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New Ranked mode


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Arenas aren't doing too well and while they can be fun I think a change is needed.


Huttball is fun but it is boring as hell going through 10 voidstars to finally get into a lopsided huttball match.


How about we change ranked to group and yolo huttball? This would be a lot of fun for many of us and would take advantage of the best thing to happen to instanced pvp in years (huttball).


You could q as teams of 4/8 for group ranked huttball or yolo. Yolo would always be mixed faction randomly and group would be capable of mixed faction depending on the teams q'n.


There are a couple possible issues that might creep up. The main is tank/healer heavy teams. To combat this I would suggest a slight nerf to guard when placed on a healer who is healing a carrier or the carrier himself. So if you pick up the ball or if you heal the guy with the ball you get a debuff for 5-10 seconds and if you still have the ball after 5-10 seconds or if you heal the carrier again then you get the debuff again. I do mean a slight nerf though. It would still be advantageous to heal/guard the carrier.


I would also suggest a 2:30 or 3 minute max time for a team to carry the ball before it is reset (regardless of passes). This would make some stall tactics less viable.

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What this game needs is a scrim mode. Scrim mode is where teams can setup custom warzones for the purpose of friendly matches, ladder matches or community tournaments. You pick your team and organize with other teams when and what to play. You can choose whatever format you want and implement your own win rules, number of players per side, etc, etc If people disconnect.. no worries, they can rejoin at anytime or be replaced easily from your bench. Edited by JackNader
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What this game needs is a scrim mode. Scrim mode is where teams can setup custom warzones for the purpose of friendly matches, ladder matches or community tournaments. You pick your team and organize with other teams when and what to play. You can choose whatever format you want and implement your own win rules, number of players per side, etc, etc If people disconnect.. no worries, they can rejoin at anytime or be replaced easily from your bench.


Agree completely and I support that as well.

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I agree with both of these.


ranked huttball would be amazing.

And a scrimmage mode is also needed. - I would actually suggest 2 forms of this. Open and closed. What I mean by this is, open would be an unscored match, allowing teams to just form up and join and try of tactics, experiment. Maybe even change up the teams, more of an open world pvp environment. Closed would be an actual match between 2 teams. Timers on and everything. Allowable through a Group finder pvp setup, much like ops group finder. That way you can play a team or scrimmage against a team you want to. This would allow for player created leagues and ladders. People could set up their own websites, etc...


something like this could bring people into SWTOR. It's really that simple. It means more people, more subs. That is why this should happen.


2 additional suggestions: ranked viability needs to be addressed. Thus, 2018 expertise is unbolstered min to get in. Bolster not allowed. Advanced class, and all talent points used is also a pre-req, thus minimized trolls.


And the ability to do an non-counting ranked match. Thus you could queue for a ranked but have it not count against your ranking. Granted this is kind of addressed through 1st points. But with this you could queue solo random to matched up against better players, hopefully


add note: it'd also be great if a pre-55 could buy their pvp gear early, thus being able to use the comms they gained, so that they are ready for 55's when it happens.

Edited by Anyakaschala
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TBH, I would rather them go away with ranked all together and implement what other games like Dota and LOL did. If you are queing with a group of 3 players, other team must have a group of 3 players. On top, you have an elo system to match things out. Bigger and much successful multiplayer games have been using this system. It makes much more sense than creating to 3 separate ques of which currently 2 (team and yolo ranked) are dead.


Problem is you need population for that to work out. Same goes for ranked in its current format. So guess what we need? Cross server ques!! Guess what the devs said. NO. Guess what is happening to PvP population recently? Significant drop.

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I never said I believed BW would do it but we can dream can't we? Let's discuss for fun at least!


Sadly, they may be right, but BW/EA needs to pull their heads out of their *** and realize that some like a Huttball league and better pvp options can and will bring people into the game. Do something that essentially no one else is doing.


And as long as we're daring to dream, spectator modes for ranked mattches. Though the main challenge there is someone in spectator mode watching the other team, esp stealth players. Though the way around that is to just not show stealth players at all or allow for a 1st person cam for them, or something like that.

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