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50 million credits for a Guild Ship? Why is it so much Bioware?


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If the guild ship is the Dreadnaught class of warship, then you're getting away with robbery if you can buy one of those for a measly 50 million. It's a freakin' warship for crying out loud! The amount of resources to build that thing! The number of man hours...., years...., DECADES it took to build ONE of those ships, and the cost. It would take a galaxy spanning empire to be able to afford ships of that class. Single planet, single solar star system empires would hardly be able to afford one or two of those, let alone an entire fleet.


People often play for fun and not for pseudo-realism. I guess it's a choice but let's not forget that you're the hero. Who says that the hero or better a group of heroes has to pay his own way? I find it's the least the republic/empire can do.


So please, it's something that people are going to want regardless of whether it's useful to them or not or if they're in a big guild or not.

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I used to run Black Hole, Ilum, Section X, Czerka, Makeb and Oricon dailies. Daily. However, their repetitive nature was not boring me out of my skull. It made me push and aim for faster completion times and making the run as smooth as possible.



There's a special kind of joy in taking down the Heroic's champions in less than two of your rotations when doing the Oricon weekly with two 168/180 geared DPS who know their stuff. :)


One tip for Imp side: do the non-heroics up through the Tower, then after the Tower click the pyramid there to go back to base, then take the speeder from there to the Bridge and do the Heroic. When done with that, QT back to base.


Another tip: for the bonus binoculars quest at the Heroic area, three of the towers are visible if you climb up to the tip of the wing of the shuttle near the console. The last one you can see if you just go across the central path down the middle, which you can do without agro if you are careful, or if you can sleep mobs that are in the way.

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Do you remember yourself as you just started MMO's? I remember my first experiences with SWTOR very clearly(my first real MMO, and I was in awe) - and honestly, 80k was a fortune to me, I couldn't afford blues neither for Khem nor for myself, I tried to sell greens for peanuts at GTN, and I had absolutely no idea I could do anything with crafting materials besides levelling my own skill, and I always ran out of them.


Of course, later I got some knowledge and some credits, but not everybody goes that far. Most people just enjoy the game casually, struggle with level 43 skill trainer costs, and never ever donate to the guild banks. 50 mil is just something out of fairy tales to them. Or Darth Vader's bedtime stories, more likely.



(And, frankly, I'll be honest: I haven't earned my millions by being charitable and kind and forgiving. I'm a greedy and a nasty person, and I want to spend as little as possible. The more we complain about the high costs, the better our chances are.)


I believe we have found the true motivation for these threads.

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People often play for fun and not for pseudo-realism. I guess it's a choice but let's not forget that you're the hero. Who says that the hero or better a group of heroes has to pay his own way? I find it's the least the republic/empire can do.


So please, it's something that people are going to want regardless of whether it's useful to them or not or if they're in a big guild or not.


BW should simply hand them out or charge a pittance because it's something people are going to want?


IMO, if t people want it, they will do what is necessary to obtain one.

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I believe we have found the true motivation for these threads.


At least somebody's reading my posts. Well done, and thank you heartily for adding to the post count!


Seriously, I do hope for the price going down to 20 mil at the very least. PTS server forum has quite a few roleplayers who don't find GTN grind at all enjoyable, and I can't blame them.

Edited by Kulyok
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What Percentage of the population bought a Walker?


That's an invalid question, sorta. It's not like there are enough walkers that everyone could purchase one if they wanted to.


50 million is still a fine price. Anyone who complains is doing so because they don't want to do it, not because they're unable. Credits are easy. You just need to do the research and set aside a fraction of your gaming time to get them. Grinding is only one option.

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The price is absolute silliness.


That's alot of money to ask your casual gamers to donate for.. ALOT. Especially when they don't have great gear or just started to level up another character. I don't see many guilds having a guild ship that aren't hard core everyday guild players. Everyone else can just wait a year until they can get all the money.


I'm currently in a guild of about 20 casual players and there's no way we can afford this. Not with players levelling other characters, trying to gear up, trying to buy an item or 2 off the GTN. No way.

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The price is absolute silliness.


That's alot of money to ask your casual gamers to donate for.. ALOT. Especially when they don't have great gear or just started to level up another character. I don't see many guilds having a guild ship that aren't hard core everyday guild players. Everyone else can just wait a year until they can get all the money.


I'm currently in a guild of about 20 casual players and there's no way we can afford this. Not with players levelling other characters, trying to gear up, trying to buy an item or 2 off the GTN. No way.


If you don't mind, allow me...


Twenty players, right? Each player donates around 50k, each day if possible.


At the end of the day, that would be like what... One million credits?


At the end of the week, seven million credits. At the end of the month, somewhere between 28(!) or 31(!!!) million credits, depending on how many days that month may have. In less than two months, your guild could have a Guild Flagship by having each member donating 50k or so at most, per day.


Is is really that much?


It's not the Space race or the Arms race. Unless for a select few who care for that sort of thing, no one should be in that much of a hurry IMHO.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It's an MMO. Basic rule of an MMO is the more time you put in, the more you get out. Expecting to be able to get anything and everything playing a couple of hours a week is unrealistic beyond my comprehension. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating for how casual those complaining are, but every game I've played has this moan.


I remember screams about the 1000 gold price of the fastest land mount in vanilla wow. I was a casual player but I wanted one. So I spent half an hour each morning grinding elementals for drops I knew sold well on the AH. Sold well meant 12g, and if I had a good half an hour I got 7. 5 was probably average. So I ground out 1000g at 60g a day for two weeks or so, and there was my shiny mount. When people saw the 5000g tag for the fast flying mounts, more screams. That I got by fishing up crafting components from pools, again it took weeks, but I wanted it SO I EARNED IT.


