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NiM DF: Brontes Phase 4 Help

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Everything up to the fourth phase is fine. Its just the last fifty percent of the boss that we are messing up on. We are popping the hands at 5-6 stacks. By 6 stacks everyone is almost dead. After the shield goes down or right before it goes up, the orbs kills someone. The orbs are killing people. Not sure if we should stun them or have tanks and dps get them. Here is a video of our best attempt. They’re also other attempts on Vallours channel.





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Judging from that video I am guessing your dps is insufficient. Getting brontes to 42% in the first burn phase isn't going to cut it. You want to have brontes to 20% or below after you pop the second hand ideally. I saw that your marauder is playing watchmen, and he really should be playing combat for this fight. Though you should look through all of your dps's combat logs and see who the weak link is. The problem when you have low dps like this is that you get to really high stacks (6+) from brontes during the final burn, and it becomes very difficult to heal.
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Judging from that video I am guessing your dps is insufficient. Getting brontes to 42% in the first burn phase isn't going to cut it. You want to have brontes to 20% or below after you pop the second hand ideally. I saw that your marauder is playing watchmen, and he really should be playing combat for this fight. Though you should look through all of your dps's combat logs and see who the weak link is. The problem when you have low dps like this is that you get to really high stacks (6+) from brontes during the final burn, and it becomes very difficult to heal.


I agree with the majority of that statement, however Watchman/Annihilation can definitely be more then enough DPS for this fight if you know how to execute it well. But yes, based on the video the DPS seemed very low as well as no one used Inspiration during the burn phase which would help immensely.

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Judging from that video I am guessing your dps is insufficient. Getting brontes to 42% in the first burn phase isn't going to cut it. You want to have brontes to 20% or below after you pop the second hand ideally. I saw that your marauder is playing watchmen, and he really should be playing combat for this fight. Though you should look through all of your dps's combat logs and see who the weak link is. The problem when you have low dps like this is that you get to really high stacks (6+) from brontes during the final burn, and it becomes very difficult to heal.


I have run Brontes NiM as Carnage and Annihilation. Saying he should be running Carnage is incorrect as a general idea. I can be at 2.9-3k going into second shield as long as tanking is solid with Annihilation, there are players outside of myself that run Brontes in Anni and pull similar numbers, and even pre buff, Sleen (RIP he quit game) could pull almost 3k with Annihilation. Carnage is a good spec for the fight. It is, in my opinion, probably better for the first two phases and droid phase, unless you know how to be bursty with Annihilation, which is pretty simple.... but anyway, Carnage is fine for that fight, but Annihilation is categorically better for the final phase.


Bigger issues I see are poor positional management of the boss (knocks happening in directions that aren't exactly ideal, poor usage of cooldowns, judging by damage of post nerf Brontes on raid) etc. DPS DOES need to be better than what I saw, but let's not forget, just because many guilds run 2.6-3k on that fight on average per DPS, there are guilds who have killed it with much lower. In fact, after Zorz split off from Hatred and formed up like Voltron, Hatred did a Brontes Kill in pre nerf NiM with 2 DPS below 2k. If you could get away with that pre nerf, you can definitely do it post nerf. You just have to be better mechanically.

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  • You want to attack the Hands when you have five stacks.
  • You want Brontes to be in the low 30s when attacking the first Hand and sub 20 when attacking the second Hand to know your DPS is on schedule.
  • When the Hand shields are up, every member of the team that can pull enemies should be yanking in every orb possible since they will explode for zero damage when the shield is up.

Edited by Levram
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I agree with the majority of that statement, however Watchman/Annihilation can definitely be more then enough DPS for this fight if you know how to execute it well. But yes, based on the video the DPS seemed very low as well as no one used Inspiration during the burn phase which would help immensely.

You beat me to the punch in regarding Watchman/Annihilation viability. Darn you and your speed. My one.... question on Brontes NiM, even having kills of it, is when to use Bloodthirst/Inspiration. Many guilds want it on the opening final burn before first hand push, but some want right after second hand push. What are your thoughts?

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  • You want to attack the Hands when you have five stacks.
  • You want Brontes to be in the low 30s when attacking the first Hand and sub 20 when attacking the second Hand to know your DPS is on schedule.
  • When the Hand shields are up, every member of the team that can pull enemies should be yanking in every orb possible since they will explode for zero damage when the shield is up.

I agree with everything you said, but I would also hedge the statement on what Brontes needs to be at before pushing hands to say that many guilds on their first kill weren't at ~33% on first hand push and ~18% on second hand push. That's obviously the general goal, but if you push at 36% on first hand due to healing issues and 24% on second hand for same reason, it's not a YOU CAN NOT KILL situation, you just have to maximize uptime.

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On top of everything stated above, 8% comes from dps cleaning up a bit.


Bloodthirst at the right time will help huge but the mara looked like he was running more than dps'in. Watch your footing and be smart about the knock backs. maximizing him should give you the dps you need.


That phase turns to chaos quick and if you can be smart in the center of that and stay focused you'll get it.

