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The new Nerf sith inquisitor thread


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Guys, stop posting. OP is an idiot and doesn't realise his own class is an ALMOST EXACT match for the sorcerors he wants to nerf. He also seems to lack any basic understanding of empirical proof. Hopefully BW/Mythic doesn't listen to fools like this when they balance or we will reach a stage like WoW where balance is decided by the whine babies.



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I honestly have been thinking in the same way OP. I can put up a good fight with most classes as dps gaurdian. However sorcerer seems to have very good burst damge + much CC.. If I recall right they also have one more CC than republic Sage.
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You are wrong.


Sith Inquisitors mirror to Jedi Consulars Project spell is Shock. And it does NOT stun your targets in PvP.


I'm pretty sure you are thinking of the Electrocute spell (mirror of Force Stun). It looks like a shock of lightning and perhaps you think that is the Shock spell?


Again, the Shock spell does NOT stun the player in PvP.

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Well, nerf them, but make their spell not reduced by armor.

Why theres no qq about troopers, which are basically sorcs in heavy armor?


I say this from Commando and Vanguard POVs as well.


Sorc obliterates both, from my observations absorb shield is the core problem here as it just allows basically tank proetection, couple that with insane mobility, very decent crowd control and good damage you have a recipe for OP.

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mhm..mhm...which attack do we have that hits for 3-4k per tick.


As i said, i have decent gear and a solid dps spec and havnt once got the medal to hit for 2500. Its also not about me "sucking" or being "umadbro"....all i can do is press the buttons to attack, if they dont feel like critting for 2500+ it cant be my fault surely.


I'm sorry? 3-4k per tick!?! Are you an idiot or actually mentally challenged? We do about 300-500 damage per tick, jesus christ, idiots try to complain about classes, and ill say the same thing I do to everyone, Learn to play your own class and stop whining like a lil *****.


And yes, I do play inquisitor, but I also play trooper, and have never had a single problem with sorcerers attacking me, l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p.


I am finished.

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I'm sorry? 3-4k per tick!?! Are you an idiot or actually mentally challenged? We do about 300-500 damage per tick, jesus christ, idiots try to complain about classes, and ill say the same thing I do to everyone, Learn to play your own class and stop whining like a lil *****.


And yes, I do play inquisitor, but I also play trooper, and have never had a single problem with sorcerers attacking me, l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p.


I am finished.


Inquisitors are the only class that hits me above 2k.....and consistently its 3k or higher.

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exactly. consular gets telekinetic throw which ticks for about 500 or something low like that, you get force lightning which ticks for 2k per tick...thats super unbalanced.


Please give me a force lightning that ticks for 2k per.....mine CRITS for 600-700 per tick, no clue where you are getting 2k per tick from :p. And that's at level 50.


Secondly, Bolster is screwing things up now. They need to simply go to pvp warzones where it is 50s vs 50s and other levels versus other levels of the same type, no more bolstering.

Edited by Canarith
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Inquisitors are the only class that hits me above 2k.....and consistently its 3k or higher.


I have never hit over 3k in one tick/hit...

And im on 30 valor, I think ive played enough PvP in this game to know how much damage I do....


Again, like the OP, stop making up bs...

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Ok since the last thread got locked for people trolling and stuff, lets make a new thread regarding how OP and unbalanced sith inquisitors are.


Im currently a lvl 50 consular, and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.


other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors. They fling around lightning like no tommorow with no CD it seems.


PvP games are now simply about how few seconds the 5 inquisitors on the opposite team take to stun lock and kill you.


Please keep this thread civil and on topic or posts will be reported.




first l2p you have enough cc and interrupts unless you are heals you should be able to stand toe 2 toe with an Inq; your class mirrors an SI


second l2p; not whine if one is torching you, LOS him.

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I have never hit over 3k in one tick/hit...

And im on 30 valor, I think ive played enough PvP in this game to know how much damage I do....


Again, like the OP, stop making up bs...


As sorc, my highest crit is cca 2900 with death field, and its internal dmg (not reduced by armor) and dirrect attack, dots/channel spells are way weaker.

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Is this thread for real? do you seriously not get that SI is identical to JC? IDENTICAL. There is one tiny tiny tiny difference in the animations and delay in the shock/project skill. That is it.


I dont think theres still this difference, as i see it, dmg is dealt right after finishing casting/pressing instant and isnt dependable on animation. And from PvP pov, they arnt identical, sages has adventage in less visible spells, while lighting instantly says ur atacked and direction.

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