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The new Nerf sith inquisitor thread


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uh, you do realize you balance tree is the same as madness...right? balance and madness are op as hell. but you wouldnt know anything about that would you?


No they wouldn't.


It's not OP when they do it, but when they can't kill you in one hit, you're OP.



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exactly. consular gets telekinetic throw which ticks for about 500 or something low like that, you get force lightning which ticks for 2k per tick...thats super unbalanced.


Is this a joke? Is there a hidden camera somewhere gauging my reaction?

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I watching a guy livestream sith inquisitor and he even admitted they're OP.


And he is... who, exactly? Oh right, some scrub who doesn't know any better.


Thank you.



"Whenever I get wrecked, I see lightening! So, it must be lightening that's wrecking me... and since Sith Inquisitors use lightening, OMG, nerf them!"


Sorry that SI have the most recognizable attack in the game, scrubs.

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OP... I'm confused. When you say "Consular" and "Inquisitor", are you talking about Sages and Sorcerer's? Or are you fighting against people who are level 50 and haven't taken their advanced class yet?


If you're talking about the caster variants, then I have to assume you don't understand that you are an identical, exact skill mirror of the Sith Sorcerer. Yes, correct. Your skills, their damage numbers, your talent trees, their abilities, they are completely and utterly identical to the Sorcerer's. Aside from the animations (Force ball/Rock throwing VS. Force Lightning), you can do everything they can do in the exact same way.


I know a lot of people have mentioned this already, but you really need to be careful what you say, because if you're a Sage asking for a Sorcerer nerf, you're asking for them to nerf your own class.

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Sith Inq DPS does not bother me so much, a bursty class should be able to burst (although not sustain DPS). The Stun Locks are the problem with Inqs. Contrary to previous statements about Resolve, the Resolve system DOES NOT WORK AS INTENDED. There are abilities that incapacitate you that simply do not fill the resolve bar as much as they should. Edited by Torcer
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to the person claiming inquisitors are the same as conulars the the exact spell. maybe you should play both classes before commenting. inquisitors lightning spells normaly slow and do high damage in ticks, they have more stuns that are damage resistant to consulars and for some reason in pvp resolve seems to do absolutley nothing when fghting inquisitors.


totally support this thread all you get with inquisitors in pvp is lightning slow root and stun spam, with those spells doing considerably more damage than the consulars spells that dont stun / root etc.




sick to **** of them in pvp, awfull class at the moment.

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Sith Inq DPS does not bother me so much, a bursty class should be able to burst (although not sustain DPS). The Stun Locks are the problem with Inqs. Contrary to previous statements about Resolve, the Resolve system DOES NOT WORK AS INTENDED. There are abilities that incapacitate you that simply do not fill the resolve bar as much as they should.



YES !!! this is what ive been saying glad sombody agrees.

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to the person claiming inquisitors are the same as conulars the the exact spell. maybe you should play both classes before commenting. inquisitors lightning spells normaly slow and do high damage in ticks, they have more stuns that are damage resistant to consulars and for some reason in pvp resolve seems to do absolutley nothing when fghting inquisitors.


totally support this thread all you get with inquisitors in pvp is lightning slow root and stun spam, with those spells doing considerably more damage than the consulars spells that dont stun / root etc.




sick to **** of them in pvp, awfull class at the moment.


Are you saying their abils base damage is different as per tooltip with no gear adds, or the scaling is different with no gear adds?


Without combat log, can't see how anyone has had time to test this effectively yet.


Regards the cc, I'm not sure if there are less or more - assumed they would be perfect mirrors tbh.

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Not just inquisitors, the whole cc immunity/resolve thing needs some work.


yeah i absoultley agree that it needs work, but inquisitors seem to be the main culprits with it at the moment the bar seems to barely move when fighting them and recieving what seem to be extremely long stuns and roots or slows

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It amazes me how idiotic some of you people are.



First off all, as far as damage types are concerned.


Sorcs = Sage


There is ABSOLUTELY nothing that one class has over the other when it comes to different damage mitigations on their spells. TK and Force Lighting are EXACTLY THE SAME. They are mitigated the same, their base damage is the same and the 50% slow applied to the target when hitting it with the spell is true on both classes.


The ONLY difference between the two classes in general is the animation of their spells. Project's animation causes for a delay in damage. It has been confirmend by Devs that this is currently at 1.8 sec between cast time and the rock or the droid hitting the target. Some people may find this unacceptable because the Sorc's equevalent ability Shock, is pretty much instant damage at the time of cast.



Second off all... the reason you're getting murked by lower level Sorcs or whatever is...



1. You don't cleanse their DoTs. Both of their DoTs can be cleansed INSTANLY after the're applied. If you actually pay attention to them casting Crushing Darkness, you can litereally cleanse it off before it does it's first thick of damage. Not only that but the sound that Affliction and CD make is ridiculously unique so you don't even have to pay attention to know it's on you.