Edited by Joran-Koon
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Thanks for all the replies. We will try to max out our dps, and watch where we get punted. I have quick question though, what is the best position to hold the boss, and be punted back? How should the tanks move the hands to smash the orbs? We have been trying to stack people near the red gate, and have a healer a little further out to heal the tank on the other side. We are going to try at 5-6 stacks to swap all dps to the hand to burn it down fast. Then we do the same thing in phase 4.2 with the hand. Usually by this time, we lost someone and we die before we get to the second hand. They’re also a lot of orbs running around in phase 4.2. Should tanks try to smash them/run into them? Or have dps take them?



Thanks again

Edited by Waspflow
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Watchman is fine, we killed it with 2 different sentinels in watchman.


Also higher stacks are viable. We do 7 stacks now on first shield and 5 stacks on second. This week DPS was higher then usual so we went for 4 stacks on second as boss was below 20% already.


You might have healing issues as well. Big mistake is trying to heal the tank on the far hand. He doesn't need healing until after tank swap and didn't need healing even before nerf.



Keep boss at exit force field at the start and at the wall where entrance is but away from corners after first shield. That way tank on far tentacle can slam orbs more easily in phase 2/3 of last phase. Then start running to middle when second tentacle needs to be popped, best if you manage to move as a group at the same time and people get pushed towards it - saves time. In last burn phase everyone is responsible for their orbs especially if they are close to dying they need to die on orb and don't let them get loose. Tanks should take out at least 2 orbs each. When you get it right boss dies so fast in that phase there is hardly time to do anything and it's dead.

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There are many ways of doing the fight and plenty of compositions. What we advise you here may not work for you. At the end of the day, you need to sit down and make sure you understand the final phase. Once you get this done and you kill her, you realize that BW based the fight on something we call 'information overload' ;). That is pretty much why she doesn't die even after the 'nerf'. Let me give you an example how I look at that part of the fight :



1. Get knocked by Brontes to my tentacle but make sure she has no travel time so stay at 2m from her.

2. Aggro the hand, but do not over dps as my co tank needs to pick it up later.

3. Check my stacks, check the slams so I don't kill anyone

4. Three to 4 stacks? I have no healer? Manage short term cooldowns as I will need them later

5. Continue slamming balls, manage my second cooldown

6. Six to seven stacks? Pop the hand, all in the shield except me.

7. Wait for it ... slam the two final balls, Brontes channel bar should be at 50%-70% maximum for phase walk and speed to clear my stacks.

8. Tank swap, shield drops with no balls around.

9a. Taunt Brontes for 2 knockbacks using deflection and making sure i position myself away from the ' naughty corner'

9b. Guardian DPS, if he is around, taunts and reflects the first ball while I tank Brontes

9c. After he pops the ball and brontes is off me, second ball spawns, I aoe taunt, pick up the boss+resilience and pop the ball while tanking her.

9d. If I don't have a guardian dps who can cheese teh first ball, I do not take the first knockback, I target the ball, force lift it, and wait for the second ball. When the second ball spawns, I aoe taunt, reslience, whilst Brontes does Fire and Forget in my delfection I pop two balls tank her.

10. 4-5 stacks she is at under 20% we all run grouped to the shield

11. Pull the final two balls

12. Shield drops, single taunt Brontes to the wall behind her original spawn point

13. My co tank is upperside of the room taunting, pulling resiliencing 3 balls.

14. Single taunt is back, I pick Brontes back on me.

15. Corner balls are getting close, my co tank cannot take care of those, at this point what I do is I tank brontes, I check the ball distance, aoe taunt, resilience, tank brontes pop two corner balls.

16. I may die here because one ball may kill me due to resilience being 5 seconds and taunt being 6.

17. Brontes dead ;)



A video is worth 10000 words ;). I doubt many guilds are doing this way :D.

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orbs are still mechanics and have to be done. you pay attention to who has what and clear them as you can. tanks can suicide themselves and take 2 orbs with them to buy a few precious seconds if needed.


Tanks can take far more than 2 if they're careful to keep the right CDs up for the last phase. It looks like you're using sin/jug as your tanks? If you want to make the last phase last a long time, make sure your tanks have at least their pull (for the sin), AOE taunts, and reflect/shroud up.


A sin can take 3 balls by finding 2 that are close together and pulling a third in, AOE taunting, shrouding, and running through them all. If you're really quick you can sometimes get a 4th in shroud by single target taunting and sprinting to it. That sets you up to take a 4th (or 5th, if you got to shroud 4) by stunning it and waiting on your single target taunt to come back up so you can take it either with blackout or no DCD, depending on how high HP you are, or just suiciding it if it's in a bad spot and you just want to blow it up (If you're smart with CDs you can get far more than this as a sin, you have a ton of tools).


A jug can't get quite as many, because they can't pull, but AOE taunting 2 into reflect + a leap and single target taunt on a 3rd before reflect wears off is an easy 3, and between choke and backhand you can control a 4th long enough to pop it safely even if you have no other CDs up.


Having your tanks up eating more balls at the end will help give a bunch more DPS uptime on the boss and cut into that 8% quite a bit.

