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Solution to hte premade problem. Elietest It cant be all player ability


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I am reporting the fact that I am tired of premade pvpers in the game. IT gets exhausting and down right feelings of homicide to play against premade teams. IT make it hard for those that do not have premade teams in pvp. Then they troll and bully your cause they say you suck etc... when in fact one may not suck just cant play very well with 4 people ganking them at a time in pvp. I love pvp but I am tired of the harassment and cyber bullying in pvp. Her is the solution after my *****:


1. Only allow groups of premade 4 to ONLY que for Ranked matches.

2. Allow premade groups of 2 to only que together in general pvp levels 10-29, 30-54, and 55.

3. Never let que of two in general pvp to be in the same match EVER.

4. Groups of 4-8 can que for ranked as a compromise

5. Allow ranked to be matches of 8v8 or 4v4

6. Disable or take away emotes taunting/bullying and "say chat in pvp matches.

7. if someone quits a pvp match make them have a 30 min ban from queuing for pvp, unless it is for a DC or something like that.


Bioware please fix this issue as there are players leaving daily cause of this cyber bullying and abusing others in pvp.

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2. Allow premade groups of 2 to only que together in general pvp levels 10-29, 30-54, and 55.

So... in every bracket then?


3. Never let que of two in general pvp to be in the same match EVER.

So you want two people to be able to queue in all brackets, but they would have to go against one another? Smart, this will totally promote social play.


So much fuss about premades. I will never understand it.

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I am reporting the fact that I am tired of premade pvpers in the game. IT gets exhausting and down right feelings of homicide to play against premade teams. IT make it hard for those that do not have premade teams in pvp. Then they troll and bully your cause they say you suck etc... when in fact one may not suck just cant play very well with 4 people ganking them at a time in pvp. I love pvp but I am tired of the harassment and cyber bullying in pvp. Her is the solution after my *****:


1. Only allow groups of premade 4 to ONLY que for Ranked matches.

2. Allow premade groups of 2 to only que together in general pvp levels 10-29, 30-54, and 55.

3. Never let que of two in general pvp to be in the same match EVER.

4. Groups of 4-8 can que for ranked as a compromise

5. Allow ranked to be matches of 8v8 or 4v4

6. Disable or take away emotes taunting/bullying and "say chat in pvp matches.

7. if someone quits a pvp match make them have a 30 min ban from queuing for pvp, unless it is for a DC or something like that.


Bioware please fix this issue as there are players leaving daily cause of this cyber bullying and abusing others in pvp.


This man is speaking wisely.


We might add some works of Master Yoda:

“If no mistake you have made, yet losing you are…a different game you should play.”


Many people have heeded Master Yoda's words, and have been leaving in droves. BW needs to fix the premade exploit in the solo queue if they want a living PvP in this game.

Edited by Bobbafatter
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So... in every bracket then?



So you want two people to be able to queue in all brackets, but they would have to go against one another? Smart, this will totally promote social play.


So much fuss about premades. I will never understand it.


yes t o all your questions. It is legitimate.

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BW needs to fix the premade exploit in the solo queue if they want a living PvP in this game.


How is this an exploit? There are no 8v8 ranked right now and if you have *gasp* friends you regulary play pvp with you want to play with them, on the same warzone, no? With or against is not a matter if you want to have fun. Problem would be gone if people would start to actually look up people they know have some skill nad que with them for the same amount of fun.


That simple.

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I am reporting the fact that I am tired of premade pvpers in the game. It gets exhausting and I down right get feelings of homicide to play against premade teams. Goood, use your anger... It make it hard for those that do not have premade teams in pvp. Then they troll and bully you cause they say you suck etc... when in fact one may not suck, they just can't play very well with 4 people "ganking" them at a time in pvp. I love pvp but I am tired of the harassment and cyber bullying ): in pvp. Here is the solution after my *****:


1. Only allow groups of premade 4 to ONLY queue for Ranked matches.

Get friends if regstar teams of four bother you..

Also, queue more ranked 4s.

2. Allow premade groups of 2 to only queue together in general pvp levels 10-29, 30-54, and 55.

So, all brackets...

3. Never let que of two in general pvp to be in the same match EVER.

Hurtin' them queuetimes and social part of this game.

4. Groups of 4-8 can queue* for ranked as a compromise


5. Allow ranked to be matches of 8v8 or 4v4

Not on the roadmap.™


6. Disable or take away emotes taunting/bullying and /say chat in pvp matches.

Cyber-bullies so mean. :(

7. if someone quits a pvp match make them have a 30 min ban from queuing for pvp, unless it is for a DC or something like that.

'kay. So they'll alt-tab and quit program. That's a DC, yeah?

