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Red Sphere far too rare?


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Ever since the Red Sphere was first added I've been doing HM Xenoanaylst on multiple characters many times.... this week alone and I've done like 6 and used every HM lockout my 55's have to offer.


And I've still never seen this Mount drop. Not once. Not a measly single time had it appeared after, let's say 15-20 HM Xeno kills? I don't need said Mount, I've got better stuff to ride around on, but this drop rate seems exceedingly low.... especially due to the fact the Gree event only rolls around rarely.


Seems like 1/4 or even 1/3 would be better, because this thing is practically a myth for me... you'd think would how many times I've done it'd at least see it ONCE, right?



At least it isn't required for an achievement like the Eyeless's Rakling pet (which I have at least seen drop once). Don't really think a title should be tied to an item one can only get via being lucky in a half-yearly at best event... just adds unnecessary blocks to content.

Edited by Transairion
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One of those cases where Super-RARE is actually Super-RARE.


I've done Xenoanalyst a dozen times - at least(!) - as well and only remember seeing it drop once. Obviously, I didn't get it.


I prefer the one you can purchase from the vendor though. Truly.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I understand it being a rare mount but I do think the drop rate needs to be upped a bit considering the event only runs two weeks at a time.


I've run 16m HM Xeno 9 times this weekend and the mount never dropped. *IF* the mount then did drop, I'd have to roll against 15 other people for it. (and I know how my luck would go with that as I didn't win a single roll for any of the gear that dropped).


Why not just make it a guaranteed drop in 16 HM? It would still be rare but not silly rare.

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I can't speak for anyone else's luck but I personally out of 6-8 xeno hm runs in the last week had seen the red sphere drop on 3 seperate runs, the last of which i was lucky enough to get the dice roll for and win my own red sphere vehicle :)
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Ever since the Red Sphere was first added I've been doing HM Xenoanaylst on multiple characters many times.... this week alone and I've done like 6 and used every HM lockout my 55's have to offer.


And I've still never seen this Mount drop. Not once. Not a measly single time had it appeared after, let's say 15-20 HM Xeno kills? I don't need said Mount, I've got better stuff to ride around on, but this drop rate seems exceedingly low.... especially due to the fact the Gree event only rolls around rarely.


Seems like 1/4 or even 1/3 would be better, because this thing is practically a myth for me... you'd think would how many times I've done it'd at least see it ONCE, right?



At least it isn't required for an achievement like the Eyeless's Rakling pet (which I have at least seen drop once). Don't really think a title should be tied to an item one can only get via being lucky in a half-yearly at best event... just adds unnecessary blocks to content.


Funny, before this latest Gree Event. I was seeing 1 to 3 red spheres once in a great while but the last 3 days i've seen at least 5 and they are all different people that has them. Perhaps just bad timing for ya?


Me personally, i have the first Blue Sphere from the very first gree event. To me its the best one but thats just me.

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Funny, before this latest Gree Event. I was seeing 1 to 3 red spheres once in a great while but the last 3 days i've seen at least 5 and they are all different people that has them. Perhaps just bad timing for ya?


Me personally, i have the first Blue Sphere from the very first gree event. To me its the best one but thats just me.


Funny, Blue sphere wasn't added the first event...

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Do we need this to come up every time the Gree comes back?


Pretty much. It's the same when there's a rare and desirable cartel pack mount: people whining to increase the drop rate (and then in the same breath, some will protest they don't really want it :rolleyes: )

Edited by HeatRacer
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One of those cases where Super-RARE is actually Super-RARE.


I've done Xenoanalyst a dozen times - at least(!) - as well and only remember seeing it drop once. Obviously, I didn't get it.


I prefer the one you can purchase from the vendor though. Truly.


Agree whole heartedly with this. It's about time they got something right when it comes to rarity.

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Since the red sphere came out I've seen it drop maybe once in about 15 tries, and I didn't win it. This thing is rare and I'm happy about that cuz whenever I see someone with it I know what they had to go through to get it. Making it drop every time would also be a huge mistake. Xeno HM gets killed 100x/day and you'd very quickly see red spheres all over the place and that would be awful.


The game needs more rare items but also players that don't want to go through the trouble to get them need to stop complaining on forums cuz they "have lives and work and family" cuz eventually the developers will probably cave (this isn't a complaint thread, I'm just saying). For example, the Magenta crystal is/was super rare cuz it required a lot of work to get it, and now they release the pink/magenta crystal. Yeah, ok, it's technically different but it still looks virtually identical and now anyone can get it for almost nothing and stand next to my Magenta-crystal character laughing at me.


Moar rares kthxbye.

Edited by PetFish
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As someone who doesn't have it but really really wants it...


Make it rarer. I am glad I rarely see it. We need more "unique" rare items.



why exactly? why does the thought that someone that pays for the game and does the content to get the item not ever see it make you happy? should they make a mount that only 1 person on the server can ever have? would that excite you? what is the benefit if having everything that looks good in the game be ultra rare? That behavior is sociopathic.

would making guild ships require a rare world drop to enable to be bought make them better for you?

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