2. You aren't using your interrupts and stuns properly. Your stun should be saved for your burst rotation. If you want to finish them off you need to keem them in place. This way you can interrupt their bauble cast or force speed. Also, using Mind Sap to interrupt just ONE Force Lightning can and will result in you winning a fight against them.


3. They're just better then you. Simply, they out skill your game play and you can do **** about it.


Last night for example, I had a Sorc switch over to my side and barrage me with insults cuz I literally destroyed him in few sec. I was holding the right door on Voidstar by myself since everyone was fighting on the other side. That guy strolled up, started casting Crushing Darkness on me... which you should never do. At that point I've already casted my Weaken Mind on him and the procs off it were already rolling. Soon as his Crushing Darkness and Affliction hit me, they were cleansed and I tossed a Project at him which procced twice hitting him for around 2+k. My Tele Throw proc was up so I casted the whole spell on him in 1.2 sec which procced my Presence of Mind. During that 1.2 sec cast I already had my Force In Balance up on him wihich crit him for about 2.5k and as soon as my GCD cleared I insta casted Telekanetic Wave at him due to Presence of Mind, which crit him for 2.8k... At this point, this fool try to force speed out, I just stunned him, tossed another Project and TK and he was dead.



All it takes is a little knowladge and desire to learn. Most people who beat you in the game do it for a reason so insted of asking for nerfs, you should learn. Also, if you're gonna ask classes to get nerfed... make sure it's not your class first, lol. If they do anything to the Sorc, they're gonna do the same exact thing to the Sage.



I'm at work right now. Tonight when I get home, I'll grab one of my Sorc buddies and fraps some footage for you people.





Before you idiots start flaming me.


Fulkan, 50 Sage, belgoth's beacon

Edited by Balmuck
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  • 2 months later...
I can see how certain specs of sage/inquisitor can be frustrating to fight, I mean we do a lot of dps, and if we are about to die we DoT the hell out of you so you probably end up dying. I'm madness spec which helps with survivability, I get no CD chain lightning which mine ticks for about 1.5-1.8 unless I use trinkets and recklessness, then it ticks for 2.3-2.6. But its blowing my cooldowns, my death field normally hits for 3k again when used with trinkets and recklessness i can hit for 5-6k. typing that you may think to nerf our class a little, but we are super squishy and I generally make the decision to use CD's on dps therefore make my survivability bad. Also Chain lightning is directing you to me, if you let me cast it on you over and over, your gonna die... The worst position for me is how close my opponent is to me.
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Sorcerers critting a pvp geared balance-specced Sage for 4-6k per tick?! Uh... per tick of what? Force Lightning? DoT's? Hahaha no. Force Lightning does about 1k per trinketed/adrenal CRIT tick against a sage whom isn't bubbled and Affliction/Creeping Terror trinketed/adrenal CRIT ticks against a sage are only about 400's each unless you forget to use your self-buff.


Edit: Oh, by the way, you can remove up to 2 force-based DoT's/Debuffs for a cost of 30 force per GCD timer - maybe you should try that if the miniscule damage from 2 of our DoT's is bothering you or if you are clever, you'd simply Purge/Cleanse the DoT from Crushing Darkness which is MODERATELY powerful, when compared to other classes' DoT's.


Also, I'm not sure if you realise this, but Sages are an identical mirror to Sorcerers - only difference being that our skills are named differently and we look different, so you can spec identically to us. You can do everything we can with the same exact damage, so why are you singling out Inquis? Is it simply because force lightning is blatantly more visible by comparison to telekinetic throw (pebble-spam)? Coz I'd definitely prefer using that Consular equivalent to our "here I am! come get me!" equivalent if I could.


If you're getting hit for 3k+ by deathfield/force in balance, you're either less geared out or your enemy popped an expertise adrenal in addition to relics + they've used recklesness/(the equivalent to recklessness for consular).


Try a different spec or change your equipment around coz you're doing something wrong - oh, and don't forget to always have your class buff up (+10% elemental/internal damage resistance in addition to +5% to primary stats, yeah).

Edited by SinnedWill
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I can see how certain specs of sage/inquisitor can be frustrating to fight, I mean we do a lot of dps, and if we are about to die we DoT the hell out of you so you probably end up dying. I'm madness spec which helps with survivability, I get no CD chain lightning which mine ticks for about 1.5-1.8 unless I use trinkets and recklessness, then it ticks for 2.3-2.6. But its blowing my cooldowns, my death field normally hits for 3k again when used with trinkets and recklessness i can hit for 5-6k. typing that you may think to nerf our class a little, but we are super squishy and I generally make the decision to use CD's on dps therefore make my survivability bad. Also Chain lightning is directing you to me, if you let me cast it on you over and over, your gonna die... The worst position for me is how close my opponent is to me.




