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PvP Season 2 rewards just in!


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Season 1: Rancor mount. Everyone was excited as hell!


Season 2: Trophy's! Every PvPer's dream!




Funny, except for the sarcastic posts, don't think I've seen one positive comment on the season 2 rewards.



Bioware had better fix this quick, or there's going to be a LOT of money they miss out on.

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What did you expected? They wanted to kill pvp from very beginning of the game. You just don't catch the allusion (GO AWAY PVPERS). Those rewards are proving my thesis. Pvers get much better rewards for best guilds... Cyborg Rancor, wings/jetpack, tank, etc. They clearly say go fu.k yourself if you want to pvp. And this helmet... rofl - Kaleesh(race) wearable head with helmet... rofl. Geeez. Hey devs I've got one question who hired you? or where did they find you? Even f....cking homeless people without any money are more creative than you. Top 3 adv class reward - huge baseball bat in an ****... Edited by Czaro
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So as usual the rewards have nothing to do with PvP.


- Helmet ( I like my outfit thank you, not going to change it)

- Mount ( I PvP, unless a warzone with mounts is created, this does not apply to me)

- Title ( I have titles turned off)

- Trophy ( Not going to buy a home to put trophies in because, well I PvP)


Here's a suggestion for you...get a pencil, unless your budget doesn't allow you to have pencils, then grab your phone and make a new notepad.


Reward 1 - Gun that you can dye! OMG how cool!

Reward 2 - Warzone capable vendor droid who sells OUR stims in OUR inventory.

Reward 3 - Clickable PvP relics - that does a specific ability every 5 minutes that can be a game changer for our team or something similar, but definitely a clicky relic that has nothing to do with power or mainstat.

Reward 4 - Weapon with a proc on it *gasp* something new to the game.

Reward 5 - An item that gives a buff to your teammates outside the four class buffs.

Reward 6 - Access to a special duel/PvP area on fleet

Reward 7 - Certain rank or valor will allow you to do a PvP driven quest for new dailies, only accessible by people who PvP and will be hosted in a PvP only open world area.

Reward 8 - Skinnable bike mount, so people can have their ranked team "logo" and "colors"

Reward 9 - Chest or robe crest, either a simple customizable crest or logo or you can choose from a bunch of premade ones that you can slap on your armor to signify you are a PvPer

Reward 10 - Holo statue of your character in an area on fleet to show your heroism for going to the fight every ... single...day..

Reward 11 - Key to summon a new world boss, world boss is in a PvP area and when the boss is summoned there is an announcement on both fleets that the boss will be summoned in 15 minutes. Allowing both sides to summon armies to defend the area and to fight the boss.

Reward 12 - Wedgee emote, tired of the slap, spit emotes, give out some comical ones, like a purple nurple or something.


I know I know...


Not going to happen...


People are going to poke fun at it...


We are all tired of Bioware ignoring us and doing whatever they want...


...but seriously, I came up with the above in less than 10 minutes, looks liek Bioware came up with their list in even less time.

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So as usual the rewards have nothing to do with PvP.


- Helmet ( I like my outfit thank you, not going to change it)

- Mount ( I PvP, unless a warzone with mounts is created, this does not apply to me)

- Title ( I have titles turned off)

- Trophy ( Not going to buy a home to put trophies in because, well I PvP)


Here's a suggestion for you...get a pencil, unless your budget doesn't allow you to have pencils, then grab your phone and make a new notepad.


Reward 1 - Gun that you can dye! OMG how cool!

Reward 2 - Warzone capable vendor droid who sells OUR stims in OUR inventory.

Reward 3 - Clickable PvP relics - that does a specific ability every 5 minutes that can be a game changer for our team or something similar, but definitely a clicky relic that has nothing to do with power or mainstat.

Reward 4 - Weapon with a proc on it *gasp* something new to the game.

Reward 5 - An item that gives a buff to your teammates outside the four class buffs.

Reward 6 - Access to a special duel/PvP area on fleet

Reward 7 - Certain rank or valor will allow you to do a PvP driven quest for new dailies, only accessible by people who PvP and will be hosted in a PvP only open world area.

Reward 8 - Skinnable bike mount, so people can have their ranked team "logo" and "colors"

Reward 9 - Chest or robe crest, either a simple customizable crest or logo or you can choose from a bunch of premade ones that you can slap on your armor to signify you are a PvPer

Reward 10 - Holo statue of your character in an area on fleet to show your heroism for going to the fight every ... single...day..

