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Everything posted by Klytemnestra

  1. My problem falls into this category. I got to Chapter V: From the Grave, Investigate the Dark Sanctuary. I logged out for the night by returning to the Fleet base via a Fleet Pass. When I returned today, the play button was grayed out and it said, "This mission requires a follower that is unavailable at this time." But, I have all the companions that are available up to this point in the story mode. Already, I have called all three companions in my list. That did nothing. If the tool grays out the "play" button, then how are we to enter the story mode? Does not seem to be a well thought out tool.
  2. Here we go, some stupid developer got rid of C2-N2 from our ships. I loved C2-N2. I hope a meteorite destroys all the property of the developer that made that decision.
  3. I just found out that the Developers are adding a Level-Sync system to the game that will adjust the mobs levels to the character's level. And, I found out the crafting system is going to be revamped. Personally, I hope they do not put those into the game. I just spent the last couple of months unlocking every recipe for the Biochem trade. Which was no small feat. And now, all that work was for nothing. In one change, all my work was a waste of time. Why do developers have to go out of their way to wreck a game? Why can they not just add new things to the game without removing or overhauling things that players like or put allot of labor into only for it to go away overnight? What I love about SWTOR and DCUO is that the mobs are set to the environment they are at. I can open up my travel guide and locate the area I need to go to retrieve a particular resource. I have spent a long time learning the planet and learning the environment. Now, if the mobs adjust to the character's level, it is just going to be one constant grind fest no matter where we go. Isn't it enough that the PVP Warzones are a grind fest and the OPS are grind fest? Why do we have to have every planet turned into a constant grind festival? Star Wars Galaxy did this same thing when they added in Combat Ratings. The original system was great. Each planet had set mobs at set levels. The player could plan out their travel accordingly. Then, combat rating was added over night. Which made it so you couldn't go anywhere in the game with out running into a grind fest. Entertainers were restricted to the main cities because they had too low of a combat rating. Do we have to go through another exercise with the developers adding a system to a game and changing a system that already works well that no one wants? If these new changes wreck the game, then I hope the person who came up with them gets fired and has to reimburse the players who pay for these crazy changes. One of the reasons I stopped doing the Warzone PVP was because I started last summer using the Warzone PVP system. Before I could get the Ranked gear. The system changed and I had to regrind a new set of gear. And before I could get a new set of ranked gear, they announced the gear was changing again. SO far, in the last two years of game play, I have realized that grinding for gear is a waste of time. So, I retooled myself to grind out the crafting system. Now, that was all a waste of time. I understand I am only one player, but I do not think either of these two proposals are necessary or great. Thank you.
  4. Star Trek Online has as many buttons as this game and I can use a controller. Using a controller doesn't make the keyboard and mouse disabled. You use the controller for movement and use the keyboard to operate some non-critical abilities. I use a controller in DCUO (I use this with PC and PS3). I use a G15 and G13 in SWTOR.
  5. You are just focused on a point that is different from the post. This isn't about being left handed or right handed. Most games that use a keyboard also have a controller as an alternative to the keyboard and mouse. People do complain about this issue all the time. But, when they do, other players act like it is the first time they ever read about it before. The purpose of the post is to let the developer know that some of us are not proficient with the keyboard and mouse system for jumping and leaping. This is a factor they need to consider before making more maps like this. This post is not meant for a vanity project to let other players "I can do it then so can you." The solution should be "either they develop a system so the character jumps further and higher," or they need to not make the distance and height of some objects at the fringe distance for the game mechanics. Also, this is not Super Marios Brothers. Nor, is it the NBA. People with the force do not need to leap and jump, We can levitate. I can carry a rope gun and rope ladder in the field if I need to.
  6. I just cannot leap and jump in this game. I will have to avoid all maps that have that as a option. I just wish they would state early on in the mission that this will occur. It is frustrating to get into a story and then you have to leap and jump everywhere. I hate those maps.
  7. Using the "W" key to move forward and the "space-bar" with my left hand finger and left hand is difficult for me to do. I am able to jump and leap in other games with a controller because movement is done with the left hand and jumping is done with the right-hand fingers. Also, being able to use your left finger and left thumb to jump and leap in a video game does not make a person proficient with a computer. No employer is going to be impressed that you can jump and leap in a video game using the W and Spacebar.
