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Heroic 4: The Aurora Cannon


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I only wish more heroics would actually require four people to be completed, instead of being something that is optional at times.


Regardless, their approach to that heroic was nonsensical to say the least.


If they wanted it to truly be an Heroic 4, they could have made it so it would truly require four players, AT ALL TIMES, NOT just at the end of it.


I'm not in favor of them changing it but its original design was flawed to begin with; Feels like trolling to DEMAND(!!!) team work(?) at the very end only.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I don't like the design of Section X at all....but that is just personal preference. I don't mind the beginning area, but the rest is just a traffic jam after traffic jam with large amounts of space in between....lots of traveling around.


Illum is a bit more efficient. Black Hole and CZ are fantastic, Oricon isn't bad (but murderous IMO). Section X just takes far to long to complete IMO. Also really despise running back through the building in the back once I have destroyed the droid boss...would have been nice to have an exit door.

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My problem with it, is that it is nearly impossible to get a group some days for it. I've spent over an hour spamming for someone just to click at the end.


Amen to that... The design isn't "bad" imho... I rather enjoy the missions that require multiple people... but this one... mainly because the planet/instance is a ghost town most times... they should rethink this one for the dailies.

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That said, if you spam "need one person to push button to complete AC" to general chat, you have a pretty good chance of picking up your fourth quickly.


We did that once a long time ago (pre TotHC) when someone rage-quit because none of us had figured out what to interrupt on the last boss. We then three-manned the boss without him (interrupting Force Siphon), solicited a button pusher in general chat, and finished. The button-pusher was pretty happy to get the Weekly for just walking in. :)


Time saving tip: jump to your death when you are done, it's faster than using the teleporter and goes to the exact same place. As with most if not all jumps to your death, you incur no repair costs (but remember to rebuff). Jumping to your death can save time at the end of the Black Hole heroic, too, it takes you back to base.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Worked last Tuesday. Like I said few tries.


And at 220 ping?

Yes that's really gonna help us.

It did not work for us as many times when we tried yesterday.


We ended up spamming for just over 40 mins with a whole 7 - 10 people on Section X.


The best thing to do with it upgrade Section X to level 55 and put a couple of level 55 Operations there.


Turn it into another Oricon type area.

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It doesn't help that they put it in a restricted area where F2P players can't get either.

Unless they removed that restriction when I wasn't looking?

But yeah, that mission is kinda annoying. Once I got to Legend I haven't gone back there much.

There's a few other H4's that I wouldn't mind seeing turned into regular missions or at least H2's.


The Seeker Droids and Microbinoculars for example. Hard to find people for most of the time, and on top of that you have to do the entire looong chain by yourself anyway, then at the very end they decide to throw in some lame forced grouping?

Edited by Callaron
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My problem with it, is that it is nearly impossible to get a group some days for it. I've spent over an hour spamming for someone just to click at the end.


yeah I usually do " hey who wants to finish a heroic and get about 10k in credits all for just pressing a button" that works :D


in all seriousness that gets annoying though sometimes waiting to get a person though even though its super easy the rest of it

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yeah I usually do " hey who wants to finish a heroic and get about 10k in credits all for just pressing a button" that works :D


in all seriousness that gets annoying though sometimes waiting to get a person though even though its super easy the rest of it


I recall spending almost 30 minutes on Quesh, with 29+ other people, trying to find just ONE person who, for pushing one button, would get +40 (or is it +30?) bonus health points for the remainder of that toon's life. No one responded. Finally a guildie joined me, but, still is a similar principle.


OP, I concur: Section X is past its prime. Rework the mechanic to just one gernade toss into the centre required. Lower the credit reward if necessary or buff something in between.

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sadly I hate to agree with OP and his endless demands of tantrums (see other threads) but on this one hes right


Section X doesnt have the population anymore to support a mandatory 4 man heroic in its weekly


Personally I was able to solo (but most often 2 maned) Aurora Cannon/Long Shots at lvl 50 and would often clear then call for people to join to click


but even thats not a for sure anymore


Leave the heroic way it is but change the final clicking mechanic to 2 man and all the problems would be solved there with this heroic/weekly questline.


I know Id put Section X back in my weekly rotation (even at 55) if LS/AC only required 2 people rather then 4

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To me there are two sides to this. On the one hand it's easy to go in with 2 people and clear it till the end. At this stage to LFM just to get the consoles pushed is normally easy to get 2 extra people since they can skip the rest.


On the other hand, I do agree with the OP because it's the main reason I haven't bothered with that area for a long time now.

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They fixed it.


Already performing another action.


Worked three days ago.


Speaking of which, Iv'e actually never had trouble finding a group for this.

At least not during peak hours.

Most people know it's a breeze and while they don't go around spamming LFG when doing section X, they usually jump on the chance to get it done.

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