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Survival of the Nerdiest: Match 2


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i just posted something that Karadon and Darksaber well should respond to it affects your characters but it might start a debate


Posted my response. Alderick has a history of sensing ambushes, so while I'm assuming he can't determine where Jaron is without something to help narrow it down, Jaron can't just walk up and slit his throat either.


Also not sure Jaron would want to just kill Alderick once he's demonstrated that he can tell someone is there. I think it would at least make Jaron a little curious about him, since a normal Imperial soldier probably wouldn't have any idea that Jaron was in the room.

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Posted my response. Alderick has a history of sensing ambushes, so while I'm assuming he can't determine where Jaron is without something to help narrow it down, Jaron can't just walk up and slit his throat either.


Also not sure Jaron would want to just kill Alderick once he's demonstrated that he can tell someone is there. I think it would at least make Jaron a little curious about him, since a normal Imperial soldier probably wouldn't have any idea that Jaron was in the room.


I don't think he will be able to sense my character he mastered force cloak and our precognition is equal so you shouldn't be able to sense me but what you wrote i can work with it


Also Trust me Jaron wouldn't kill someone he have so many uses for but the knife is just for protection incase your not as nice as i hope you will be to your new guest also i said grab him not kill him he has questions for you both and he knows there a weak force sensitive somewhere around here so after he found out that you he will leave you alone but your chiss friend not so sure about plot twist time :D:D:D

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The Rules explain it.


Most specifically, #'s 14 and 16.



#1 - Stay within reason. Most things will be acceptable, but nothing outlandish such as suddenly gaining jedi powers and instant own rancor's.

#2 - You are an average Star Wars citizen, what ever race you choose, even a droid if you wish. Choose carefully, this could determine how well you could fare and what challenges you will face.

#3 - Declare force sensitivity at the beginning, or not at all. No compromise. One of the only ways to gain force powers when you had none before is obviously the Staff of Marko Ragnos, and I can ensure it will not be found...

#4 - If you have problems with the scenario of the day, simply ask the Narrator for a change or some such. If you are persuasive enough, it will be changed within reason.

#5 - If you come into conflict with another participant, it will be between you to debate the likely outcome which will then be displayed in the next days update.

#6 - No flame wars. Those who instigate flame wars will first receive an injure, if they do it again they will be put into a comatose state for that day. Third strike they are found by the Empire and executed on the spot by Darth Vader.

#7 - You get to select three items that you managed to grab before making it into the escape pod, again, has to be within reason. Has to be able to fit into an escape pod.

#8 - If you attempt to kill another participant you will be able to take what ever they had on them as well as knocking them out of the running. This would require much debate during that day however, and often will take up multiple days, aka one would escape and the other could pursue. Whoever the Narrator feels is the most compelling will be the victor and decide the fate of the other participant.

#9 - Weapons are allowed to be among your three items, but it can not be any rare or outlawed items unless it fits with the persona that you create when you first start. Aka a smuggler can't bring a light saber.

#10 - You can escape anyway that seems plausible as long as you make a good argument for it, however, it will almost always take multiple days for this to happen since the entire goal is to escape/survive. Who ever makes it off planet alive is among the victors.

#11 - If you choose to select a ranged weapon from the beginning then you will be granted 1 extra clip, but you can find more as the game goes. Use it carefully.

#12 - If you wish to make any actions that you wish to be kept secret from the other participants, PM the Narrator and he will work that into the daily update, allowing you to perform that action without others knowing until later. They can find out by other means however.

#13 - Obey the Narrator. :jawa_evil:

#14 - Only the Narrator can induce a character death.

#15 - All force power usage that can be considered even slightly strong will be reviewed by the Narrator and assistant Narrators upon posting, or before if it is brought up in the OOC thread.

#16 - All plans to betray or otherwise harm others must be posted by the Narrator. Whether he is notified by PM or openly in the OOC thread. He must be the one to post them.

#17 - Only the Narrator can fully control NPC's.

#18 - Depending on Force users in a Case by Case basis, they will have less items that varies depending on their reliance on force abilities. Most Jedi/Sith will have just their light sabers, but there are a few weaker variants that will be allowed to take more than that.

#19 - All changes to characters throughout the game such as psychology or behavior must be noted to the Narrator so he can take it into account. (This includes mental scarring, growing unease, distrusts, ect.) It is important for the Narrator to keep the characters acting as they should, even if IC others or even themselves do not realize it.

#20 - Only the Narrator can inflict death to the wild life, animals, NPC's, and ect. This will effectively limit the participants from strolling through with no challenge.

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ok thank you i don't want to die just was asking if he can kill my character


Though, any participant, at any time, can activate # 5 if their character is in that situation.


Which would lead us to discuss how a conflict would play out and such. Though, I retain the right to shoot down such things if it is out of place and or does not fit within the current scene or the characters past. In most cases it will be allowed to go on, I retain it however in case someone is having a bad day and when they are working perfectly well with others around them and have no clear reason to betray, I may step in.


