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What would you most like to see implemented to SWTOR?


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There seems to be a lot of negativity towards SWTOR and game content etc recently!


I thought it would interesting to hear what others would like to see implemented and what would keep you playing SWTOR for the forseeable future. All ideas and suggestions welcome!


Personally, my key ideas are:


1) More Character Customisation - For me this is a biggie. I don't really have any motivation to start any of the same old characters anymore. I've recently succumbed and started a Chiss Bounty Hunter, as I find Chiss the most unusual and not as common as other races, but now I have 3 chiss! The world of SWTOR isn't as diverse as you think it would be. I can think of many races I would love to see in the game!


2) New Classes - I suppose this ties in with number 1, although I imagine not as easy to implement! For me it's all about customisation. Having more classes would make each individual class uniquie and give players a sense of pride whilst playing a certain role with a certain class. Again, I've had this game well over a year now and I have no motivation at all to create a new character at the moment. Adding more classes/customisation would bring so much more life to the game!


3) More content - You simply can't go wrong! I'm not a HUGE gamer but I personally didn't find it too hard levelling up my toons, nor exploring what SWTOR has to offer. Givingg us players more to explore and making the game harder to conquer would be awesome! I'm sure with time more will be added to the game, however that is certainly one thing I would love to see.


What about you guys?!

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• Better guild tools.

• Better grouping tools (universal chat channel).

• More Ops.

• More WZ's.

• More Daily areas with new opportunities for OWPvP.

• Appearance tab.

Edited by TUXs
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I don't see myself leaving the game in the foreseeable future, but there a few things I would love to see


1. More frequent/unique races. This is my biggest thing, and goes hand in hand with more customization options/updates. (appearance tab being the biggest)


2. Companion customizations. I really want to change the roles of some comps, and maybe some cosmetic changes as well. I would also like to see more companions.


3. A more frequent schedule of new ops/wzs. I feel for these guys.


The list us fairly short, because honestly, I'm still going through a lot of the older content. I need to do 3 more class stories before I have gone through all eight, and want to get 7 more guys to 50 so I have all ac's at 50. I haven't done the seeker missions, or the binoculars yet either. So I still have a lot to do, that's why my list doesn't really have a lot if content on it. I play a lot if wzs while leveling, so I would love to see more of these. I don't do a lot if ops, haven't found the right guild yet. But, I do want this group of players to be happy, so I put that on the list.

Edited by hunterraaze
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Less recycled content and less cartel market items and MORE, much more new content!


A new OPS and a few more FPs, a new planet or two


That isn't likely to happen considering the CM is what is helping to keep this game alive without it the game is likely to die out.

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That isn't likely to happen considering the CM is what is helping to keep this game alive without it the game is likely to die out.


Probably, but the question was what I would like to see implemented.


Simply put, less cartel market items and more new content to explore

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Probably, but the question was what I would like to see implemented.


Simply put, less cartel market items and more new content to explore


Yeah but I kind of think he meant reasonable ideas. Lowering the amount of CM items would cause a loss of revenue and without the revenue from CM sales where would they get the funds to make all that content?


EA isn't going to throw funds into a dying game.

Edited by Anaesha
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• More customization options for -ALL- of the races.

• Hood Toggle

• Appearance Tabs

• Hoods not making you BALD

• Nexu mini pet (girls and kittens, combo that can't be helped :p )

• Being able to position companions (even if nothing else like hunter pets in wow, click a stay ability and park them in a spot of your choosing) nothing like trying to take a cool scenic screenshot of your char and comp, but the comp is playing "I'll stand 8 feet away and tilt my body in some weird Lament Configuration yoga pose..."

• Ability to togle companion weapons like we can do for ourselves by hitting the Z key

• Companion Dance making your comp do whatever dance emote your currently doing, for as long as you yourself dance, not stopping after 2 seconds like it does now.

• Legacy class emotes repeating till cancelled/having a duration of at least the same length of regular "rest abilities"

• Report Spam auto ignores the reported name.

• Just for giggles, a gundark mount! :D

••••••••• Fix Vector so he stops wearing all my agents bras!!!!!!!!!!!••••••••••


I have more but these are at the top of my list

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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a real chapter 4

legacy modules for gear

copy chat

invite etc from guild pane

multi spec (so i dont have to remember key bind, talent points and fill my bag with 4 set of gear (56 slots))

alts as companions

legacy credits and comms

searchable database for cargo, inventory and companion gear

legacy quest guide to keep track of which characters need which one time quests or weeklies

integrated voip

Edited by dipstik
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  • A solid content rotation (I don't think the overall amount of content we've gotten has been bad, but the way specific aspects have been spaced out could be better):


    • A new SM/HM Op approximately every three updates (maybe four if it's a 7-boss Op like S&V) with NiM released in between.
    • A new 8v8 WZ approximately every three updates (or a pair of new 4v4 Arenas).
    • A new Daily Area every four or five updates.
    • A new FP or two every three or four updates (with both a Tactical and HM released together every time).
    • A new Reoccurring or Monthly Event every four or five updates
    • A new RotHC-sized Expansion approximately every 18 months, with a new GSF-sized DLC about halfway between them.
    • And various new GSF Maps/Ships, Strongholds, Races/Customization Options, Companions, Minor/Seasonal Events (like Life Day or Festival of Splendor), and other assorted types of content occurring intermittently throughout the updates.



