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This stupid plague is so troll. I have avoided the fleet as much as possible during this event, and I dread going there to sell my items. Dromund Kass here I come.


I haven't used the Rhakghoul vaccine once this event. I have been active on any number of characters going all over fleet. Essentially the danger spots are only in a few select locations, and if you are paying even a modicum of attention you shouldn't have any issue.


I haven't been infected once.

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This stupid plague is so troll. I have avoided the fleet as much as possible during this event, and I dread going there to sell my items. Dromund Kass here I come.


STOP WHINING. Holy ****. This plague is actually something that is annoying. That's the point. It's a plague. If you put stuff into your game and it doesn't move your interest or feelings in any shape or form, it's shallow and empty. We actually need more of this. New stuff, though.

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A relic to prevent plague is as cheap s 5k-10k. usable effect purges the plague and vaccinates you for several hours. reusable constantly (5 second cooldown).


Can't believe people complain about the plague. I rarely get it. When I do get it? I purge it immediately and then i'm vaccinated for a long time.

Edited by undiess
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I really don't understand why some of these people don't just play single player RPG's. If you are the kind of player that wants total control of the world you are playing in, don't play an MMO. By definition these games require you to sacrifice your 'special status' in exchange for a more social game play experience.
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I swear that the rage posts generated from from this event are the best bit.


PvP rage from Gree event is awesome too.


Long may it continue.


lol. I would have to say raging from the gree event about pvp is worse. At least there are usually more threads about it

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A relic to prevent plague is as cheap s 5k-10k. usable effect purges the plague and vaccinates you for several hours. reusable constantly (5 second cooldown).


Can't believe people complain about the plague. I rarely get it. When I do get it? I purge it immediately and then i'm vaccinated for a long time.


By doing the dailies to get the newcomer rep, you get enough creds to buy 2 of those leveling relics for each bracket ( 25, 35 and 45 iirc). Good xp for your lowbies, decent creds, nice pieces of gear that can be a pain to aquire from other sources while leveling due to their alignment restrictions, and the best protection against the event for ever for your entire legacy at no cost.


Some compare this to the Gree. I wish it was the case there.

The PvP element there cannot be avoided. As soon as you get near, your pve relics and normal medpacks and adrenals don't work anymore.

Yes, you can avoid getting flagged but is something you have to work for all the time you are there, checking your aoe's, cherrypicking your teammates, controling your companions (they can do some stuff and suddenly you're in a fight you didn't ask, lol), you have you check your target, one tab less or one more and you get flagged. All that every time you are there. PvP is present one way or the other.

If you could do 50 WZs to get a legacy bind clicky that would absolutely and effectively make you unable to get flagged for PvP no matter what, I would do them, but no such thing.

Edited by wainot-keel
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I just think all the criers should follow these 10 steps to rectify their "Rakghoul plague" issue.

1. Disconnect from their ISP.

2. Unplug and disconnect all computer cables and wrap them up nicely.

3. Pack up all the computer or laptop components, carefully and neatly.

4. Again be careful and put it all in your vehicle.

5. Drive it all back to the store you bought it from.

6. Once more be careful taking it all out of the vehicle.

7. Walk all of it inside the store and proceed to customer service counter.


9. Take what they give you, and go to Walmart, and by your self an, Etch-a-Sketch.


For those that do not know what an Etch-a-Sketch is?



10. Have fun.

Edited by Sith-Viscera
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during zombie invasion on the other hand - you weren't safe anywhere. all it took was being bitten, and while early on you could cleanse infection off with certain classes (or by talking to an npc) further into event, it has become uncleansable in any way shape or form, infected players could keep attacking everything in their path near indefinitely, turning into a zombie yourself took less time than it took for a loading screen to finish and it was everywhere. the only way to be safe was to literally either do nothing, but hang high above on your flying mount in outlands (back in those days, that was the ONLY place you could fly) , or just not log in at all. the game quite literally have become completely unplayable unless you wanted to be a zombie and run around infecting people. NOTHING. ELSE. WORKED.