Reward 11 - Key to summon a new world boss, world boss is in a PvP area and when the boss is summoned there is an announcement on both fleets that the boss will be summoned in 15 minutes. Allowing both sides to summon armies to defend the area and to fight the boss.

Reward 12 - Wedgee emote, tired of the slap, spit emotes, give out some comical ones, like a purple nurple or something.


I know I know...


Not going to happen...


People are going to poke fun at it...


We are all tired of Bioware ignoring us and doing whatever they want...


...but seriously, I came up with the above in less than 10 minutes, looks liek Bioware came up with their list in even less time.


Guy, you should go to work for Bioware. I would definitely swap all my rewards for just one of your list ;)

Edited by elektaf
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I legitimately feel gang raped.


It's literally like they were just sitting in the office, about to post, when Musco popped over like "Wait, y'know what'd be MORE funny? If we delay the post by a week to make them think we're actually thinking about decent rewards this time. :D"


Obviously a resounding success.


This is the equivalent of breaking up with someone over text, except you decided to not text them, and instead change your Facebook Status hoping they get the message.

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I'm sure a Gold name will suddenly appear, and do some damage control.


My guess is, sometime around noon tomorrow PST.


*If not in this thread, another for sure. I highly doubt they'll let this pass with no reply.

Edited by Pistols
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I'm sure a Gold name will suddenly appear, and do some damage control.


My guess is, sometime around noon tomorrow PST.


*If not in this thread, another for sure. I highly doubt they'll let this pass with no reply.


That's a lot of moderating to do. Half the PvP forum threads are in full blown rage right now.

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Whatever happened to competing to prove your worth or competing for the fun of it. Do people really need to always have a carrot on a stick in order to do anything?


That would be valid if solos actually proved anything or were in the least competitive. Solos are a joke though and every good PvPer knows it and group ranked is virtually dead across most servers.

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So you work to become the top 3 of your class on the whole server and you get a title? Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahahahahhahahahah!


And that's not to mention that the reason we aren't getting gear or weapons is because this season was going to be much shorter and it's ended up being almost the exact same length of season 1. All that whooie about shorter seasons to make ranked better was just an excuse to not have to provide gear rewards.


Drop this in the trash bin that is overflowing with evidence that BW doesn't care about pvp. Full stop.

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I legitimately feel gang raped.


It's literally like they were just sitting in the office, about to post, when Musco popped over like "Wait, y'know what'd be MORE funny? If we delay the post by a week to make them think we're actually thinking about decent rewards this time. :D"


Obviously a resounding success.


This is the equivalent of breaking up with someone over text, except you decided to not text them, and instead change your Facebook Status hoping they get the message.


Oh God that was too good. I'm still wiping away my tears from that session.


On serious terms, I'm just happy that we get a title. I can just imagine having a PvE'r come into my stronghold and ask "Wow, that trophy looks nice. Where did you get it?" And I'll look straight into that PvErs soul and say "PvP Ranked, Bro". Soon after that PvE'r will run back to fleet QQing while I sit back on my Hutt skin coated couch sipping tea.

Edited by DARKheartLAND
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Oh God that was too good. I'm still wiping away my tears from that session.


On serious terms, I'm just happy that we get a title. I can just imagine having a PvEr come into my stronghold and ask "Wow, that trophy looks nice. Where did you get it?" And I'll look straight into that PvErs soul and say "PvP Ranked, Bro. Soon after that PvEr will run back to fleet QQing while I sit back on my Hutt skin coated couch sipping tea.


Totally worth it! :D

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Oh God that was too good. I'm still wiping away my tears from that session.


On serious terms, I'm just happy that we get a title. I can just imagine having a PvEr come into my stronghold and ask "Wow, that trophy looks nice. Where did you get it?" And I'll look straight into that PvErs soul and say "PvP Ranked, Bro. Soon after that PvEr will run back to fleet QQing while I sit back on my Hutt skin coated couch sipping tea.


You forgot part two of that story, where the PVE'r pops into ranked Q's with 830 expertise and full 180 gear in the hopes of "MOAR STRONGHOLD TROFYZ"

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"All Galactic" is the stupidest title ever.


I wanted something that said "I own this room, I own you". My epeen is not enlarged by "All Galactic".


"Oh **** time to log off (Caprica)" would've been more acceptable, for example.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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