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Regarding Dark Project mats.


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Okay, so with the PTS going down and things being set up to go live in a week, I find myself realizing a couple of things.


The first being that me and mine probably won't be going after the Commanders in the OW PVP zones. Most of us hate PVP and with the realization that their shield prevents all but one guild a chance to farm the Commanders for the first six hours, we just don't feel like fighting with both our own faction and the lol pubs for a chance to get an Encryption.


So, we're left with farming sub-55 content. Is this 'really' the path that you're going to take? Because as it stands now, we get to choose between PVP, which we don't do competitively, and doing outdated face-roll content.


Seriously, lvl 50 FPs and Ops? This decision might have made sense before RotHC dropped and we were actually 'doing' lvl 50 stuff regularly.


But now? When we're doing lvl 55 stuff? When most of us are working on DF/DP in at least one form or another, want us to go back and do old stuff? Do you realize that most of us are not interested in being nudged toward doing content that we've done for years already?


What exactly would be bad with taking Elite Comms and doing something with that and making the currency worth something again? I have an ungodly amount of those across my 55s and nothing to spend them on and you're pushing us to go back and do EV, EC and KP again? False Emperor again? I mean, most of us go back and do them every so often for giggles, but we're going to have to farm this dusty old content if we want to get Dark Projects.


Couldn't you find a way to tie Guild Ship stuff to 'current' content without pushing us toward OW PVP?

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................Couldn't you find a way to tie Guild Ship stuff to 'current' content without pushing us toward OW PVP?


You do realise that some of us are not interested in doing any PVE at all, and the new owPVP content is a nice cherry on the cake of an otherwise useless expansion for us?


It would be better if they found a way to not push us towards any additional scripted PVE content.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I agree the mat costs for DPs need to be adjusted. It would be nice to see them cut down to 1/3/1/3 for example to bring them somewhat closer in terms of effort to the Commander options. I also agree it would also be nice if there were alternate schematics allowing you to craft them for level 55 op materials as well.


That said, unfortunately your tone and comments regarding PvP have doomed this thread into a downward spiral of PvP/PvE rage debate that has nothing to do with the real matter at hand, and thus nothing will come of it.

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Dark projects are a very inefficient way of doing things given the mats needed, and are only really beneficial for those guilds that have conquered a planet to make it easier to farm commanders (oh and some housing decorations!).


They are hands down the worse way to upgrade a ship.


I think I can understand what they trying to do with them, but I don't think they thought about them very much.

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I'm not complaining about the Commanders anymore. The Commanders only drop 1 Encryption per kill and are on a 3 hour respawn timer and can only be farmed by one guild in the first six hours. And that guild will still be huge targets by the other faction.


And I'm not complaining about having to farm mats at all. The problem I have is that I feel like the farming should be of current content and not content that many of us have done for years now.

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Okay, so with the PTS going down and things being set up to go live in a week, I find myself realizing a couple of things.


The first being that me and mine probably won't be going after the Commanders in the OW PVP zones. Most of us hate PVP and with the realization that their shield prevents all but one guild a chance to farm the Commanders for the first six hours, we just don't feel like fighting with both our own faction and the lol pubs for a chance to get an Encryption.


So, we're left with farming sub-55 content. Is this 'really' the path that you're going to take? Because as it stands now, we get to choose between PVP, which we don't do competitively, and doing outdated face-roll content.


Seriously, lvl 50 FPs and Ops? This decision might have made sense before RotHC dropped and we were actually 'doing' lvl 50 stuff regularly.


But now? When we're doing lvl 55 stuff? When most of us are working on DF/DP in at least one form or another, want us to go back and do old stuff? Do you realize that most of us are not interested in being nudged toward doing content that we've done for years already?


What exactly would be bad with taking Elite Comms and doing something with that and making the currency worth something again? I have an ungodly amount of those across my 55s and nothing to spend them on and you're pushing us to go back and do EV, EC and KP again? False Emperor again? I mean, most of us go back and do them every so often for giggles, but we're going to have to farm this dusty old content if we want to get Dark Projects.


Couldn't you find a way to tie Guild Ship stuff to 'current' content without pushing us toward OW PVP?


Not just farming old content. Farming old content every week for the next 38 years, give or take a couple, depending on how many of those mats you already have on hand.


I'm not complaining about the Commanders anymore. The Commanders only drop 1 Encryption per kill and are on a 3 hour respawn timer and can only be farmed by one guild in the first six hours. And that guild will still be huge targets by the other faction.


And I'm not complaining about having to farm mats at all. The problem I have is that I feel like the farming should be of current content and not content that many of us have done for years now.


