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FOR THE DEVELOPERS : changing combat engines


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I have been playing other games with various combat engines, and one i seem to get the most fun out of is the UNREAL combat engine, used in games like the Fable series, Unreal Tournaments, and Tera Rising, this allows a more freestyle type combat where a controller can be used... easier to evade attacks and does require a more level of skill to use, and not to mention easier to take on mobs. As much as i love SWTOR, i hate having to lock on to single targets to fight one at a time while the rest of the mob pound and shoot at me, its like " please wait your turn to die " while dodges and misses are based on "dice roll" means. With the Unreal combat engine... its simple... dont want to get hit... MOVE... and to hit something be in range and face your target. I believe that switching to this combat engine more players will come back, PVP will improve, and the overall enjoyment of the game will increase.....


I ask the Developers please take this in consideration

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If you want a shooter, this game is not for you.


The idea is this game is based on dice rolls, not reflexes. Your ability to hit the enemy is based on your stats, gear, and skills, not your ability to press button X fast.


That is why there is a global cool down. It takes some, but perhaps not all, of the twich out of this game.


What you're asking for is to make this more like Call of Duty.

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Have you tried Tera : Rising, it is an MMORPG fantasy based game where there is a mix of ranged and melee like SWTOR, the combat engine is PHENOMENOL ... a SLAYER dual wields twin swords, much like the Sentinel and the flow of combat is so smooth... my first thought was " this is how a jedi sentinel should fight"
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Have you tried Tera : Rising, it is an MMORPG fantasy based game where there is a mix of ranged and melee like SWTOR, the combat engine is PHENOMENOL ... a SLAYER dual wields twin swords, much like the Sentinel and the flow of combat is so smooth... my first thought was " this is how a jedi sentinel should fight"


Then play Star Wars: The Force Unleased.


You're asking for the entire game design to be redone, that is simply not going to happen. If this is what you want, fair enough, then SWTOR is not your game.

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How would you know they wouldnt.... i have seen alot of games go through a re-design ... and it is easier then one thinks


easy, you keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means.


let me guess, you have never programmed anything before (beyond a simple graph on a calculator, but i'd even take that as a nice first step). Take another guess and never done any type of game development/design. Ever done any type of project management, for a technology company?


let me ask it this way, what do you do for a living that you would assume something like this is "easy"?

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How would you know they wouldnt.... i have seen alot of games go through a re-design ... and it is easier then one thinks


Did you see how long FFXIV was down before the relauch? That is the kind of time scale we're talking for a relaunch. I'd love to see it, because The Repopulation is apparently using a finished version of the Hero Engine and is all the better for it, but we know that this game is pulling in a few hundred million in revenue, and the gains to be seen by starting from scratch quite likely do not outweigh a continued revenue stream from the game as is.


It is not an easy thing to do, and I'm at a loss as to how you think it would be a quick change.

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Did you see how long FFXIV was down before the relauch? That is the kind of time scale we're talking for a relaunch. I'd love to see it, because The Repopulation is apparently using a finished version of the Hero Engine and is all the better for it, but we know that this game is pulling in a few hundred million in revenue, and the gains to be seen by starting from scratch quite likely do not outweigh a continued revenue stream from the game as is.


It is not an easy thing to do, and I'm at a loss as to how you think it would be a quick change.


What're you taking about? Clearly, as I'm sure the OP will confirm, its simply as easy as changing


#include <HeroEngine.h>


#include <UnrealEngine.h>


Source: I saw C code once...

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Arm chair developing at it's finest. Hey OP, come back to us when you have designed your super duper engine, then yiu can tell us how easy it is. But until then, perhaps do some research before making statements about something you know nothing about.
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with $200M and 5 years, i'm sure the vision of the OP can come to life. Of course it would be a different game and will have its own issues (most likely about balance, mag and cheating)


and don't forget nothing new for this game or worse just pulls the plug.


Its things like this thread that make me just cry some times. People who have no idea what they are talking about, bashing the game because they can and thinking they are "helping"


How about instead of swapping engines, we write it in Java. Java is a pretty easy language to write in, should be easy to find and fix all the bugs, problems solved.

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Yes, combat is rubbish, but no way is it going to change. Too much has already been invested in this pseudo-turn based system. If we do see a turn-around (and I doubt we will), it'll be gradual over a long period of time, and waaaay in the future.
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My only point would be that they couldn't even provide a proper twitch setup with GSF IMO. I think the likelihood that they would be able to redesign the engine in any meaningful way, especially to change over to a more twitch based design is pretty poor.


However, I would think it would be possible to create a new game, perhaps with some elements from this one, under a new engine. That would probably be the best way to go IMO....a continuation of this game's storyline in a completely new MMO.

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No thank you, some of us play this game because of the type of combat system that it uses & would leave as soon as something like what OP has requested is implemented.


^ This... you only have to look at SWG and CU and NGE to see how badly that would go...

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SWG's combat upgrade made combat MORE like SWTOR's, with abilties, cooldowns, combat levels etc. I'd argue that if anything, we're currently playing the duff system which is in need of change. Change isn't necessarily a bad thing.


You're right it's not. But to do a drastic overhaul at this stage is counter productive, because the vast majority including me like the games combat as it is.

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You're right it's not. But to do a drastic overhaul at this stage is counter productive, because the vast majority including me like the games combat as it is.


I'm not saying turn around one day and suddenly change it as SWG did (as you've pointed out, that would be a bad idea from both a technical and consumer perspective), what I *am* suggesting is a gradual change to something with more movement, something which feels more versatile and fluid and less like I'm entering numbers in to a spreadsheet.

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