  8. If what you state is true, then why did I have to make repairs to my gear? The only thing that happen was a fell and was damaged or was killed.
  9. Whoever thought it was cool to design a story so we have to jump and leap over things in a game with a lousy keyboard and mouse movement system is a jerk. Some players are not left-handed. If you are going to make more missions like this one, then make a game controller option available. I know, some player is going to reply with "mouse and keyboards are faster." That is BS, because if you are good with a mouse and keyboard, then you will probably do well. If you are not good with a mouse and keyboard (left-hand) option, you will never do the mission without dying many times and wasting energy credits on repairs. Thank you
  10. I did not post "I pay a subscription" to mean "I am better than you." I only posted that to give context to my position and play style. Also, if the game cannot slow down for the slowest, than why is it okay to speed up for the fastest? The game can accommodate both population of players. Also, I noticed during the last cycle of Ranked Season, they were having difficulty filling the queues because not enough people had the right gear. So, I cannot be the only person that thinks the pace is unreasonable. Also, they need to accommodate the mentally ill because it is a law. Also, a psychiatrist can use the term "insane" to describe players who run through everything. Even if it is not a clinical definition. Insanity in psychiatry according to the DSM-V is attempting to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Also, as a mentally challenged person. It is my responsibility to notify the developers that their planned progression of the game does not accommodate the mental challenged as described by the American Disabilities Act. They can set up a warzone for the mentally challenged. I am not trying to be "a troll." I think that I have a reasonable position. If my reply comes across as combative, then I apologize. But, the way I communicate to others does not have what some people consider to be "tact." I lack a filtering mechanism in my verbal and written communication skills. I am told that written forums lack visual queues that people are used to using in verbal communications. I lack an ability to take short cuts. I am not autistic. But, when things change on me before I can complete a task it can take me to a place where I get stuck in a obsessive state. I only state this to give context to the discussion. The game population is fairly large, and the prevalence of mental illness is something like 1 in 8 in the US. So, if this game has a population of 2,000,000 people then that means 250,000 players may be experiencing what I am experiencing. I think it may be useful to the developers when they plan their updates to be mindful that not everyone who plays Star Wars is normal. Some of us are abnormal. Perhaps, they can keep their pace but maybe leave the warzone for the older gear available for the slower people. Thank you.
  11. I do go to therapy. But the doctor said the people who run through the events and get the gear in one day are insane and my pace is normal.
  12. That is my point. I do not sprint anywhere in the game. I walk everywhere and read everything. Even if I have played the story before. I am still grinding out 11 of my 13 characters on Jedi Covenant. And, I have 30 characters in total. Grinding out gear for just two of the thirty is crazy. Also, I have OCD and ADHD. I cannot run through things. Other than short periods of PVP Warzone for maybe an hour out of the day is fine. But, I cannot run through content all day long. It sets me off. One of the reasons that I don't like grouping with people that everyone sprints through the stories. It is not worth it to spend 6 months grinding out purple quality gear if I know six months later that it is all going away. And, I pay a subscription. Thank you.
  13. I don't think they should cater to any one style (players that run through content and players that don't). They cannot just dismiss other players because another population of players has an incompatible style. And, it is too easy to just claim "6 to 8 months is plenty of time). Because for me it is not. It took me two years to go from the time the game launched to get to the end game with just two characters. I have not had the chance to do most of the flashpoints. And yes, they need to develop a method compatible to both play styles for fast players and slower players. Also, rapidly changing out gear every six months can have a long term burn-out affect on some players. Because, you never get to enjoy the game.
  14. In my case, I find that the new expansion coming out where they are going to change out the gear for PVE and PVP again makes PVP not worth it. The gear was just changed out six months ago. I have not acquired the current gear. I have a basic set for PVP Warzone and a decent set for PVE. But, it is not worth the time to grind out gear for six months, and then, have to replace it. I am happy some players can acquire the gear in one day. I cannot do that. I have to work. I started doing Warzone PVP last August. I finally got some Ranked gear around November. Then the gear was changed. So, all that time was wasted. It took me a month to get the new basic gear. And, I have some ranked gear pieces. But, I don't have a complete set. If they are going to change out gear every six to eight months, then they need to do it in a way so that the current gear is not completely obsolete. I do not think the PVE gear that requires Ultimate commendations is worth it if we are only going to get to use the gear for three months. They need to cycle gear every two years. Six to eight months is not worth the value or time. Thank you Klytemnestra
  15. Why does the game bother to load people into the warzones when after you get past the long load screen, the game only gives you three seconds left on the countdown meter for the auto-kick. Shouldn't the auto-kick set in after the load-screen is complete and you are actually in the warzone? All I see is a very long load-screen, then a long cut-scene, then another long load-screen, then three seconds to run out of a zone with a long force field.