At the rate of acquisition it doesn't matter what content they attach it to. It will be decades old by the time you finish.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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To get a better perspective on what I'm talking about, this is how things are going to end up being done after 2.9 when it comes to farming mats for Dark Projects:


16man NiM EV: 8 ADCs, 2 RENs.

16man HM EV: 8 ADCs, 2 RENs.

16man SM EV: 8 BCAs, 2 SPPCs.


So, for doing 3 EV runs will net you 16 Alien Data Cubes, 4 Rakata Energy Nodules, 8 Biometric Crystal Alloys and 2 Self-Perpetuating Power Cells.


The rewards for doing all three modes of KP are the same as EV listed above. So, doing six runs of the relevant 50 OPs will net you 32 Alien Data Cubes, 8 Rakata Energy Nodes, 16 Biometric Crystal Alloys and 4 Self-Perpetuating Power Cells.


Now, at least 8 of your guildies will need to go do HM False Emperor for the Self-Perpetuating Power Cell that drops from the last boss. Because, otherwise, you're only going to get 4 SPPCs. Assuming you can get 8 people to slog through it and get the 2 SPPCs, you're now set.


A Dark Project requires 3 Self-Perpetuating Power Cells, 6 Alien Data Cubes, 6 Biometric Crystal Alloys, 3 Rakata Energy Nodes and a crapton of sub-55 green mats.


So, with six runs under your belt in the first week, assuming we have all the green mats for the Invasion Force itemm already, we can make...2 Dark Projects. Per week. Assuming you can get your Guildies to go do 3 runs of EV, and 3 runs of KP and 2 runs of HM False Emperor.


For two Dark Projects, per week. And you need 50 of those to make a single Framework. And you need 2-6 of those to open a single room. And there are 15 rooms to unlock.


Unless I did my math wrong, it'll take a guild...25 weeks to get one Framework by farming 50 Ops. And almost a year to get one room unlocked.

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I'm not complaining about the Commanders anymore. The Commanders only drop 1 Encryption per kill and are on a 3 hour respawn timer and can only be farmed by one guild in the first six hours. And that guild will still be huge targets by the other faction.


And I'm not complaining about having to farm mats at all. The problem I have is that I feel like the farming should be of current content and not content that many of us have done for years now.


BW may have chosen to use older content so that there is a need to run older content, and that helps players leveling to get into that older content.


They may also have chosen to use older content so that players must actually choose to do that older content and not simply get an additional reward for something they are already doing.


I like the way they are doing it. Using older content means that a guild now has to choose between doing older content to get current mats and doing current content for gear or comms.

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If this remains 'as is', I don't see many guilds putting much time or effort into Guild Ships. Most guilds don't have the tenacity or inclination to spend a year farming 6 EV/KP runs every week to get a single room unlocked.


I'm a fan of the concept, but even I won't be bothering with Guild Conquest if this is the non-PVP path that we're required to take.

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BW may have chosen to use older content so that there is a need to run older content, and that helps players leveling to get into that older content.


They may also have chosen to use older content so that players must actually choose to do that older content and not simply get an additional reward for something they are already doing.


I like the way they are doing it. Using older content means that a guild now has to choose between doing older content to get current mats and doing current content for gear or comms.


That's not really a choice, though, for most guilds. Less so when the new expansion arrives.

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Okay, so with the PTS going down and things being set up to go live in a week, I find myself realizing a couple of things.


The first being that me and mine probably won't be going after the Commanders in the OW PVP zones. Most of us hate PVP and with the realization that their shield prevents all but one guild a chance to farm the Commanders for the first six hours, we just don't feel like fighting with both our own faction and the lol pubs for a chance to get an Encryption.


So, we're left with farming sub-55 content. Is this 'really' the path that you're going to take? Because as it stands now, we get to choose between PVP, which we don't do competitively, and doing outdated face-roll content.


Seriously, lvl 50 FPs and Ops? This decision might have made sense before RotHC dropped and we were actually 'doing' lvl 50 stuff regularly.


But now? When we're doing lvl 55 stuff? When most of us are working on DF/DP in at least one form or another, want us to go back and do old stuff? Do you realize that most of us are not interested in being nudged toward doing content that we've done for years already?


What exactly would be bad with taking Elite Comms and doing something with that and making the currency worth something again? I have an ungodly amount of those across my 55s and nothing to spend them on and you're pushing us to go back and do EV, EC and KP again? False Emperor again? I mean, most of us go back and do them every so often for giggles, but we're going to have to farm this dusty old content if we want to get Dark Projects.


Couldn't you find a way to tie Guild Ship stuff to 'current' content without pushing us toward OW PVP?

