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How much do you trust you Guild/Guild-leader = 50 million Credits?


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I could go with 25 million, but 50 million is way out of line with what MOST guilds can afford. our guild could raise that much in a few weeks / months, but 50 million, wow.


i think most members would loose interest when they see NO return on their investment and find something else to do.


Thanks Bioware for killing off whats left of my guild.:mad:


50 Million is a lot to donate and have them run off with. 25 Million would be a more suitable number for my tastes.
Edited by Santay
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Heh, I don't get the people who don't have millions of credits but have played the game since launch.


I can understand it if you just recently got your first 55 because you started playing this year or something, but honestly, how can anyone who plays the game regularly with at least one 55 not have millions of credits?


I personally don't do end-game content (HM FP's, Ops or Ranked PvP) and I don't like dailies so I do them only enough to get the rep I need to buy whatever I like at the rep vendor.

And I only have 3 lvl 55's (two of which I got this year), but I still have around 10-12 million across all my toons.

And I'm what they'd call "a spender" and an altaholic.


So I just don't understand why people consider 50 million credits "alot" for a guild to pool together.

Well, I do get that people are cheap and don't want to pay for anything, but that's not the point here.


An altaholic with ONLY three LV55's? I disappoint in you, kinda sir. :mad:

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If you don't trust your guild leader with 50 million credits, you are probably in the wrong guild.


It is not that easy in SWTOR anymore. Tons of random guilds that players join only for the exp boost while leveling.


I bet we will see alot of "scams" comming up.

Edited by Icestar
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I completely trust our GM or I would not be in guild. Besides it isn't like you are trusting him or her with 50 million of your own credits, more like a few million or less of your own credits others should be putting up credits too. We are a fairly small casual guild that does progress slowly into NiM content, but we already have the credits for the ship saved. It isn't like we didn't know this was coming. Most of us already have credits saved for stronghold too. Again had plenty of warning that these were coming this year.


Its a credit sink, bioware knows how many credits are out there and the should know how to set the price accordingly. Sorry if your guild wants it save. Not everything in life has to be instant gratification.

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How much do you trust you Guild/Guild-leader = 50 million Credits?

From past expericences : never ever trust your guild leader(s) ever.


Few days ago in SWTOR out guild leader had a fight with her mate and as such rage looted all credits and stuff then disbanded the guild, finally also deleted all her toons.


If you pay 50 mil for to a Guild Ship, be advised you might very well loose the guild ship someday, either by the GL rage something or anybody making you either leave or a guild officer booting you for whatever reason.


In short expect very displeased people in the upcoming months, prepare your popcorn ;)

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From past expericences : never ever trust your guild leader(s) ever.


Few days ago in SWTOR out guild leader had a fight with her mate and as such rage looted all credits and stuff then disbanded the guild, finally also deleted all her toons.


If you pay 50 mil for to a Guild Ship, be advised you might very well loose the guild ship someday, either by the GL rage something or anybody making you either leave or a guild officer booting you for whatever reason.


In short expect very displeased people in the upcoming months, prepare your popcorn ;)


You always try to look on the brighter side of things it would seem.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I trust my guild leader implicitly! I know I won't run off with the credits or spend them on frivolous gear. That's what Cartel Coins are for, after all.


Wait, does this question apply if I am the guild leader? :rak_02:

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From past expericences : never ever trust your guild leader(s) ever.


Few days ago in SWTOR out guild leader had a fight with her mate and as such rage looted all credits and stuff then disbanded the guild, finally also deleted all her toons.


If you pay 50 mil for to a Guild Ship, be advised you might very well loose the guild ship someday, either by the GL rage something or anybody making you either leave or a guild officer booting you for whatever reason.


In short expect very displeased people in the upcoming months, prepare your popcorn ;)


I'm done doing OP, what is the point they are only going to come out with better gear in a few months.

I'm done PvPing, what is the point they are only going to come out with better gear in a few months.

Your logic can be applied to anything in the game. Sooner or later what you invested your time in becomes worthless, just like losing your investment into a guild ship.


If you lose the guild ship you invested in, you than move on. Just like what you would do without investing in it. The reason you invest into a guild ship is because you want the perks of having one. If you don't care about it don't invest into it.

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I trust my guild leader implicitly! I know I won't run off with the credits or spend them on frivolous gear. That's what Cartel Coins are for, after all.


Wait, does this question apply if I am the guild leader? :rak_02:


Only if you have split personality disorder.

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GUYS guild flagships worth 50m, that not means that each guild member must give 50m

if a guild has 50 members is 1mill each


or do i miss something? Never read any thread that says 50m each guild member


No, you are not missing anything. People just are too selfish to contribute 1 million, which is easy money and higher levels.

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well I am the guildmaster, and I wants a ship badly so of course I can be trusted because I got a common goal. Plus if I ever get a guild ship ( today begins my official panicked grind fest ) I will put in a dueling area, and I will greatly increase membership if I get one.



my only concern is, with guild ships only available to fewer guilds, that more people will want to join those guilds and leave the guilds that do not have guild ships. I hope I do not have my membership abdiciating on me for that reason I got a smaller guild but I help them out and we still do stuff together ( a few weeks ago I took 2 of them through a large scale datacron run and I am planning to take a few of them through the Makeb Endurance datacron, its not as hard as people make it out to be, just time consuming). But anyway yeah I am concerned people will mainly want to join the guilds that have guild ships and not regular ones as much with a price so steep.

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No, you are not missing anything. People just are too selfish to contribute 1 million, which is easy money and higher levels.


only the players that dont have a char at lvl 50 they cant affort a mill !!!!

Do daily Corellia and you'll have 1 mill in a week, ONLY from Corellia dialies!!!!

And if you cant play daily, is it so hard to wait 2-3 weeks to have access in your guildflagship? c'mon!!!:eek:

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Maybe these wig out threads should be consolidated. They all say the same things.


In answer to the question, I trust my gm implicitly. If I didn't, I wouldn't be in that guild. If a person has questions about that, they should probably be looking for a new one.

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only the players that dont have a char at lvl 50 they cant affort a mill !!!!

Do daily Corellia and you'll have 1 mill in a week, ONLY from Corellia dialies!!!!

And if you cant play daily, is it so hard to wait 2-3 weeks to have access in your guildflagship? c'mon!!!:eek:


So if I can only play 2-3 days a week, I should spend all that time doing dailies, then donate 100% of the money to the guild?


Yea, a few people might do that, but human nature tells me that most won't.


Most people are NOT rich in this game, forum members are not a good reflection of the general population.

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So if I can only play 2-3 days a week, I should spend all that time doing dailies, then donate 100% of the money to the guild?


Yea, a few people might do that, but human nature tells me that most won't.


Most people are NOT rich in this game, forum members are not a good reflection of the general population.


If you want a ship, raise money. If you don't want to, you don't have to, just like you don't have to do ops. Buy a guild stronghold on a starter planet instead. Even small guilds could do this (ship) over 2 or 3 months, but if that's not what you want to do, then don't.

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