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Price on Dark Project, Universal Prefab Kits 1-3


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I've tried to create a spreadsheet about crafting costs (The Red Eclipse server) and it seems that for now the prices like 100k for Universal Prefab Kit and 1mil for Dark Project:



If this math proves true, I am going to be extremely wealthy in about a week.


I expect materials to surge even more because like as not, there are plenty of people who want in on the action but either don't craft or don't do any research whatsoever. People still list materials on the GTN for less than the vendor sell price.

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I've tried to create a spreadsheet about crafting costs (The Red Eclipse server) and it seems that for now the prices like 100k for Universal Prefab Kit and 1mil for Dark Project:



I checked on the GTN this morning. Prices for Dark Project components are now 3x what you have listed there.

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The Rakata Energy Nodes seem to be the big sticking point if GTN prices are an indication. I bought some up tonight but man, I wish I'd have held on to the ones I've gotten rid of in bank purges over the past few months.


Prices are dropping again on the other stuff because they drop from the first few cartel pack releases whch were re-released this week.

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I think the Dark project kits are going to be eye wateringly expensive to start off with. Big guilds with ships will not only want but need to open up rooms. After all you can only get 10 people in the ship without opening rooms. So I am guessing these Dark project kits are going to be 3-5 million each easily to start off with. I think lots will give up though and hope one drops in game.
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I didn't see any Dark Project MK-1 on the GTN on PoT5 last night. I saw people hawking them in general chat for 2.5M though. Don't know if they had any takers.


Synthetic prefabs of all varieties were going for about 40-50k. Think Universal pre fab Mk-3's were 350k or so? Be interested to hear about pricing on other servers!

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Over on EH the GTN prices of Dark Projects started at 8m by one seller several hours after 2.9 launch and quickly dropped to 2m by the end of day one. Now, with just over a full day since launch, there are currently six pages of Dark Projects on the GTN with a low price of 999k per Dark Project.


MK-1 Universals are currently 73k on the GTN while MK-2 and MK-3's are both 250k.


While I figured that the inflated Dark Project pricing wouldn't last more than several hours I didn't anticipate that the going price would drop below potential GTN mat costs this quickly. Obviously crafters, like myself, stocked up prior to 2.9 and the current GTN mat costs don't reflect their true investment.


Most surprising to me is that even with the GTN prices below 1M on the Dark Projects there doesn't appear to be much movement on the GTN. I've been moving the asking price of my Dark Projects as the market dictates and haven't sold a single one yet. I assume that many guilds have also been stockpiling mats and are currently creating their own Dark Projects hence the relatively low demand.


I find the the intricacies of each server's markets very interesting and would love to hear how other servers are playing out as well.



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Earlier today on Harbringer the Dark Projects were down at 400k....unbelievable since the mats for just the LAST stage were still worth well over that not to mention that invasion forces were more than that....now the project is back up towards 600k but still seems insanely low.....
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Earlier today on Harbringer the Dark Projects were down at 400k....unbelievable since the mats for just the LAST stage were still worth well over that not to mention that invasion forces were more than that....now the project is back up towards 600k but still seems insanely low.....


Wow, 400K?...I agree that even 600k seems low. As you said, the exotic crafting mats are around that price on the GTN (Rataka Energy is at 100k each on EH). The Dark Project price has dropped to 850k this evening but it appears that not many are selling as the same half-dozen sellers are re-listing with a very small undercut.


While the Dark Project market appears slow, the MK-3 Universal market has remained brisk with steady sales between 240k and 260k, as of the past hour.

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The low price is a bit silly. I think it reflects the stockpiles of materials lots of people have had. But the rate these go down when crating is very high. I doubt many people can support making and listing like this for long. I would guess that the price will bounce back up to over a million very soon.
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Just work out the cost of the materials ( base materials - or even the next tier first crafted schems ) and you'll get a fair idea of if they are under priced or over priced.


I agree that many of these higher tiered items that use crafted items from other schems are selling forl ess than what you can buy the first/second tier items for and even less still of the original mats depending on the item so yes the market cannot sustain these stupidly low prices. This comes as a result of people generally having no clue of the market etc. imo. Take the top adrenals/stims/medpacs for example - these VERY often sell lower than what it would cost you to buy the mats always making me wonder why people don't just sell the mats ( even with crit it's still lower ).


I may look into some of these when I get home and contemplate buying up cheap items and hoarding them for the price rise but I've been doing that a lot lately for materials and CM items and there is only so much patience one has waiting for prices to rise. :p


In short if the price is deemed stupidly low buy them out and relist at a later date when it bounces back up - especially for items like Dark Project that uses so many mats that the low price can't be sustained.


Another factor to consider is that most likely only "large" guilds have probably bought their ships so far and being large they probably are self sufficient in terms of the dark project ( at least for some time to come ) so as other "lesser" guilds can afford their ships and become interested in conquest one can only assume they won't be able to interally support Dark Project's and this is when GTN demand will begin to lift.

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Just work out the cost of the materials ( base materials - or even the next tier first crafted schems ) and you'll get a fair idea of if they are under priced or over priced.


yea, but the price of mats is going up and down just as fast. :)


so what was fairly price yesterday isn't today

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true, The Progenitor price started at 9 Million, but drooped to a more reasonable 1 million in 2 days as people started to craft them.


But every upside has a downside, the mats to craft the components shot up. - Polychromic crystals went to ~8K each at one point....


I'm so glad I had many stacks of the most popular mats -either gathered or bought cheaply over the last few months.


