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SW:TOR will experience the first ever overnight ecomonic crash of an MMO.


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Would you mind clarifying your logic, please?


If the super-expensive things on the GTN go down in price, because if a significant deflation, than players would feel less attached to the game?


Why? Players with less money would be able to afford things they've desired that were out of reach before.

No, that's not what I meant. The guy I quoted assumed the only impact with the cost of 2.9 would be a slight slow down on the GTN. I don't care about the GTN at all, I care about the guilds being gated from the guild content in 2.9. Those players will have less devotion to SWTOR because their subs aren't buying them the same content others are.

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No, that's not what I meant. The guy I quoted assumed the only impact with the cost of 2.9 would be a slight slow down on the GTN. I don't care about the GTN at all, I care about the guilds being gated from the guild content in 2.9. Those players will have less devotion to SWTOR because their subs aren't buying them the same content others are.


Well that or they'll have less attachment to the guild they're in and seek one that does have said content (if it's really that important to them).

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No, that's not what I meant. The guy I quoted assumed the only impact with the cost of 2.9 would be a slight slow down on the GTN. I don't care about the GTN at all, I care about the guilds being gated from the guild content in 2.9. Those players will have less devotion to SWTOR because their subs aren't buying them the same content others are.


Good thing most don't share your entitlement mentality.

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Good thing most don't share your entitlement mentality.

"Entitlement?" lol!!! Not even close. It's just the opposite. I'm not selfish and shortsighted enough to see this as a good thing for the game. MMOs depend on new players...


I believe if the guild you're in isn't helping you get what you want out of the game, you should find the guild that does.

My guild is amazing. They're entirely why I play...and we'll have our ship day 1. It's the hundreds of other guilds that won't that I worry about. Those players are the guys who fill PuG runs, fill WZ queues, fill GSF queues, join GF...we need them as much as we need the mega guilds.

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My guild is amazing. They're entirely why I play...and we'll have our ship day 1. It's the hundreds of other guilds that won't that I worry about. Those players are the guys who fill PuG runs, fill WZ queues, fill GSF queues, join GF...we need them as much as we need the mega guilds.


All this will do is encourage them to either band together and accomplish something big as a team (perhaps discover within themselves that which you found in your guild) or join a guild that already has such features.


I don't really think this is going to be a feature that will negatively impact new players. Honestly in terms of time spent (considering time = effort in these games) it's not any more daunting than getting to 55 from level 1. Actually probably significantly less if they've already achieved that goal.

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"Entitlement?" lol!!! Not even close. It's just the opposite. I'm not selfish and shortsighted enough to see this as a good thing for the game. MMOs depend on new players...



My guild is amazing. They're entirely why I play...and we'll have our ship day 1. It's the hundreds of other guilds that won't that I worry about. Those players are the guys who fill PuG runs, fill WZ queues, fill GSF queues, join GF...we need them as much as we need the mega guilds.


You are crying because you think players will be upset that you don't get a guild ship just because they sub. You think players feel they are "entitled" to a guild ship just because they sub. Yeah so it's very close and actually spot on to entitlement mentality and like I said luckily most don't share your destructive thought process.


When in reality (which you clearly are not up to speed on) these new player that join after 2.9 and join a guild will not be required to put anything towards the guild ship. Most guilds will now include that in their guild recruitment plug.

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All this will do is encourage them to either band together and accomplish something big as a team (perhaps discover within themselves that which you found in your guild) or join a guild that already has such features.

No. All this does, in reality, is diminish what they have access to as far as content vs. what we do.

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You are crying because you think players will be upset that you don't get a guild ship just because they sub. You think players feel they are "entitled" to a guild ship just because they sub. Yeah so it's very close and actually spot on to entitlement mentality and like I said luckily most don't share your destructive thought process.

First off, I'm not crying, I'm stating my opinion. Learn the difference. If you can't handle debate, stay away from the forums.


And yeah, luckily the vocal minority here don't give 2 ***** about anyone but themselves. That's a great thing to be proud of.

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No. All this does, in reality, is diminish what they have access to as far as content vs. what we do.


I don't see it as significantly different from requiring 8 people to run an Ops. Or being 55 to get access to Oricon dailies. All content in this game has requirements of some sort to it. This is just a different kind of hurdle.

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I don't see it as significantly different from requiring 8 people to run an Ops. Or being 55 to get access to Oricon dailies. All content in this game has requirements of some sort to it. This is just a different kind of hurdle.

And I do.

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No. All this does, in reality, is diminish what they have access to as far as content vs. what we do.


Again you clearly are not up to speed with reality. They have access to the exact content. Again guilds will be adding guild ship to their recruitment plug. So by your flawed logic all content in mmos that required time, effort, and dedication is "diminishing what players have access to". Sorry buddy you are completely clueless...

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What Happens After The Crash?


The day after 19 August, the wealthiest people in game will be down to their last 5-20 million credits. The middle class in game will be down to their last 1-5 million credits. And the average players, which tend to have at most, maybe 2 million credits, will be broke or near broke.


This is the part I do not agree with at all. The wealthiest people in the game have 100s of millions. So instead of having 500 million they will have 400 million and new ways to make money via the GTN which is what made them rich in the first place. So as with the real economies, the really rich will not suffer from this at all.


The other two groups are probably true.


Only a small percentage of players (those taking a break from the game and those who simply do not like spending money) will maintain their pre-stronghold level of wealth. And remember, there will be a lot of guilds who make obtaining a guild ship a priority and thus hitting the middle class very hard for their personal wealth.


