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Scheduled Maintenance: August 19th, 2014


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So a level 40 can do damage to a 50 plus? Who knew.

guess you never did the gree event then when lvl 16 players were there grinding lvl 50 mobs ....tho that was a bugg but was fun seeing it done .I have been there at lvl 43 and killed mobs in makeb so it's doable and it's gonna be even easyier now with them reducing the mobs lol



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guess you never did the gree event then when lvl 16 players were there grinding lvl 50 mobs .... ive been there at lvl 43 and killed mobs in makeb so it's doable and it's gonna be even easyier now with them reducing the mobs lol




The ones that went in groups with 50s on Gree? So you soloed Makeb at 43?

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As a subscriber I guess I shouldn't care but when 3 of the 4 highlights are only available to early access it seems a little bit of a screw you to the preferred or f2pers.


Likewise are those exact same highlights going to be the highlights of 2.10 thereby double counting?

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As a subscriber I guess I shouldn't care but when 3 of the 4 highlights are only available to early access it seems a little bit of a screw you to the preferred or f2pers.


Likewise are those exact same highlights going to be the highlights of 2.10 thereby double counting?


That's kind of the point. They still want people to subscribe to the game.

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The ones that went in groups with 50s on Gree? So you soloed Makeb at 43?


yeah on the gree event


just grinded mobs since you cant pick up the story till 47 ,wasn't easy as you had to pick choose mobs but i did it with a healer comp and range using unity now and then.Gonna try it again once i get another character to lvl 40 just for kicks if it works it does if not heh I rarley go there now as I was maxed rep within couple of months or so and grinding dailys bores the hell out of me ,I prefer to just re-roll characters instead lol :)

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They have added Makeb to the personal conquest list. This may encourage some people to do Makeb. Not everyone likes to do Makeb. I have done since it been released for the weekly but I know people who don't like messing with Makeb .


Same thing here. I have done the Makeb weekly, staged and non staged since the launch. Makeb has been generally a great dailies area in terms of not dealing with mob or spawn stealing. I guess that is about to change.


I'm not sure the changes will have the desired effect. People are still going to ***** about Makeb, but now it is just going to because mob spawns are too low and the planet is too easy. :rolleyes:

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yeah on the gree event


just grinded mobs since you cant pick up the story till 47 ,wasn't easy as you had to pick choose mobs but i did it with a healer comp and range using unity now and then.Gonna try it again once i get another character to lvl 40 just for kicks if it works it does if not heh I rarley go there now as I was maxed rep within couple of months or so and grinding dailys bores the hell out of me ,I prefer to just re-roll characters instead lol :)


Same here. That is the fun part to me. That and crafting gear for my chrs.

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Ya I was thinking a Galactic Strongholds forum would be nice to have too (incluing the guild flagship stuff and conquests). I'm also really excited for this too.. its going add a lot of stuff to the game. I always loved housing in other games and this looks great :rak_03:
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Mounts, pets, and companions can be placed as decorations in your Stronghold.

FINALLY A USE FOR ALL THE RANDOM $#!* I've collected in the past 2-3 years, not to mention all the outfits my companions have...


Conquering planets will earn your guild special privileges. Your guild will be advertised in a banner on the planet, your guild members will be displayed as ‘Conquerors’, your Flagship Orbital Support will have its effect doubled, and you will have access to special equipment, including the Commander Walker mount!

I am a little selfish here and am hoping this lowers the value of the current walker... Also how will you be displayed as a conqueror?


Many Flashpoint and Operation Achievements now provide special Trophy Decorations that can be placed on the walls of your Stronghold. You can view them in the Achievement Reward Window. These Decorations will be automatically unlocked when the Achievement is earned. You can also right-click the item icon to unlock it once the Achievement is earned.

YES MORE USES FOR ALL THE RANDOM... yeah yeah. But finally achievements have another purpose!


asdfasdf I wish the patch didn't end at midnight tonight and I wish I didn't have to work in the morning. -.-


I am too excited.

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