[on a non antagonizing response, implementing this for ranked would be stellar]



Bioware please fix this issue as there are players leaving daily cause of this cyber bullying and abusing others in pvp.

Internet is hard.

responses in color.
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yes t o all your questions. It is legitimate.

So the people would just queue synch and probably get on the same side anyway.


Secondly, if they harass or bully people, I doubt forcing them to queue solo will change the situation at all. Some people are like that. I am not endorsing it by any means, but if someone is going bully or harass, cutting him from his team mates won't help. Secondly, you can still use General chat to taunt and mock people if you are playing against your own faction.


Your third point is just silly. One of the group members, let's say a Republic one, gets a pop to fight Imperials and the other is left stranded, waiting for another pop that depending on the server, time of the day and bracket might take ages to appear.


Why not just prevent people from going to the Group Finder together too? Those elitists are ruining my Flashpoints and I want all of them to go to a separate Flashpoint.


TL;DR: Your idea of abolishing premades is a non-solution.

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responses in color.


So thanks for the edit of a "in game" blog. I was not aware that this was a contest to see how well one could write. No real content to your post at all just your elitist mentality over my typing skills. Do you have a point? Also your one sentence at the end of your post is not proper as it does not have a noun, verb and adjective...pot calling the kettle...............

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How about we just all wear bras on our heads and instead of light sabers we use hugs?


I hear Hello Kitty island adventures is right up your alley Carbar

Though if he is experiencing harassment and cyberbullying as in verbal abuse and all that, his concern is valid. Abolishing premades won't solve that, however.

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So... in every bracket then?



So you want two people to be able to queue in all brackets, but they would have to go against one another? Smart, this will totally promote social play.


So much fuss about premades. I will never understand it.


The fuss is entirely from anti social scrubs. They want the game dumbed down until they can't lose.

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The fuss is entirely from anti social scrubs. They want the game dumbed down until they can't lose.


Antisocial you say.... hmm you do not know my life. just don't respond if all you have is hate and trolling. This is exactly what I am talking about. Thanks for giving us a real example and a name to who/what a cyber bully is.


Ta Ta for now love..

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So I can't play with my friends in an MMO anymore when I pvp? Stopping me from playing with them won't stop me from stomping on bad players. If bad players want to stop losing, stop going to the forums and complaining, and get better. Edited by shyroman
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Man this post is just hilarious. Love some of the language being thrown around here such as “premade exploit” just made me lol. Here’s the deal OP, premade groups are a part of any online game from shoot em ups to mmos. Most people play online games to play with other people, there’s no getting around it. Do I love que syncing with 7 other guildies and face rolling the other team? Well yes, yes I do. There’s satisfaction in dominating a competitive style game with your buddies. There’s nothing wrong with that. Have I also been on the wrong end of a premade? Oh yes; and I agree, it totally sucks. Playing against a well organized team with a bunch of randoms watching your back is not a lot of fun. But it’s part of the game. If I get wrecked by a premade I wait a few minutes before queing up again. Usually I will not see that premade again. Take heart, suck it up, and keep fighting the good fight!
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So your points to my points are not valid. If you really read what I posted and think about it you'll see it will work. I did not say I had all the answers, but something must be done. Limiting the que will help make the game more enjoyable. If people absolutely have to que with their premade friends, then do so in ranked or two at a time, just like I said.


My solution IS a solution, sorry you cannot see it.


Thanks for responding and not trolling.


You know whats really enjoyable? Making friends in a MMO. You should try it sometime instead of soloing everything. Or maybe go play a single player game?

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It's all bout the coms folks..That's the advantage; regardless of what premade championers try to say about they only talk about buying groceries, or who hit puberty 1st or whatever. I'm not hating here but; "A" solution is BW adding an in game com system same as far too may consoles/ games out there that allows voice chat for true PUGGERS. We spend thousands for our laptops/desktops and this ain't implemented in MMO's that we also spend hundreds/thousands (only hundreds for me..but some CM junkies..) on over the lifecycle of the game?

Really? Really ridiculous.


Many like yurs truly spend 14-16 hours a day at work to support non-working bums in every civilized country of the world(even them Aussies). Getting guilded is easy, finding time to mesh with teamies from a guild and build a repoire that will lead to cohesive team unity is not. Even things out a lil and put an in house coms system in ya BW cheapskates! Your EA overlords do it. Why not you? Now where's my durnnit Vodka at?

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i love emotes and the say feature. i love pvping with my friends too. i don't see how i should stop to make your ingame life easier, join a guild and make friend sto play with yourself.


how would you feel if you couldn't group up to kill the mighty bothrium beast, the invincible elder subtheroth or the real dread master chieftain of the tower?

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