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Well, 50 mil really isnt that much. My 'small' guild, which is literally 2 people, will probably have a guild ship within a month of it coming out, if we try. We gathered about 10mil in a week and a half doing practically nothing, so I figure we can get 50 alright. Note that before this, the most we had at 1 time was 3-5mil.


The price is something to work towards, a guild needs 4 people minimum to start, with 4 it is possible to get the ship if you work towards it. The more people, the easier it will be for the guild, but that is all. The only people this alienates are those not willing to put any effort into getting the ship.

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I foresee another quite bad effect.

Some greedy guilds may start asking its new members (or all members, in fact) to PAY contribution when joining the guild. It may lead to some serious issues. Ofc, not all guilds would do that, but the possibility definitely exists.

Originally I have found the cost of 50 Million credits for a guild ship ridiculous. Purely and simply.

I have characters in 3 different guilds that are not too big and not too small. However 2 of them have recently lost its members (at least virtually, because no one “resigned” ppl just do not play the game) , so quite often I am on my own, doing whatever I can do.

Now, you will say – give it up, join the big guild, problem solved.

I will consider it as the last resort.

First of all because I like my ppl in m my “old” guilds, secondly because joining now is like being a “newbie” . But whatever.

Some say 50 million creds is not a big deal.

Perhaps not. Considering however that none of my chars had ever more than 4 millions I think it is pretty much a barrier.

I do dailies. Whenever I have to. But I do not consider doing dailies as fun. While the PVP ones are more “rewarding “in form of gathering comms for better gear, the Black Hole or Section X or Makeb or Czerka or whatever are just a credit source (or reputation, if you still need it).

Since recently it is even not possible to have the 55 HM FP group (via GF) I am mostly left with the PVP dailies or leveling another alt.

I do not do crafting. I find it boring. What kind of “action” it is actually?

I do not trade much on GTN. (most items are ridiculously overpriced, I am not going to feed the greedy sellers, whatever it is)

I miss the old times when people PLAYED the content. The stories. Even the PVP.

So at my standpoint the 50 million guild ship is beyond any reach.

But who am I? How many of similar people are playing SWTOR too? Far too few, it seems.

I want story content, that’s it, that’s why I pay my sub. Rest is secondary.

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lolol if you belong to a garbage guild and are not willing to work towards what you want, you do not deserve to have a guild ship. maybe this will end the guild spamming, maybe this will end the annoying blind invites from people who have no business running a guild in the first place. i welcome this, i welcome this wholeheartedly.
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The guild should remain 50 million credits. It's not a small thing here you are getting. That's what's wrong with this generation they all "WANT IT NOW!!" without giving the sacrifice to actually work for the thing in front of them. You are darned right it will take a very long time for the smaller guilds to get it. That's how it SHOULD work. Just because I'm a smaller guild than the 200 member guild next to me with only a handful of people it doesn't mean I should, whine, moan and stomp my feet like a child until I get my guild ship reduced in price because "we are a smaller guild and we can't do as much as a larger one."


If you want something, work for it!

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50 million is outrageous. It's nothing more than arbitrarily removing 50 million from the players.


It's not "outrageous". Granted, it is higher than expected by me. But it is still obtainable and only requires work. I have no problem working with my guild for something we want. Whether it is 50 million, 30, or even 100.


What I'm more curious to know about is the additions and their prices.

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lolol if you belong to a garbage guild and are not willing to work towards what you want, you do not deserve to have a guild ship. maybe this will end the guild spamming, maybe this will end the annoying blind invites from people who have no business running a guild in the first place. i welcome this, i welcome this wholeheartedly.


100 percent amen to the Tabout if you are not willing to work towards it, you don't deserve it ryniloym! :)

Edited by Sarfux
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lolol if you belong to a garbage guild and are not willing to work towards what you want, you do not deserve to have a guild ship. maybe this will end the guild spamming, maybe this will end the annoying blind invites from people who have no business running a guild in the first place. i welcome this, i welcome this wholeheartedly.


It will INCREASE the spamming blind invites by scammers looking to take advantage of people. The price is so high that you're going to have players cheating other players and taking off with their $. Who's going to police this? Bioware? It's not about "work" either, this is a *********** game meant to entertain. 50 million is outrageous and asinine.

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It's not "outrageous". Granted, it is higher than expected by me. But it is still obtainable and only requires work. I have no problem working with my guild for something we want. Whether it is 50 million, 30, or even 100.


What I'm more curious to know about is the additions and their prices.


It's outrageous.

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lolol if you belong to a garbage guild and are not willing to work towards what you want, you do not deserve to have a guild ship. maybe this will end the guild spamming, maybe this will end the annoying blind invites from people who have no business running a guild in the first place. i welcome this, i welcome this wholeheartedly.

How will it stop guild spamming? The opposite would happen. You will see TONS of people spamming the fleet in order to make huge guilds with only 1 purpose - to get guild ships. If this is not what you define harbage guild,i dont know what is.

The only people that would be hit by it are small guilds ,that are a majority in SWTOR btw.