I'll agree with the comments spread all over these threads about how do these people react in real life. Want new car, gief now, manufacturer should cut price!!! Ok, Bioware can change the price on a whim, there's no materials to pay for etc etc but earning something is so much more satisfying than being given it. I was in the camp anticipating a FAR higher price for a capital warship, a billion wouldn't have surprised me that much when there are single items for single toons on the GTN for 50 million. At that price, I'm now debating buying one for the defunct guild half my alts are still in and I inherited the GM slot by being the last active officer. Having my own personal capital ship would suit my Sith Juggernaut's personality precisely!


The only REAL problem I see is if you NEED it to be able to do content, and while I've only read the swarm of threads on here, I haven't seen any DIRECT link between your ship and other content. Bonuses yes, but not that cant do something because you don't have one. Then, maybe, smaller guilds with limited play time have a case, but if it's just a prestige thing, with a bit of guild bonus, then it's a reward to earn, rather than a necessity.


I will always remember trying to explain to a random stranger in wow that he didn't NEED a high speed flying mount, he just WANTED it. That's the difference so many people seem to struggle with, do you need something or just want it. I'd guess we ALL want it, but none of us really need it. And that makes the screaming unjustified. I might be wrong, but somehow I doubt it.

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The price is absolute silliness.


That's alot of money to ask your casual gamers to donate for.. ALOT. Especially when they don't have great gear or just started to level up another character. I don't see many guilds having a guild ship that aren't hard core everyday guild players. Everyone else can just wait a year until they can get all the money.


I'm currently in a guild of about 20 casual players and there's no way we can afford this. Not with players levelling other characters, trying to gear up, trying to buy an item or 2 off the GTN. No way.

if you are in a guild with 20 casual players, then you dont need a guild ship

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if you are in a guild with 20 casual players, then you dont need a guild ship

Guild ship = content. Saying that another player that pays the same subscription fee as you don't need to get access to the same content that you are getting only because your guild has bigger population or richer individuals - where is any sense in that?

Even more so,planet buffs will help low levels,and majority of low level characters are casuals players. What good would Dromund Kaas buff be for a guild that does DP/DF NIM?

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Guild ship = content. Saying that another player that pays the same subscription fee as you don't need to get access to the same content that you are getting only because your guild has bigger population or richer individuals - where is any sense in that?

Even more so,planet buffs will help low levels,and majority of low level characters are casuals players. What good would Dromund Kaas buff be for a guild that does DP/DF NIM?

so are strongholds, so are revan masks, so are bantha mounts


guess what


not everyone can afford those either


you have access to anything you want in the game. the game also has currency.


the buffing system is still gray, and tbh i dont want to defend it because i think the entire "planet dailies for buffs" thing is silly. but the fact remains: a casual guild wont be able to capture and hold a planet anyway.

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How about the guilds that actually want to do the gated content behind the ships, work towards buying one?


Why do people assume they have a right to one immediately?

Because guild A with 200 members would hardly have to move a pinky to get a ship while guild B with 10 people would have to grind to eternity.

It is content that is being gated simply by numbers of people and not amount of work,and this is wrong.

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if you are in a guild with 20 casual players, then you dont need a guild ship


And who are you to determine what a guild needs or not. It is like saying your don't need another flashpoint or operation as well.


This kind of statement is not needed nor neccessary I know guilds with 10 members that can afford the guild ship so are you telling them that because they only have 10 members they shouldn't purchase a guild ship?

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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And who are you to determine what a guild needs or not. It is like saying your don't need another flashpoint or operation as well.


How about this:


If you are in a guild whose members can't be bothered to set aside a fraction of their weekly gaming time (10-25%) for a finite number of weeks to obtain a guild ship, then you do not need (deserve?, want?) a guild ship.

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so are strongholds, so are revan masks, so are bantha mounts

guess what

not everyone can afford those either

you have access to anything you want in the game. the game also has currency.

the buffing system is still gray, and tbh i dont want to defend it because i think the entire "planet dailies for buffs" thing is silly. but the fact remains: a casual guild wont be able to capture and hold a planet anyway.


There are no missions associated with strongholds or Revan masks. I may be mistaken,but Banthas also do not send you to capture Korriban. It is individual, fluff thing.

Currency for fluff = good and acceptable.

Currency for access to group content,with fee varying due to number of people = problematic at best.

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How about this:


If you are in a guild whose members can't be bothered to set aside a fraction of their weekly gaming time (10-25%) for a finite number of weeks to obtain a guild ship, then you do not need (deserve?, want?) a guild ship.


There are other ways to obtain the credits as well. We have been selling things from the cartel market to raise the credits. My point was no one should tell another guild what they need or not. That is not necessary nor is needed. If bioware keeps the credits at 50m then I would hope they would at least tell people what is included in the price for the guild ship considering they have stated there are different rooms to unlock. I think a lot of people would like to know what their 50m is actually for.

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And who are you to determine what a guild needs or not. It is like saying your don't need another flashpoint or operation as well.


This kind of statement is not needed nor neccessary I know guilds with 10 members that can afford the guild ship so are you telling them that because they only have 10 members they shouldn't purchase a guild ship?

your post barely makes any sense.


bioware is determining what a guild needs, not me.


the guild ship is part of the planetary conquest content addition. its a perk for those that will be active in that gameplay.


a casual guild of 20 isn't going to be taking over tatooine. they dont need a guild ship or its perks. if they do, they should join an active guild

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