  • Ability/Animation Customizations
  • A Storyline that keeps the focus on Empire v Republic (I'm worried that Forged Alliances is going to move to a temporary team-up rather than continuing to be about confrontations like Tython/Korriban)
  • A new Monthly Event to go alongside Bounty Contract Week (it would be great if we eventually had three Monthly Events and enough of the sporadic Gree/Rak-type Events that we could almost always have one of those during the fourth week without any of them coming around so often they get stale)
  • More content that utilizes the Companions significantly (Maybe a Staged Weekly questline where you go on quests related to different companions?)
  • Credit Storage in the Legacy Bank
  • Armor Stands/Mannequins in the Strongholds; ability to set animation loops/emotes on our Companions and NPCs when we place them in the Strongholds
  • Future Daily Areas following the same setup they did with Oricon (a one-time questline with plenty of story & cutscenes, followed by making the quests repeatable off of a terminal)
  • A few minor things like being able to buy CM Rep Tokens with Cartel Certs or trade different types of Rep Tokens; Having each character's Credits and Comm count displayable on the Legacy Family Tree; Fixing the Codex; a new tier of Datacron Relics (add a new Datacron that has a Relic Shard in the next expansion, add it to the existing recipes to make a Relic that's competitive at the new max-level); Ability to opt out/toggle Double XP weekends.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I have 2 very contrasting desires that ensure you always have something to do:

Solo scenarios using 3+ companions at once. Basically a 1 person flashpoint that would take about 10 to 20 minutes depending on skill.

Active time events, where anyone in the area can come and join in the scenario. No preset groups, just planet wide spontaneity

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I have 2 very contrasting desires that ensure you always have something to do:

Solo scenarios using 3+ companions at once. Basically a 1 person flashpoint that would take about 10 to 20 minutes depending on skill.

Active time events, where anyone in the area can come and join in the scenario. No preset groups, just planet wide spontaneity


The three companions sound good and solo flashpoint sound good maybe some heroics like that.

Active Time Events no thanks. Mob vs Monster does not appeal to me. That is just me. Seen that on GW2 beta not my cup of tea.

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1) I know it is next to impossible to implement, but being able to interact with members of the opposite faction for the purpose of running operations; at least. It would build community and the player base.


2) A new section of the fleet's, or aforementioned neutral world, that has just the entrances to operations so that those who are looking to find groups for operations don't have to compete with the....constructive conversations that inhabit fleet general chats.

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1) More non-Daily, non-flashpoint, Non-Operation Story-driven quest content like Makeb, only with better writing and more than just lip service paid to the 1-50 class stories, including a questline that will bridge the gap between expansions to keep story people invested.


2) MORE COMMUNICATION. Announce things further ahead of time, and give details further out. No need to spill everything, but holding all the cards until just before release on the test center is really horrible marketing, and doesn't re-energize the masses, including your own subs, about your game.


3) BETTER RELEASE SCHEDULE. By better, what I mean is not half-assed like it is now. If you are going to release an operation, then release all of it, not some of it and nightmare later, and then dare to call releasing the nightmare version its own update. That's just seriously stupid and desperate. I'd rather have 4 updates a year (13 week cycle) than an 8-9 week cycle they miss and then do these lame "Hanukkah" releases where they release part of something one month, then some of it the next month, and finally finish it in month three, all while trying to convince people they are breaking it down by "Subs, Preferred, and Free To Play". Better to just release it all at one time. This way too, if there is a new op or a new flashpoint in the works, then you have bigger updates worthy of the name, instead of "hey, here's update 10.1, Operation X in Story and Hard mode, and here's update 10.3, Nightmare mode, woo hoo!!!" Much better to just have all 3 versions released, and give the other teams time to toss in a flashpoint or two and the next leg of that bridging story questing mission I mentioned to boot.


Those are what I want.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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I just want a bigger dev team!!!!! FP, Ops, warzone maps, planets, CM items, achievement fixes, bug fixes, daily areas, exploit fixes, events, rep grinds ALL COME OUT WAY TO SLOWLY!!!!!


I mean swtor is one of the most profitable MMOs right now being run by E Fing A the giant of a game company and the dev cycle is pathetic if you ask me.

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