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Solution to hte premade problem. Elietest It cant be all player ability


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LMAO... Did the OP completely ignore the possibility of 3 players q'ing? So if 4 dps want q to get they have to do ranked... and you think this fair? I'm not sure what you think it is, if not player ability. Do you really think bad players gain 50% skill increase from just simply being in the same group?


In all seriousness, I'm sorry you have no guildies and the pugs are terribad on your sever.

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How about we just all wear bras on our heads and instead of light sabers we use hugs?


I hear Hello Kitty island adventures is right up your alley Carbar


i've always said that if HK had a hardcore pvp server with perma death I would so be there.

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Instead of PVP, how about all the people crying about premades can just jump into matches against and with bots like in Timesplitters. (Yeah fkn Timesplitters, what?) By doing this they can then get the instant gratification by crushing their opposition in a never ending cycle of spawns and faux glory.




If premades in PVP are exploits, then premades in PVE must be too. In which case PVE content needs to be with NPC's on your side too.




Lets just ALL go and play Timesplitters against bots on our PS2's.

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This man is speaking wisely.


We might add some works of Master Yoda:

“If no mistake you have made, yet losing you are…a different game you should play.”


Many people have heeded Master Yoda's words, and have been leaving in droves. BW needs to fix the premade exploit in the solo queue if they want a living PvP in this game.


There's one slight but significant issue that you run into. People who are getting stomped are making mistakes, loads of mistakes. There's the exceptionally rare competent, or even skilled, pug, but I've yet to see one of them complain about premades and there's few enough of them that I'll write their existence off as chance error. Someone loses a match either because their team made a mistake or because they made a mistake. If someone habitually loses, the chance that the rest of the team is at fault rapidly diminishes.


Some bad players will get upset and leave, but I don't necessarily want a game with an additional (let's say) 200,000 people, but they're all horrible. Unlike Bioware, I don't make money off the number of players in ToR, though.

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A decent matchmaking system for regular warzones would help a lot. E.g. Grouping 2 groups of 4 against a 100% random pug should not happen for intra-faction battles at all.


Over all, I think premades are a minor problem, BW should make ranked PVP more attractive, that's more important for the future of PVP and as a side effect, less competitive premades would list for regular warzones.

Edited by DerTaran
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These elites aren't satisfied with just winning they have to stomp you then use emotes to berate you further. Ea should really start handing out bans for this type of behavior. :eek:


Emotes can be turned off. It's a good idea if those kind of things bother you.


As for the premade thing. As someone said, integrated voice chat would help, but really the 'lone wolf' problem still exists. Plenty of times I have seen people stay where they are fighting for a node they don't have while they lose one they do after the guard calls for help multiple times.


In a PUG or a premade, when people play like a team, they do well. It's just the price you pay when queuing solo. I do so most of the time and when there are 'special' players on my side, I just come back on later. I've gotten sick of even that, so I'm probably going to look for a legitimate PvP guild when I have my Legacy Bank (and so can dissolve my solo guild and bank).

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Premades arent the problem its all the **** pvers that you have to carry against them. BW should make the pvp relic unusable in pve so they dont try (suck) to come into pvp just to get them.


It gets to the stage where you have to whisper them to tell them to get the **** out of pvp or you have to leave wz as soon as you see their names on your team.

Edited by Tellenn
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I am reporting the fact that I am tired of premade pvpers in the game. IT gets exhausting and down right feelings of homicide to play against premade teams. IT make it hard for those that do not have premade teams in pvp. Then they troll and bully your cause they say you suck etc... when in fact one may not suck just cant play very well with 4 people ganking them at a time in pvp. I love pvp but I am tired of the harassment and cyber bullying in pvp. Her is the solution after my *****:


1. Only allow groups of premade 4 to ONLY que for Ranked matches.

2. Allow premade groups of 2 to only que together in general pvp levels 10-29, 30-54, and 55.

3. Never let que of two in general pvp to be in the same match EVER.

4. Groups of 4-8 can que for ranked as a compromise

5. Allow ranked to be matches of 8v8 or 4v4

6. Disable or take away emotes taunting/bullying and "say chat in pvp matches.

7. if someone quits a pvp match make them have a 30 min ban from queuing for pvp, unless it is for a DC or something like that.


Bioware please fix this issue as there are players leaving daily cause of this cyber bullying and abusing others in pvp.

Finally someone that understands

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No. I totally understand the sentiment of "premades are too stronk", but sometimes, there is a thing called "playing with friends". I don't think that people should be forced to play things like ranked against uber-competitive players if they want to have fun with their friends.


Going against a premade =/= instant loss. What does is not working together. A PuG can beat a premade if they communicate and work together instead of being selfish.

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Premades arent the problem its all the **** pvers that you have to carry against them. BW should make the pvp relic unusable in pve so they dont try (suck) to come into pvp just to get them.


It gets to the stage where you have to whisper them to tell them to get the **** out of pvp or you have to leave wz as soon as you see their names on your team.


Or... You could give them advice or direct them to a thread that has tips for PvP...

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Or... You could give them advice or direct them to a thread that has tips for PvP...


There's a stickied thread in the pvp forums on just that, if they had any desire to get better, they would find it immediately. There's no hope for the pure pvers that pvp just to get relics.

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Or... You could give them advice or direct them to a thread that has tips for PvP...


I don't remember the last time anyone responded positively to that so I hardly do it anymore. /whisper "Just FYI in case you didn't know, battlemaster doesn't bolster well so that gear is giving you low expertise"


Response is either nothing or "**** it's just a game you elitist POS", with a 30% chance for loony nerd rage chat to proc during the match or post match whispers.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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You know whats really enjoyable? Making friends in a MMO. You should try it sometime instead of soloing everything. Or maybe go play a single player game?


You know what really enjoyable ? Accepting the challenge of playing a fair game and the satisfaction of winning it. You should try it sometime when you matured enough to take the stabilizers off your bike ...


Getting farmed or farming PuGs is completely meaningless unless you are too lazy to farm your comms in a fair way.

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You know what really enjoyable ? Accepting the challenge of playing a fair game and the satisfaction of winning it. You should try it sometime when you matured enough to take the stabilizers off your bike ...


Getting farmed or farming PuGs is completely meaningless unless you are too lazy to farm your comms in a fair way.


I haven't laughed so hard from a forum post in a long time....thank you.

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You know what really enjoyable ? Accepting the challenge of playing a fair game and the satisfaction of winning it. You should try it sometime when you matured enough to take the stabilizers off your bike ...


Getting farmed or farming PuGs is completely meaningless unless you are too lazy to farm your comms in a fair way.


What's not fair about it?


The same avenues of advancement, i.e. grouping, are available to all. If some choose not to use them, why penalize others for doing so?

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