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You know exactly what is meant by "gated by gear".


How about gating content by level?


A player is required to reach certain levels before they can participate in certain content. The player can level up to access that content. This will take time, and the content is not immediately accessible.


A guild is required to obtain a guild ship to access that content. The guild can earn the credits needed to purchase the guild ship, in order to access that content. This may take time, and the content may not be immediately accessible on day 1.


Both types of content are gated, although with different gating mechanisms. Neither content is inaccessible provided the player or the guild does what is required to access that content.

LOL! Moving the goal post again huh?

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Which Operation prevents you from loading in due to gear?
Big difference between doing and attempting. None of them prevent you from loading into the instance, but a lot of them are just not possible without some combination of gear and skill.


Just like nothing is preventing you from running Galactic Conquest..

1. You can buy the ship or 2. You can join a guild that buys the ship. 3. Just ignore it because you don't like option 1 or 2.

Edited by mikebevo
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Big difference between doing and attempting. None of them prevent you from loading into the instance, but a lot of them are just not possible without some combination of gear and skill.


Just like nothing is preventing you from running Galactic Conquest..

1. You can buy the ship or 2. You can join a guild that buys the ship. 3. Just ignore it because you don't like option 1 or 2.

That's moronic. You can't possibly believe there isn't really a difference lol.

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That's moronic. You can't possibly believe there isn't really a difference lol.


There is a difference no doubt, but still nothing is stopping anyone from Galactic Conquest. (once launched), but themselves. You still have a choice. Hell of a lot more choices than thinking just because you pay your subscription that you should be able to see all content. Yeah I paid since launch, so I really should be able to see all of NiM DP. I'm mad I don't have the ability to solo it. I PAYS MY MONEY!


It is still about choice and even me being a complete idiot can see that in either case you have to choice what you want to do. I can choice to get better, learn my class, learn my abilities, learn my priority/rotation and properly gear my character and then see all the endgame content. I can choice to do something else and not ever be able to see all the content.


I can choice to do what is needed to buy guildship/strongholds. I can join a guild that already has the credits for it and is planning to buy it or I can just ignore the entire thing.


It isn't about apples and oranges, it is entirely about your choices.

Edited by mikebevo
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There is a difference no doubt, but still nothing is stopping anyone from Galactic Conquest. (once launched), but themselves. You still have a choice. Hell of a lot more choices than thinking just because you pay your subscription that you should be able to see all content. Yeah I paid since launch, so I really should be able to see all of NiM DP. I'm mad I don't have the ability to solo it. I PAYS MY MONEY!


It is still about choice and even me being a complete idiot can see that in either case you have to choice what you want to do. I can choice to get better, learn my class, learn my abilities, learn my priority/rotation and properly gear my character and then see all the endgame content. I can choice to do something else and not ever be able to see all the content.


I can choice to do what is needed to buy guildship/strongholds. I can join a guild that already has the credits for it and is planning to buy it or I can just ignore the entire thing.


It isn't about apples and oranges, it is entirely about your choices.


Ah, personal accountability. How the Internet has missed you. Welcome back! (Have you been hiding in Europe? :eek: )

Edited by DarthTHC
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People need to calm down and stop with the 'gated content' stuff until we see how Personal Conquest works.

No matter how "personal conquests work", they are not the lacking "GUILD" content this game could use.

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I don't think the "wait and see" contention is unreasonable at all. The arguments are not as substantive IMO until folks can actually get "hands on" and then speak to the experience.


We see that folks tried out housing and some have some issues they are pointing out on the forums. One cant argue that the arguments are premature because they have actually tried the content.


I tried out housing and found that my initial judgements of the rotation movements and quality of textures were wrong...I was basing those judgements on visual evidence.


You may find, after trying out the system "hands on" that your concerns may be abated or change to other concerns.

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