Essentially, Order must be maintained...

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Though, any participant, at any time, can activate # 5 if their character is in that situation.


Which would lead us to discuss how a conflict would play out and such. Though, I retain the right to shoot down such things if it is out of place and or does not fit within the current scene or the characters past. In most cases it will be allowed to go on, I retain it however in case someone is having a bad day and when they are working perfectly well with others around them and have no clear reason to betray, I may step in.


Essentially, Order must be maintained...


Order! Sil has unlimited power over all of us. There is no order.

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Though, any participant, at any time, can activate # 5 if their character is in that situation.


Which would lead us to discuss how a conflict would play out and such. Though, I retain the right to shoot down such things if it is out of place and or does not fit within the current scene or the characters past. In most cases it will be allowed to go on, I retain it however in case someone is having a bad day and when they are working perfectly well with others around them and have no clear reason to betray, I may step in.


Essentially, Order must be maintained...

I can understand that must keep order right but thank you i can understand i will keep it in my back pocket but when will be your next post i want to see who Jahuro friends are

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Order! Sil has unlimited power over all of us. There is no order.

He is the order he brings it then destroy at a whim but hey Karadon why don't you want the robe is all warm and cozy Elsia would love it its very fashionable if i do say so myself

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He is the order he brings it then destroy at a whim but hey Karadon why don't you want the robe is all warm and cozy Elsia would love it its very fashionable if i do say so myself


She doesn't want to have to look at a topless man all day who is probably trying to take advantage of her.

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lol he not topless he is wearing body armor under his robe so he is still wearing his armor and what take of man do you take me for


I take him for this type:




Was born the son of Darths was trained at a young age to be his parents personal assassin trained as a warrior by his father and illusions by his mother. During the great war his mother were captured by the jedi while fighting on the Dathomir and later redeemed by the jedi council before his mother left the sith order she left her son his own lightsaber with a blue aqua crystal his father couldn't bring himself to kill the women he loves so let her flew Dromund kaas and rise his son as he saw fit using him to gain more power in the dark council and his own enemies . His father wanting to make sure his son would be ready when the times come to work for him enrolled him in advance class at the sith academy on Korriban.While there he impressed his teachers and fellow acolytes with his abilities to pick up lessons quickly. He was a prodigy when it came to dualing however besting his fellow students and even his teacher in training sessions but ne realized early on one lightsaber at a time leave you open for a attack two is the perfect defense from attacks and counters your opponents attacks more easily. One day during his trails he found 3 of his fellow acolytes trying to force them selves on his friend Karin and went into a rage like trance and slaughter each one of them then dismembered there body,then started to attack everything insight around him only Karin could stop him and when he awakened he was horrified with what he done he fall into a pit of despair. Then his father came to visit the academy amd came to his son and asked him one question how did you feel while doing it how did it fell when you let your rage take over and he remember it felt great he felt happy he wanted more of it but his father stopped him and said all sith have this power it what's make us stronger then the jedi but to become great you most learn to control it then you will be great .The next day he took his punishment from his teachers and was severely wiped and to this day he still have the scars on his back. He used that pain to fuel and knowledge his father passedon to him to past the rest of his trails and become his father apprentice. One day while Jaron Slept he had a vision of his mother running from a group of assassins though the streets of Nar shadda killing everyone that comes close to them and there prey he recognizes the attackers they were sith followers of his father rival Darth nibus next thing he know his mother was trapped and he know it was over for her he woke up screaming to the top of his lungs holding his mother locket his father comes rushing in and looks at his son he could see the fury in his eyes he tells his son we have work to do and together they start to hunt each one of them done. One day his father gets a tip that one of the assassins was on guard duty with a imperial Gage-class transport and he get his son on the ship and tells him kill him and everyone else there no survivors so he starts to head out.




A pretty Nice guy for a sith some see him as a anomaly among the sith order. He allows his beliefs and emotions affect his decisions but always try go make the right choice in every situation even if others disagree. He spends most of his times practicing his forms and abilities but also like to visit his friends from the academy . Things changed after his mothers death he spends most of his time tocus on his work and looking for any information he can find on his mother killers. Some says he is obsessed others believe he is right and his need for vengeance is making him stronger. No matter what. others say he won't rest tell his mothers killer have been crushed under his heel even if its kills him.




Side Note: I updated the Debate thread just now by adding a X next to the names of those who have fallen or are MIA currently.

Edited by Silenceo
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see the nicest Sith on the Planet by far he only kinda blood thirsty lol


You are both correct, and horribly mistaken.


Remember how the two sides of The Terror of The Night, is described.


Boran: Kind, incredibly generous, caring for the most part. Interested in others.


Jahuro: Ruthless, extremely cruel, and savors the torment of others. Interested in others pain.


As of this moment, yes, Jaron is the kindest sith on the planet. Though, if Jahuro/Boran reach a safe enough spot and if Boran retakes control, he might be a bit more generous than Jaron. I know, convoluted and all that, just thought I would point it out.

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