything, but putting them separately will be out of context. :)


When you said Straffing do you specifically mean keybound options to Straffe Left and Right as per Movement Tab, or do you mean the technique itself (as in running in a circle around the target while attacking) and it is Okay to perform it with a mouse? At present, I move and target with left hand save for 2 "NEED NOW" side buttons, and activate everything else with the left hand off the buttons. Thing is, I am out of easy to reach buttons (I use 36 for 3 rows), so if key-binding left-right Straffe over driving with the mouse, I'd like to know, and I will rebuild my key-binds and keep learning that awesome smooth dynamic motion.


The second question is even more embarrassing please keep in mind, I am not only new to the PvP, I am actually new to the MMO in general), but I could not find it through google-foo, as it interferes with many other searches. So, what's "snow" and "grass" mean specifically in the context of PvP? I tried to guess, but I just can't fathom. And seeing, for a while I thought kiting was rising the NPC into the air (hey, that seems obvious, right?), I am better of asking :)

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When you said Straffing do you specifically mean keybound options to Straffe Left and Right as per Movement Tab, or do you mean the technique itself (as in running in a circle around the target while attacking) and it is Okay to perform it with a mouse? At present, I move and target with left hand save for 2 "NEED NOW" side buttons, and activate everything else with the left hand off the buttons. Thing is, I am out of easy to reach buttons (I use 36 for 3 rows), so if key-binding left-right Straffe over driving with the mouse, I'd like to know, and I will rebuild my key-binds and keep learning that awesome smooth dynamic motion.


He means when kiting away from an enemy you should be using your strafe usually q and e buttons to move directly away but with your character at a 90 degree angle to the enemy. You can tilt the camera to see behind you easier and can use abilities that are frontal 180 degree.


Like this



You can also bunny hop. Jumping while kiting rotate around in mid air to to look behind fire abilities and switch between the q and e keys to make maneuvering easier.


Best way to learn is to use you q and e keys all the time even when not kiting something so you get used to using them as your main buttons to move forward.

Edited by Tellenn
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Thank you for taking your time to respond :) I ws given most of the advice already and was training myself to do just so, but it is good to see that I am on the right track. :) Actually, in a wz, I peeked, and I am 28.5 thou HP, still laughable, but at least not below 20. :)


I have a couple of questions, not to derail the thread, or anything, but putting them separately will be out of context. :)


When you said Straffing do you specifically mean keybound options to Straffe Left and Right as per Movement Tab, or do you mean the technique itself (as in running in a circle around the target while attacking) and it is Okay to perform it with a mouse? At present, I move and target with left hand save for 2 "NEED NOW" side buttons, and activate everything else with the left hand off the buttons. Thing is, I am out of easy to reach buttons (I use 36 for 3 rows), so if key-binding left-right Straffe over driving with the mouse, I'd like to know, and I will rebuild my key-binds and keep learning that awesome smooth dynamic motion.


The second question is even more embarrassing please keep in mind, I am not only new to the PvP, I am actually new to the MMO in general), but I could not find it through google-foo, as it interferes with many other searches. So, what's "snow" and "grass" mean specifically in the context of PvP? I tried to guess, but I just can't fathom. And seeing, for a while I thought kiting was rising the NPC into the air (hey, that seems obvious, right?), I am better of asking :)


I'm glad you're asking these, if only more people did so. When you use your mouse to turn (hold right click), your turn left and turn right turns into strafe left and right. As a melee toon, circling around opponent is highly recommended so that they can't target you. Snow and grass refer to a particular warzone called "the civil war". There is a node in the middle and a node on both sides, one side has grass in its surroundings, and the other has snow. It's just a way to identify them.

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Okay, so you do it with the keys, not just the mouse. Got it. I will rebind the Q/E back to the Straffe L/R and try to add it in. What I don' understand then is how do you keep fighting at the same time if you use the buttons to L/R? Is there just one shot/hit you keep firing while doing iton the third finger or do you keybind it (the energy neutral one?) to the side-buttons?


Thank you, sorry, again, am noob.

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I'm glad you're asking these, if only more people did so. When you use your mouse to turn (hold right click), your turn left and turn right turns into strafe left and right.