And I was totally baffled by the complaints. It lasted about 5 days, although there were rumours Blizz pulled it early to due to the moaning. I actually read some of the complaint posts, and they consisted almost entirely of people screaming that they couldn't do the daily quests that they had been repeating for months, instead of participating in a one-off event. You know, new content. The stuff MMO players are usually asking for all the time. Mixed in among the complaints were people asking why they didn't participate, why they didn't vary their routine for a day or two. The first new content in months and people moaned that they couldn't do the same thing as they had been doing for ages.


The first time I attacked a pack in my confident 'I've been killing these easily so far' mindset and got shredded because they had leveled up again was great, there I was in the middle of Shattrath and everything was hostile. Rawr, kill. Yes, it changed the whole game for a few days, if you were very new, it basically shut you down. But anyone with even a mid level toon could participate in a unique event.


Now I don't particularly like this one. The disease does seem more like trolling to me, it inconveniences players without actually adding anything. The WOW one changed the game, it allowed you to rampage around a bit, cause chaos for a while and even fight your friends and guild mates. That seemed a worthwhile thing to play with for a few days, in the knowledge that soon everything would revert and normalcy would resume. This is no different to the other 'here's some new dailies to grind' events. It could have been more, with player rakghouls charging around a bit, but I guess it would have received the same response from the community. Pity, change can be fun, especially if you know it's only temporary.

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Some compare this to the Gree. I wish it was the case there.

The PvP element there cannot be avoided. As soon as you get near, your pve relics and normal medpacks and adrenals don't work anymore.

Yes, you can avoid getting flagged but is something you have to work for all the time you are there, checking your aoe's, cherrypicking your teammates, controling your companions (they can do some stuff and suddenly you're in a fight you didn't ask, lol), you have you check your target, one tab less or one more and you get flagged. All that every time you are there. PvP is present one way or the other.

If you could do 50 WZs to get a legacy bind clicky that would absolutely and effectively make you unable to get flagged for PvP no matter what, I would do them, but no such thing.

The PvP quests for the Gree event don't have to be done, that avoids the PvP element. As far as PvP-flagged players running into your AoE, that's not an issue specific to the Gree event, anywhere there's a mix of Imp/Rep players you can have this happening, it's just a lot more obvious in the Gree/Rakghoul events because they're in a shared area & there tends to be much larger populations than in the other shared planets.


That said, I think they could do something about how you can get yourself flagged for PvP through someone else's actions (ie, change it so in order to attack a PvP flagged enemy you have to flag yourself first, rather than them take damage from your skills).

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This stupid plague is so troll. I have avoided the fleet as much as possible during this event, and I dread going there to sell my items. Dromund Kass here I come.


You, sir, are a tool. Not only are you laughably pathetic for thinking the Rak cure is 1/4 of your creds, but also for thinking going to the fleet is instant death. I've gone to the fleet, and been afk in crowded areas at peak times whilst taking a shower, and never got infected. I've used the GTN, gone to trainers, bought stuff with comms, and never once got infected. Clearly, you're letting the fail trolls on the forums get the better of you.

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I just think all the criers should follow these 10 steps to rectify their "Rakghoul plague" issue.

1. Disconnect from their ISP.

2. Unplug and disconnect all computer cables and wrap them up nicely.

3. Pack up all the computer or laptop components, carefully and neatly.

4. Again be careful and put it all in your vehicle.

5. Drive it all back to the store you bought it from.

6. Once more be careful taking it all out of the vehicle.

7. Walk all of it inside the store and proceed to customer service counter.


9. Take what they give you, and go to Walmart, and by your self an, Etch-a-Sketch.


For those that do not know what an Etch-a-Sketch is?



10. Have fun.


Since your crying about people crying you should lead by example. Have a nice day. Having fun with your Etch-a-Sketch.

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