The thing is there are still the same ways of making money. What is more likely to happen is a shift in where people spend money. There will be less cash for things like augmenting because people are doing housing and even that depends on the player.


Also as a game, as you said yourself, there are not a lot of money sinks. The new stuff will only be a temporary drain and then it goes back to business as usual.


People who have little credits still will have housing on DK/Coruscant. All in all, aside from GTN fluctuations I do not think the economy will change much, certainly not for the long term. I see it as a shift more than anything.


In the end when you are broke, you do some dailies for an hour and you have 150k again.


What I will be interested to see is what will happen to smaller guilds. I see this guild ship and all that comes with it as a stumbling block for recruitment as they may not have a ship to offer, certainly not at first. This means that there may well be a consolidation of guilds more than anything. There may end up being more bigger guilds. Especially Conquest will pull more people to bigger guilds because they want to win. This may be what they want to achieve but I also see downsides to this.


Time will tell, but the economy will work itself out, simply because the cost of basic necessities stays the same (repairs, travel, etc) and those costs are easy to cover with doing a minimum of dailies.

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There will be a lull in the mainstay items like Augments, Augment kits, etc. for a couple of weeks, but there is also going to be a boom on the new decoration item kits that are going to sell like crazy for a few weeks, probably at inflated values for the first week and finally settling to a stable price around the second to third week.


As for a recession? Nope. You will most likely see the usual crafting barons flooding the market with the new "Shiny" padding their account even more, and there will also be an influx of new "wealthy" who have planned for this patch.


It won't be a recession, but more likely a redistribution. Plus, a few weeks of dailies will bring the mainstays back into balance.

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Again you clearly are not up to speed with reality. They have access to the exact content. Again guilds will be adding guild ship to their recruitment plug. So by your flawed logic all content in mmos that required time, effort, and dedication is "diminishing what players have access to". Sorry buddy you are completely clueless...

I think it is you who needs to get up to speed. Unless a guild invests the 50 mil, they will NOT have access to the guild conquests...the very first piece of guild content added to this game since launch (minus guild banks which were storage, not content). So it seems to be YOU who is completely clueless.

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I think it is you who needs to get up to speed. Unless a guild invests the 50 mil, they will NOT have access to the guild conquests...the very first piece of guild content added to this game since launch (minus guild banks which were storage, not content). So it seems to be YOU who is completely clueless.


A player that does not spend hours and hours getting to level 55 and then spends weeks and weeks gearing up will never experience some of the ops.


A player who doesn't spend weeks and months grinding reputation will never get the rewards for gaining max reputation.


So what the hell is your point? Or are you just trolling? Why sub to a game just to troll the forums?

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A player that does not spend hours and hours getting to level 55 and then spends weeks and weeks gearing up will never experience some of the ops.


A player who doesn't spend weeks and months grinding reputation will never get the rewards for gaining max reputation.


So what the hell is your point? Or are you just trolling? Why sub to a game just to troll the forums?

You can gear up at 55 in 30 min on Oricon.


Reputation? That has to do with this discussion how? Is there some content I'm gated from if I don't have max rep somewhere?


My point was very clear. I suggest you re-read my posts since you're confused...because typing them out again, just for you to ignore again, seems pointless.

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I think it is you who needs to get up to speed. Unless a guild invests the 50 mil, they will NOT have access to the guild conquests...the very first piece of guild content added to this game since launch (minus guild banks which were storage, not content). So it seems to be YOU who is completely clueless.

I do NOT have access to the Oricon dailies, is that not content? I pay the same sub as you so by your logic I should get access but I don't.


I've spent my entire time in this game, over 3 months, grinding to lvl 55 (something I don't really want to do) and I still have a bit to go too to be able to run dailies, ops ranked PvP with my guildmates, most of whom are lvl 55. Again using the logic that this is a game & I shouldn't be forced to do anything I don't enjoy so I should just start out with a lvl 55 character right?


They have the same right to that content as I have to the Oricon dailies. They have to earn that right just like I have to earn the right to partake in lvl 55 content by spending months ginding exp. It's no different no matter how you try to spin it.

Edited by scottythebod
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You can gear up at 55 in 30 min on Oricon.


Reputation? That has to do with this discussion how? Is there some content I'm gated from if I don't have max rep somewhere?


My point was very clear. I suggest you re-read my posts since you're confused...because typing them out again, just for you to ignore again, seems pointless.


You can't get to level 55 in 30 minutes though. There is a multi-day XP grinding gate to operations.

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I never said you could. We're talking about end game content, not leveling content.


But leveling is indeed a gate to end game content and the amount of in-game hours required exceeds the amount of in-game hours required to knock out the 50 mil.

Edited by azudelphi
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You can gear up at 55 in 30 min on Oricon.


Reputation? That has to do with this discussion how? Is there some content I'm gated from if I don't have max rep somewhere?


My point was very clear. I suggest you re-read my posts since you're confused...because typing them out again, just for you to ignore again, seems pointless.


Really? You can gear up a 55 and run HM dp, DF? Come on buddy stop trolling it's pathetic someone would sub to a video game just to troll. You can't gear a 55 on oricon in 30 and run ALL OPS!


And btw the way all a new player has to do is join a guild with a ship and they have access instantaneously no effort, no credits out of the pocket, no time invested...how is that gating anything.


It's probably time for you to move on to a new game, maybe learn the dynamics of how mmos operate. Just because you sub does NOT ENTITLE you to all content just because. It takes time, effort, knowledge , dedication. Guild ships are no different then any other content. Give it up you are embarrassing yourself.

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