Top tip. - Gather as much as you can before Preferred access and F2P access - only a few weeks to make your fortune! -But Personally I won't stockpile anything I can't use eventually for my bread-and-butter crafting.

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Volatility in Dark Projects makes sense - the mats were effectively vendor garbage with very little use for quite some time while people continued to run old ops where they dropped or found them stuffed in Cartel Packs.


Sure, prices spiked when the mats were given a new use, but that use is limited.


Guilds need the Dark Projects for their ships, but the ones big enough to have ships probably stockpiled by collecting mats from running old ops (and anyone who is a hoarder) and will gather more the same way, plus they have alternatives to using Dark Projects.


Individuals can use them to put a giant model outside their stronghold - and some will pay whatever the price to do so - but I imagine the vast majority aren't willing to part with millions of credits just to see a ship outside the window.


And no, I don't expect Dark Projects to increase with F2P access - these are people with 350K or less credit caps on their characters - they will have enough problems unlocking rooms.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Well the prices on Dark Eclipse yesterday hit 540k for Dark projects. That is based on the materials used a fraction of what it should be. Especially as it needs amongst other things 3 Rakata Energy Nodes and those are over 200k each at the moment. I am guessing that this is a reflection of a large amount of crafting going this week. It is not substainable and will change soon.
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Shadowlands stinks! prices are rock bottom on everything but the rakata energy nodes and alien data cubes. Dark projects holding steady at 500k... materials to make them can still be found at under 500 credits per unit in full stacks of 99.
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TRE is so saturated in all areas (CM items, finished stronghold "mats" etc) that basically everything is a monetary loss at the moment. Dark projects were down to 480K last time I checked today and that is barely making up the cost for the Rakatas. Edited by MidichIorian
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TRE is so saturated in all areas (CM items, finished stronghold "mats" etc) that basically everything is a monetary loss at the moment. Dark projects were down to 480K last time I checked today and that is barely making up the cost for the Rakatas.


Yeah, the boom is over. Those who wanted everything right away paid big creds for them. Now the market is flood and those with more patience are crafting everything themselves. I checked this morning and on The Harbinger Dark Project MK-1's were down to 350k each.

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Out of curiosity can they be RE'd and if so what does the RE yield?


I'm noticing a lot of the more end result stuff is ridiculously priced. For example I think I went and bought a legacy locker thing for my stronghold for 1/3rd the cost of the mats were if I wanted to buy the mats then use them at a stronghold vendor to buy it that way.


I'm not sure what on earth is going through people's minds to sell things so cheaply ... I can only assume that what you see listed cheaply haven't been crafted and have been dropped from ops etc.? I'm yet to really start running much content since 2.9 but from what I understand content has gotten a lot more popular due to the conquest stuff? That being the case more people running content = more drops to sell on GTN which may explain some of it.


This would relate to anything "rare" anyway. As opposed to something that may drop 1 X item but you can craft 25 of them in an hour then the op/fp drops aren't really going to effect market prices.


As for the boom being over, I would say it's slowed down a tad but there is still many millions to be easily made. I make a good 5 million+ a day right now over 2 toons and I've only just started bringing the 2nd toon into crafting new items for big profit so I expect that to grow somewhat. All I really know is a lot of ... let's say "not so clued up" people seem to play this game and flick raw materials onto the market at stupidly low prices ( e.g. 1K per polychromic crystal where next lowest is 5K ) making it very easy for me to buy up materials and craft them into something highly profitable or better yet buy out the entire market of item X and relist what I bought for 2-5x profit :D Only works for materials that are slower to collect of course.


Another thing I've noticed is most purple items I use for crafting have barely moved in price at all ( yet other crew skills have sky rocketed ) yet the end result items I can use them for ( the mk1- mk-3 stuff ) are selling for a fairly tidy price anywhere from 20k-40k depending on what it is. A lot of the time I'm making 20-30K profit per item and I can craft 25 in an hour for the purples I think it is and the greens ... well even faster so yeah, much money to be made still.

I guess the bit on the purple items going up vs those that haven't may relate back to what was FoTM supply earlier on before 2.9? I.e. the more crafters that had a certain crew skill to make other things ( say cybertech ) meant that when new schems launched using different purples there was an over abundance of crafters needing those purples. Where as I've relied on non FoTM crafting skills so I never got that massive demand jump so my materials prices remain stable.


The coolest part of this still is that even though crafters are using different mats we are effectively making the same item. So say cybertech make item X and it costs them 30K to make it and most people use cybertech so the sale price sits steadily just above that 30K ... without the big boost to material demand in my chosen crew skill I can make that same item MUCH cheaper and enjoy the higher sales price driven by the cybertech crafters.

I also assume with the massive drop thermal regulators took ( they are no way the best purple item to have any more ) that the augment market also took a massive hit? That is also strange as all of my regular crafted items have increased in price with less people making them.


Right now I'm just buying up hypercrates and trying my best not to open packs heh ( it's REALLY hard! ) but I think I'll stop that and since I'm currently guildless save up for a few days and maybe buy myself a flagship or something. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

sorry to bring this up, but I can't find an answer quickly with the wonderful "search" function:


Can you crit on Dark Project crafts? A guild mate says they had a companion come back "with great success" but no extra Dark Projects were created.


Thanks in advance for any replies.

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sorry to bring this up, but I can't find an answer quickly with the wonderful "search" function:


Can you crit on Dark Project crafts? A guild mate says they had a companion come back "with great success" but no extra Dark Projects were created.


Thanks in advance for any replies.

I have critted and gotten two Dark Projects.

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