Am I right in assuming that you think that there are only two ways to get the encryptions? Because I only read about farming commanders or craft the encryptions.
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Am I right in assuming that you think that there are only two ways to get the encryptions? Because I only read about farming commanders or craft the encryptions.


Conquering a planet will net each Guild Member a single Encryption for the week.


Right now, those are the only 3 weeks to get Encryptions. Dark Projects, killing Commanders, Conquering a planet.

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For two Dark Projects, per week. And you need 50 of those to make a single Framework. And you need 2-6 of those to open a single room. And there are 15 rooms to unlock.


Unless I did my math wrong, it'll take a guild...25 weeks to get one Framework by farming 50 Ops. And almost a year to get one room unlocked.


Oh, come on. You're being pessimistic. Those numbers are for crafting using companions with no affection and no bonuses. A fully bonused companion will crit 33% of the time. So it won't take 25 weeks. It'll only take 19 weeks.


For one Framework.


See, isn't that much better? :jawa_tongue:

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I hope they do a ninja-change on the crafting, because otherwise nobody is going to bother with it at all. Either way, most people will be getting their ship unlocks via Conquest, and that means people will first be dumping resources into opening and decorating their strongholds to get the Conquest bonus. I don't really see the crafting as at all relevant in its current state.
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You do realise that some of us are not interested in doing any PVE at all, and the new owPVP content is a nice cherry on the cake of an otherwise useless expansion for us?


It would be better if they found a way to not push us towards any additional scripted PVE content.


If you just PVP, it's more like cherry on a pile of ****.


But meh, I've never understood people who only PVP or only do PVE anyway.

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To get a better perspective on what I'm talking about, this is how things are going to end up being done after 2.9 when it comes to farming mats for Dark Projects:


16man NiM EV: 8 ADCs, 2 RENs.

16man HM EV: 8 ADCs, 2 RENs.

16man SM EV: 8 BCAs, 2 SPPCs.


So, for doing 3 EV runs will net you 16 Alien Data Cubes, 4 Rakata Energy Nodules, 8 Biometric Crystal Alloys and 2 Self-Perpetuating Power Cells.


The rewards for doing all three modes of KP are the same as EV listed above. So, doing six runs of the relevant 50 OPs will net you 32 Alien Data Cubes, 8 Rakata Energy Nodes, 16 Biometric Crystal Alloys and 4 Self-Perpetuating Power Cells.


Now, at least 8 of your guildies will need to go do HM False Emperor for the Self-Perpetuating Power Cell that drops from the last boss. Because, otherwise, you're only going to get 4 SPPCs. Assuming you can get 8 people to slog through it and get the 2 SPPCs, you're now set.


A Dark Project requires 3 Self-Perpetuating Power Cells, 6 Alien Data Cubes, 6 Biometric Crystal Alloys, 3 Rakata Energy Nodes and a crapton of sub-55 green mats.


So, with six runs under your belt in the first week, assuming we have all the green mats for the Invasion Force itemm already, we can make...2 Dark Projects. Per week. Assuming you can get your Guildies to go do 3 runs of EV, and 3 runs of KP and 2 runs of HM False Emperor.


For two Dark Projects, per week. And you need 50 of those to make a single Framework. And you need 2-6 of those to open a single room. And there are 15 rooms to unlock.


Unless I did my math wrong, it'll take a guild...25 weeks to get one Framework by farming 50 Ops. And almost a year to get one room unlocked.


people are saying that false emperor isnt a guaranteed drop. its up to the rng......

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i'm enjoying these threads...mostly because they seem to think the time to gather these mats starts next week.


ignoring the fact that guilds have multiple 99 stacks of this stuff or can buy them from the gtn.


carebear tears, indeed are delicious.

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i'm enjoying these threads...mostly because they seem to think the time to gather these mats starts next week.


ignoring the fact that guilds have multiple 99 stacks of this stuff or can buy them from the gtn.


carebear tears, indeed are delicious.


Posts like this are why PVPers get mocked when they cry about Season rewards.

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Posts like this are why PVPers get mocked when they cry about Season rewards.


You expected a different reaction, even given the tone of your post? This is exactly what you should have expected when you made it a PvP versus PvE topic, and why the real point is completely lost.

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If you just PVP, it's more like cherry on a pile of ****.


But meh, I've never understood people who only PVP or only do PVE anyway.




This isn't even real WPvP content :(


More like another PvE encounter just thrown into a flagged area.


Defenders get no real reward for defending, attackers get no real reward for kills. (Of players). This leads me to maintain a view that it does little to "encourage" PvP, and more to make "pointless PvP blunders" happen. This would of course be different if there were direct rewards for engaging the opposing faction in a conquest.... In star WARS. But alas, I'll take the bone I'm thrown.


This is just flagging for PvE :p

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