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It will INCREASE the spamming blind invites by scammers looking to take advantage of people. The price is so high that you're going to have players cheating other players and taking off with their $. Who's going to police this? Bioware? It's not about "work" either, this is a *********** game meant to entertain. 50 million is outrageous and asinine.


What is going to stop for guilds to invite new players demanding money for access to the guild and then when they collect the money just kick the new players out?

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Problem I see with the cost isn't that it's a big # in general. It's that it looks too big to me for guilds and members that aren't into banking creds.


Can those folks bank creds like those that do? Yeah of course. Should they have to to get a guild ship? I don't think so, and think it'll be an impractical barrier to experiencing new content when encouraging it and getting/keeping people engaged is more important. Devs like to lean on the grind though for engagement so I'm sure they're doing it in this case again.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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People people please. Just settle down. This isn't a feature for EVERY SINGLE person in the game. It's something to work towards. If you have one it's an accomplishment in itself. I agree with the price, strongly! Why? It should be a lot of credits because it's not something of the ordinary you can get for your guild. It's not something that you should just go "hmm should I activate my guild ship today?" It should cost a lot of credits as I said because working towards something is always good.
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It will INCREASE the spamming blind invites by scammers looking to take advantage of people. The price is so high that you're going to have players cheating other players and taking off with their $. Who's going to police this? Bioware? It's not about "work" either, this is a *********** game meant to entertain. 50 million is outrageous and asinine.
i have no sympathy for suckers


sorry we shouldnt need to have to plan around defending people that want to be taken advantage of. people dont need a nanny. its a video game.

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lolol if you belong to a garbage guild and are not willing to work towards what you want, you do not deserve to have a guild ship. maybe this will end the guild spamming, maybe this will end the annoying blind invites from people who have no business running a guild in the first place. i welcome this, i welcome this wholeheartedly.


you used some crucial words:





See, for me the game is a relax, from ACTUAL work, from actual crap that I HAVE TO do DAILY.

I do not see ANY point of running the same content for ZILLIONTH time.

this is NO BUSINESS, indeed.


On a side note, you are wrong with "stopping guild spamming"

It will be exactly the opposite.

You will see soon :)

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you used some crucial words:





See, for me the game is a relax, from ACTUAL work, from actual crap that I HAVE TO do DAILY.

I do not see ANY point of running the same content for ZILLIONTH time.

this is NO BUSINESS, indeed.


On a side note, you are wrong with "stopping guild spamming"

It will be exactly the opposite.

You will see soon :)

no this will help the guild system.


with the planet take-over system, it will reinvigorate the need to belong to active guilds for those that wish to participate.

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you used some crucial words:





See, for me the game is a relax, from ACTUAL work, from actual crap that I HAVE TO do DAILY.

I do not see ANY point of running the same content for ZILLIONTH time.

this is NO BUSINESS, indeed.


On a side note, you are wrong with "stopping guild spamming"

It will be exactly the opposite.

You will see soon :)


Some people go for achievements and reputation. And guild flagships. Some people don't.


The idea of effort being required to get rewards in games is a long-standing one.

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Well, if some people put it the way of "this game was made for fun, not work, I come here to escape all the crap I do in real life"


Guild ships! Guild ships for all! The only requirement you need is to have at least one member in your guild! Then everybody can have fun and everybody can feel like they have accomplished something! And when you accomplish something you make the world a better place, when you make the world a better place, the world grows, when the world grows, everybody is happy, here is the gold star son even though you completely, miserably and utterly cannot work for the thing you want, I'll give it to you anyway because when you feel accomplished you are happy and having fun!


Anybody see my point here? It is to work for the damn thing you want. Something this big should be a lot of credits. And I'll stand by that.

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Anybody see my point here? It is to work for the damn thing you want. Something this big should be a lot of credits. And I'll stand by that.


Yeah I agree it needs an earn it factor. 50 mil though? Nah I don't agree with that being reasonable. I'd rather people have a ship and use it than wish they had one or get bored senseless grinding for one.

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You can make that easily. But what about ppl who only have about 2hr a day (a few days a week)?

1. What about ppl who don't have time to get enough reputation points. Let's lower the points required for Legend status! :rolleyes:

2. What about ppl who don't have time to get enough achievements. Let's decrease some numbers in the achievements! :rolleyes:


You're essentially telling them that in order to help get the ship, they have to spend ALL the time they have available running dailies. And THEN take EVERYTHING they earn and give it to the guild. How many would ACTUALLY do this?

It's called teamwork and it is supposed to happen in the guilds, you know, And NO ONE forces you to put every credit you have to the guild. It's up to YOU how much you want to help your guild.


I have one main that I run dailies with. He supports all 13 of my alts. In the nearly 3 years I've been subbed, the most $$$ I've seen at one time was around 650,000. How many players/guilds are in this same situation?

In three years you should have about 50/100 million credits counting the money you spend on repairs and CM stuff etc.

Edited by PavSalco
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Some people go for achievements and reputation. And guild flagships. Some people don't.


The idea of effort being required to get rewards in games is a long-standing one.

True. However ,since this is guild rather then individual effort we are speaking about, individuals in smaller guilds will need to work much more to get the same reward. Not sure this idea is a long standing one,frankly. At least it is novel concept for SWTOR.

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