  16. I would like a method for inviting my alts to my guild. Often it is difficult to add alts to a guild because you have to wait for other people to log in to get an invite. Other games have this technology, so it is not a new invention. Thank you.
  17. Your analysis of the stronghold system is interesting but your conclusion is not cogent nor sound. The only thing you have done here is confirm your own bias. For me, I have 25 characters now as a subscriber. I run two guilds which consist of only two people. I do not find the fees to be outrages. If they were lower, then I would not complain. Will they change the amounts before October? Possibly. I can come up with 50 million quite easily. Is the stronghold worth the cost? I think so, since it is all fake money to begin with. I disagree and refuse your conclusion. Thank you
  18. I disagree. Why? PVP and PVE are two different systems with some overlap. As a roleplayer, I think that it is easier to just switch out my gear. Since, you have to volunteer to PVP, then just switch out your gear. I have done some experiments waliking around in PVP gear in the PVE environment. I found the PVP gear to be sufficient. In fact, I bought my companions PVP gear so they can have gear at a level 55 and not stuck at 50 on Makeb. I did not see any negative effects doing this. It allowed me to walk around and do story missions while waiting for the Warzone (WZ) or Galactic Starfighter (GS) to pop. Ideally, I am planning on just switching out my gear. I don't see any reason to reengineer the game for people who primarily PVP. The game already has a system and method in place to account for this issue. As a role player, I found the only real issues with playing or adapting over to Warzone PVP was the tempo is faster, the players are well geared, and learning all the zones and strategies and tactics. The trade off for this adjustment is you make a ton of credits and warzone commendations. But, you can use them to convert to ranked warzone commendations, planetary commendations, and access to better mods. For me, I waited until after I made 55 with my characters to do warzone. While on Makeb, I found that doing this has filled a gap transitioning from a level 50 character for PVE into a level 55 character with better gear. Thank you
  19. I don't really see premade teams as a problem. I think and find it to be wonderful to go up against a well organized team that can communicate with each other. Sure, we get beat badly in most events, but every once in a while we win. I find that some PUG's will play a little better against premades. I like Ventrilo, but I find that other users who have a server tend to put the system on a lowend quality sound standard. So, even if you sound great on your end, it sounds bad on other people's end. And, you always get the one player who has to shout in the microphone. They forget the whole point of a microphone is so you do not have to shout. Then you get the player who doesn't understand the difference between gain and volume. They just set them to max because they think max is always best. They tend to either feedback or motorboat allot. Then, you get the player who thinks the microphones cannot pick up their music blasting in front of them. It would be nice to have an ingame voice system. Mainly because, I do not like to log in to people's personal Ventrilo or Teamspeak servers if I have no idea who they are. For me, that is a high security risk. Thank you
  20. Hello, I have been reading through the post here and feel that original question was lost among the intelligent posters here. The original inquiry was about what method and manner of play would work best for Sorcerer in PVP. I have been playing SWTOR since it launched and took about two years leveling my two highest level characters; Jedi Sage and Sith Sorceror. Because this article deals with Sith Sorceror, I will focus my questions and point of view on that topic. My Sith Sorcerer is focused in the Corruption (Healing) tree. I just started playing the Warzone PVP on Saturday, August 9, 2014. Which at the time of writing this reply has only been two days of experience. I noticed in the many replies to the original poster article (OP) that everyone focused their remarks to the Lightening and Madness trees. While this is okay for a DPS PVP Player, it does nothing to address the Healer Role PVP player. I was reading through an article on basic PVP Concepts: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=358815 In the beginner's guide to PVP, the author suggested to focus on learning your role. The author suggested to learn to use the resovle meter, learn awareness on the map, and learn to kite. How I discovered this article about Sorceror was that I was trying to locate information on "kiting." As a sorceror experienced with PVE style play, I was not remembering what attacks a sorceror had that would allow us to kite or attack people while moving. In my two days of playing in Warzone (the non-rank Warzone), I was able to have success at 1v1 attacks when they were available. I struggled the first day with being attacked by many people at one time. After playing on the second day, I realized why people were attacking the sorceror with multiple DPS. I reasoned that they are hard to take down