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Stronghold Packs Preview


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People always look at an outfit as a signature set and get upset when someone uses the whole set. However, Just because Satele or Revan are the only ones in the game that are shown wearing it doesn't mean that there are not other Sith or Jedi that wear the same style outfits.


P.s. "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

Edited by Anaesha
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Assuming they're not bothering you with their RP, you would do that all the same? Extreme.


Absolutely, it is full of names like revan with all manner of silly symbols over the letters.


I gave up reporting them long ago since BW do not enforce their own ToS.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Absolutely, it is full of names like revan with all manner of silly symbols over the letters.


I'm not the biggest fan of people roleplaying well known or fairly established characters either, since it sounds so freakin' unoriginal but even so...


Anyway, to each his own I guess. Thanks for answering.

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I was hoping they would not re-colour elite warhero gear for the cartel market. So much for that then.


I wonder when they are going to bring assasins touch from grand aquisition race to CM as well. For that's pretty much the last thing now to own if you want to have anything rare at all.


These packs have been a great disappointment lately.

Edited by Beansoup
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Bah, stop releasing Banthas and Orobirds I'm already trying to scramble to afford!


Oh well, some day? I'll have em' all.


They're like Pokemon.



And they'll go into my zoo, should anyone ever help donate to it. *points down at sig*

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That title is the lamest thing ever. That and "The Risen".


True, If you look at it from the view point of Satele being Bastila's like great great great granddaughter the title doesn't make sense since Satele would technically be Revan's Heir but she is a Jedi so who knows.

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Most are fine since these are the first adaptive versions of these sets.


More Adaptive armor isn't a bad thing...


It's a good thing.


No kidding!! People always complain that there are not enough Adaptive armors in the game then when they do it people complain that they are just reskins.


All I can say to those people is MAKE UP YOUR MINDS ALREADY!!

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I think the one in the space missions rep vendor is the one in your avatar, not the one in the video you linked.


You're right :mad: Oh well, it's a start. I'm just happy they are adding the armor.


Reno, Oddball, you seem like you would know best. I'm going to make a new thread asking Bioware to add the right helmet. Worth a try. Should I put it in the cm forums or the PTS? Gonna have comparison pics and horrible PhotoShop pics explaining what I mean/want. Or, perhaps I should wait until we know for sure what helmet they will include...

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You're right :mad: Oh well, it's a start. I'm just happy they are adding the armor.


Reno, Oddball, you seem like you would know best. I'm going to make a new thread asking Bioware to add the right helmet. Worth a try. Should I put it in the cm forums or the PTS? Gonna have comparison pics and horrible PhotoShop pics explaining what I mean/want. Or, perhaps I should wait until we know for sure what helmet they will include...


CM Forums would be best options.

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CM packs are full of recolors, reskins and existing models? "omg, CM stuff is terrible and unoriginal! unsub nao!"


CM packs are full of new models, new skins, new items? "omg, why make us buy CM stuff to get great models and gear? MONEY GRAB P2W EAVIL UNSUB NAO!"


Damned if they do, damned if they don't. This is why the serial complainers aren't worth listening to.

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Wow, I'm so glad I'm not like all the miserable people who hate everything in the cartel packs and take every new offering as a personal insult.


Personally, I am looking forward to some of these sets, others I don't care about, and I'm giddy about new bantha options and Kreia's robes.


Most importantly, I am thankful for Dulfy who works tirelessly to bring us all this information. <3

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Wow, I'm so glad I'm not like all the miserable people who hate everything in the cartel packs and take every new offering as a personal insult.


Personally, I am looking forward to some of these sets, others I don't care about, and I'm giddy about new bantha options and Kreia's robes.


Most importantly, I am thankful for Dulfy who works tirelessly to bring us all this information. <3


I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw kreia's robes, lol. And yeah, there's some stuff here that will really work for my characters. Most of these were only available to specific factions/classes before, so this is a good thing. some of the others are variations of extremely popular and therefore high priced cartel models previously released. I was actually very pleased with these packs, seeing more usable stuff than in some earlier ones.

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