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Hello all,


I play a watchman sentinel, and I have a trouble which happens sometimes in the last phase of the Brontès Nightmare fight.


I'm used to take each energy spheres with "Guarded by the force" ("Force nous garde" in french), and that works very well in the first and 2nd phase of the fight.


But during the last phase, sometimes, even if I'm under "Guarded by the Force" I take the same damages than if I had nothing and sometimes that's a one shot death.


ex :


23:16:35.883 You activate La Force nous garde

23:16:35.883 You gain La Force nous garde

23:16:36.034 Maître d'Effroi Brontes hits you with Suprématie manifeste for 1 049 cinétiques damage

23:16:36.071 Sphère énergétique hits you with Arc énergétique for 882 internes damage

23:16:36.284 Delk heals you with Nouvelle jeunesse for 801 (360 threat)

23:16:36.395 You gain Nuage de kolto from Teka

23:16:36.395 Teka heals you with Nuage de kolto for 1 721 (774 threat)

23:16:36.398 Delk heals you with Salut for 1 327 (597 threat)

23:16:37.492 Teka heals you with Nuage de kolto for 1 610 (724 threat)

23:16:37.493 Sphère énergétique hits you with Décharge concentrée for 17 975 internes damage

23:16:37.978 Teka heals you with Médipac à diffusion lente for 2 751 (1 238 threat)

23:16:38.384 Teka heals you with Nuage de kolto for 825 (371 threat)

23:16:39.014 You activate Réprimande

23:16:39.014 You gain Réprimande

23:16:39.290 Delk heals you with Nouvelle jeunesse for 755 (340 threat)

23:16:39.384 Teka heals you with Nuage de kolto for 825 (371 threat)

23:16:39.993 You spend 4 542 point de santé

23:16:39.993 You lose La Force nous garde effect



did you ever notice the same trouble ?


Thank you

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Don't think I've ever personally noticed that, but there's no excuse for orbs to get to 20 stacks so Undying Rage isn't the problem.


The orbs never reach 20 stacks, the reason why I use "Guarded by the force". Like that I run into the orb as soon as possible, so the stacks are rarelly over 10. And as I said, during 1st and 2nd phase, I don't have the trouble at all, only during the last one.


in my example 17k damages is the amount of damages I would have taken if I hadn't use "guarded by the FOrce"



EDIT (During the same fight but in the second phase) :


23:12:05.347 You gain La Force nous garde

23:12:05.426 You restore 1 point de Concentration

23:12:05.427 You hit Maître d'Effroi Brontes with Cautérisation: Brûlure (physique) (dissipation impossible) for 581 internes damage (581 threat)

23:12:05.427 Maître d'Effroi Brontes loses your Brûlure (physique) (dissipation impossible) effect

23:12:06.448 Sphère énergétique hits you with Décharge concentrée for 420 internes damage

23:12:07.347 You activate Surcharge de sabre

23:12:07.347 You spend 3 point de Concentration

23:12:07.347 You gain Surcharge de sabre

23:12:07.658 You activate Saut de Force

23:12:07.658 You restore 1 point de Concentration

23:12:07.659 Maître d'Effroi Brontes gains Brûlure (physique) (dissipation impossible)

23:12:07.659 You heal yourself with Zèle impitoyable for 409 (204 threat)

23:12:07.659 You hit Maître d'Effroi Brontes with Surcharge de sabre: Brûlure (physique) (dissipation impossible) for 1 184* élémentaires damage (1 184 threat)

23:12:07.660 You restore 3 point de Concentration

23:12:08.327 You hit Maître d'Effroi Brontes with Saut de Force for 1 404 énergétiques damage (1 404 threat)

23:12:09.237 You gain Médipac à diffusion lente from Teka

23:12:09.445 You spend 15 634 point de santé

23:12:09.445 You lose La Force nous garde effect


And the orb was taken with almost the same number of stacks

Edited by Elythee
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Curiosity, how many stacks of Supremacy was Brontes at? The Supremacy stacks directly equate to how much damage goes out during the burn phase (orbs, aoe damage, etc). I have had a Guarded during burn phase result in ~17k hit if the orb I am taking is under 10 stacks while Brontes is over 2-3 stacks of Supremacy.
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Curiosity, how many stacks of Supremacy was Brontes at? The Supremacy stacks directly equate to how much damage goes out during the burn phase (orbs, aoe damage, etc). I have had a Guarded during burn phase result in ~17k hit if the orb I am taking is under 10 stacks while Brontes is over 2-3 stacks of Supremacy.



Very good point.

And yes indeed Brontes could be over 2-3 stacks of supremacy (and less than 6 anyway) while I took the orb under "Guarded by the Force".


But I'm a bit surprised that the amount of damages can be so huge. 17k under Guarded means 1M7 without, and I don't remember someone who took an amount of damages like that during the last phase because of an orb.

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We killed it


Thanks all for your help


original video 2 mercs kill video 2 snipers I dare say this had more to do with the increase in dmg on the two videos than any of the disscusion in the thread

Edited by Loki_
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