one on one. Myself, I am thinking of setting up a different toolbar with specific powers for PVP. I see that powers with long cast times may not be effective. And, with a focused toolbar, it gives me less powers to choose from. My strategy is to focus on being a healer and not a DPS. Why? Because I set the character up to be a healer. I feel that using the Lightening and Madness trees or damage trees would be the easy method, but it would not really teach me to be an effective Healer. The most signifcant problem I see with a Primary Healer Role is that in many pick up groups (PUG's) people are still in the everyone for themselves mentality. They want the healer to heal them and keep them alive, but they do nothing to keep other people from killing the healer. Just like in PVE, I think a healer needs a tank to pair with them to fend off DPS roles. In my two days of playing so far, I have only been on a couple of teams where people worked as a team. I found in the best of three rounds map that setting myself out for sacrifice worked to the groups advantage when luring out stealth players. I think that goes along with the beginner's guide concept of sacrificing for the team and not worrying about dying. This is because in PVP, there is not a penalty for death. I decided to paste the basic Healer's Role in PVP. Healer: a Healer has but one purpose: heal team members. There are some varieties to healer classes, but unlike DPS, healers are limited to only 3 classes per side. Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors cannot become healers. There are two categories of healers: primary healers, and secondary healers. Primary healers are specialized in healing, and its virtually all they do in combat. They are very difficult to take down alone, and often require at least 2 people to kill them. Secondary healers do not specialize in healing, but have built-in basic healing abilities for minor healing/spot healing in crucial moments. These healers are often DPS classes or Utility classes primarily. I interpret the Healers Role is to run around and kite your own team members and not worry about your damage output out producing a DPS's output. I would think that four people wasting resources on one healer has to have some benefit to your team. Thank you.
  21. No, I do not want to do the rakghoul event at all. I do not want anything from the event, nor do I want to spend time or money (wasting resources) to acquire a device to nullify the event. For the comments about doing something else. if I logged out to play another game, that is "doing something else with my time." And, I have 22 characters currently and have played the game since it launched. Also, I have every right to complain in whatever manner and method you disprove of. I pay for my subscription. Also, I am no man! Thank you.
  22. I wish there was a way that people who do not want to participate in the Rakghoul event can toggle a device to make it so we are not attacked every 10 or 15 feet walking through town. This whole event is designed to waste resources. If people want to participate in the event, that is fine. But, people should not be forced to endure the event (if your story arc takes you to the planet the event is schedule to be on) if they do not want to waste time and resources on the event. Now, I have to log out until Tuesday to avoid this stupid event. I am not very happy. Thank you.
  23. I think that Consular Sage is very strong. I have soloed the entire story arc on two different servers with Sage. I think the problem some people encounter with Sage is that it takes time to develop the character and to learn to use it in specific ways. I find that Qyzen Fess is the best companion and Ashara the next best for Sage. To date, I have 17 characters. I feel and think that in comparison to traditional mmorpgs that use the triad system of combat, the Sage plays more like a cleric. I find that many players fail to assess what that enemy strength and weakness are in front of them. Also, I find that players underestimate the crowd control abilities of the Sage and do not really use them.
  24. I have gone through the complete list of hairstyles for females multiple time and only find 3 of them to be good. The rest of them are awful. Is it possible to have someone design the hair textures that understands the importance of good hair, and not some engineer that has no idea what a hair brush or curling iron is for. None of the current styles have long hair or a elegant style of hair? Style 21 is the only one I like. The rest are to faddish or not very pretty. Hair should fit 4 major criteria: 1. Looks good 2. Compliments the outfit and form (body shape) 3. Should be sexy 4. Never have been thought of as neat, or good by an engineer type of person. (if all you have ever spent is 15 bucks for a hair cut at a low end barber shop (e.g., Supercuts, Hair-Cuttery) or a price of 90 bucks for a hairstyle causes immediate cardiac arrest, then you should never be designing hairstyles for women). Also, bald head or shaving your hair off to mimic a bald hair is not a hairstyle, it is an example of a person who has no style. All that is is a person who had no clue what to do and committed hair suicide. Thank you
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