OKay, so it doesn't have to be Q/E (i.e keyboard buttons), it can be the mouse. That's what I am doing, so as long as it is an acceptable way of doing it, I am going to stick to it, as it is less brain intensive for me to split moving and fighting to different hands. :)


Thank you sooo much on grass.snow, I was really curious. So, does "smoke grass" mean cap the node on the grassy side?

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Yeah it can be any buttons just thats what they are default q and e. Turn with mouse while you strafe with keys is the first thing to learn when kiting. Thats one finger only ever for movement the rest are free for you keybinds.


Taugrims guides are great and I learned alot from him in warhammer.


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Okay, so you do it with the keys, not just the mouse. Got it. I will rebind the Q/E back to the Straffe L/R and try to add it in. What I don' understand then is how do you keep fighting at the same time if you use the buttons to L/R? Is there just one shot/hit you keep firing while doing iton the third finger or do you keybind it (the energy neutral one?) to the side-buttons?


Thank you, sorry, again, am noob.


That's ok, I was a noob once too, this was my first MMO when it came out. I use right click to turn, and whole holding left and right click at the same time, you move forward, so you don't even use W that often (i would still keep it key index because it does come in handy sometimes). I turn with my mouse and use A and D to strafe because while holding right click, those 2 keys automatically turn in strafe, allowing you to put other abilities on Q and E. Since I move forward/turn with mouse, I only need one button to strafe (I use ring and index finger but use whatever is most comfortable). The other 4 fingers I use to activate abilities.

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Thank you for taking your time to respond :) I ws given most of the advice already and was training myself to do just so, but it is good to see that I am on the right track. :) Actually, in a wz, I peeked, and I am 28.5 thou HP, still laughable, but at least not below 20. :)


I have a couple of questions, not to derail the thread, or anything, but putting them separately will be out of context. :)


When you said Straffing do you specifically mean keybound options to Straffe Left and Right as per Movement Tab, or do you mean the technique itself (as in running in a circle around the target while attacking) and it is Okay to perform it with a mouse? At present, I move and target with left hand save for 2 "NEED NOW" side buttons, and activate everything else with the left hand off the buttons. Thing is, I am out of easy to reach buttons (I use 36 for 3 rows), so if key-binding left-right Straffe over driving with the mouse, I'd like to know, and I will rebuild my key-binds and keep learning that awesome smooth dynamic motion.


The second question is even more embarrassing please keep in mind, I am not only new to the PvP, I am actually new to the MMO in general), but I could not find it through google-foo, as it interferes with many other searches. So, what's "snow" and "grass" mean specifically in the context of PvP? I tried to guess, but I just can't fathom. And seeing, for a while I thought kiting was rising the NPC into the air (hey, that seems obvious, right?), I am better of asking :)


There is never anything wrong with asking other people for pointers. Most people will be helpful. That is the key to becoming a better player - knowledge. It's unfortunate that some people are so pig headed they think the answer is to remove veteran players from the queue and this would somehow make the game fairer but those type of players will always struggle and complain. Simply because they blame others rather than striving to improve.


A couple of I forgot to add that can improve pvp for you.


Use orange shells - something you like the look of. Rip out the mods from the pvp gear and put them in the shells. While you are doing this try and min max your gear. By this I mean use the stats that benefit your class and swap those mods/enhancements that don't. Most classes have stats on gear they simply don't need. Alacrity is a common culprit. This will vary by class. So have a read on line. In general though mods that have b attached can usually be swapped out for ones that don't. Main stat, power, surge are usually the way to go, but it will depend on your class.


Now the reason you would use orange shells is simple - you augment them, main stat for your char augments. This gives you more damage/health etc and because augmenting is expensive (66k to buy and augment mk-9 kit, and 36k to augment) you only have to augment the shells once. You simply turn in your old pvp gear shells (minus the armouring, mods enhancements that are in your gear) when you upgrade to the next tier. You can even buy mods and enhancements directly from pvp vendors on the fleet.


Another aspect is datacrons., permanent stat bonuses for your class . Get all the relevant ones for your char class.


Also class companion affection bonuses. Try and max these out they give you good bonuses to your stats that are also permanent.


You may know these so, again, apologies if I'm telling you stuff you already know. I didn't answer the other questions since the other folks in the thread have you the answers you were looking for.

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