...maybe the total damage of your death field. your death field isn't critting a single player for 5 to 6k. pics now, or It isn't happening

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As a former empire player now playing republic I can honestly say they are not identical. Like previous people have mentioned, due to animations of instant damage lightning vs lifting a rock, having it rest in stasis for .3 sec then flying forward the overall timing is quite different. It is instant cast and it will hit, but perhaps .8-1.1 seconds after hitting button. Lightning is instant, period. Now consider that in spam mode for a short buff and lightning can be cast 4-5 times while the boulder is cast 2-3 times. This also changes GCD dynamics and timing of skills post instant cast.


In the long run it is hard to differentiate the 2, they are mirrors. But in PvP that extremely small difference is actually magnified a great deal.

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the title is nerf inquisitor not the other classes. Its titled that for a reason. Please stay on topic.


News Flash!


Sage and Sorcerer are Mirror Classes


Shadow and Assassin are Mirror Classes


I am sorry that sages have Gimp graphics and look stupid, but the reality is that Sages can pull the exact same damage and healing as a Sorcerer.


Neither class has the best burst damage instead they depend on layering damage by stacking dots. Any decent burst class can drop a Sorcerer/Sage 1v1 that's just the reality of the class. Sorcerer/Sage get their numbers by standing back a bit and putting out constant damage. If they get to much attention then they die in seconds.


The funny thing is watching people point out the damage they do in PVP, but with a bit of logic you realize that the reason for this is the Sage/Sorcerer is in their prime element there. People are forced to cluster to take objectives making their AOE's lethal. None of their abilities are about burst they are all about layered consistent damage, but even then any burst class can still turn around and target either a Sage or a Sorc and burn them down before those dots can finish them off, and then all the Sage or Sorc can do is try and get some space to start up their dots again.


I also still find it amusing the way people complain about Sages and Sorcerers when ANY burst class can drop them in seconds. When I play my Sentinel I actively hunt down and destroy Sorcerers because they are easy kills for a DPS class. On the other hand Bounty Hunters spamming Tracer Missile can just stand there and wipe out about any class. This is changing in 1.2 and they will have to do more than spam one attack which will be nice.


I guess it just goes to show you that players that don't understand a spec in a class will make up anything to justify their fabricated BS.


The single biggest killer of any game are people that cry about things they really know nothing about till the Dev's actually listen and make changes to classes that in all reality were never justified. I have no issue with the coming changes to the Sorcerer, and ill still melt faces with the same efficiency as I do now, and even with the changes there will still be people that simply suck at playing crying about how OP Sorcerers are just because they have that really cool lightning graphic.


Meanwhile Burst classes will still drop Sages and Sorcerers in seconds, and idiots will complain till the end of time.

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It amazes me how idiotic some of you people are.



First off all, as far as damage types are concerned.


Sorcs = Sage


There is ABSOLUTELY nothing that one class has over the other when it comes to different damage mitigations on their spells. TK and Force Lighting are EXACTLY THE SAME. They are mitigated the same, their base damage is the same and the 50% slow applied to the target when hitting it with the spell is true on both classes.


The ONLY difference between the two classes in general is the animation of their spells. Project's animation causes for a delay in damage. It has been confirmend by Devs that this is currently at 1.8 sec between cast time and the rock or the droid hitting the target. Some people may find this unacceptable because the Sorc's equevalent ability Shock, is pretty much instant damage at the time of cast.



Second off all... the reason you're getting murked by lower level Sorcs or whatever is...



1. You don't cleanse their DoTs. Both of their DoTs can be cleansed INSTANLY after the're applied. If you actually pay attention to them casting Crushing Darkness, you can litereally cleanse it off before it does it's first thick of damage. Not only that but the sound that Affliction and CD make is ridiculously unique so you don't even have to pay attention to know it's on you.


2. You aren't using your interrupts and stuns properly. Your stun should be saved for your burst rotation. If you want to finish them off you need to keem them in place. This way you can interrupt their bauble cast or force speed. Also, using Mind Sap to interrupt just ONE Force Lightning can and will result in you winning a fight against them.


3. They're just better then you. Simply, they out skill your game play and you can do **** about it.


Last night for example, I had a Sorc switch over to my side and barrage me with insults cuz I literally destroyed him in few sec. I was holding the right door on Voidstar by myself since everyone was fighting on the other side. That guy strolled up, started casting Crushing Darkness on me... which you should never do. At that point I've already casted my Weaken Mind on him and the procs off it were already rolling. Soon as his Crushing Darkness and Affliction hit me, they were cleansed and I tossed a Project at him which procced twice hitting him for around 2+k. My Tele Throw proc was up so I casted the whole spell on him in 1.2 sec which procced my Presence of Mind. During that 1.2 sec cast I already had my Force In Balance up on him wihich crit him for about 2.5k and as soon as my GCD cleared I insta casted Telekanetic Wave at him due to Presence of Mind, which crit him for 2.8k... At this point, this fool try to force speed out, I just stunned him, tossed another Project and TK and he was dead.



All it takes is a little knowladge and desire to learn. Most people who beat you in the game do it for a reason so insted of asking for nerfs, you should learn. Also, if you're gonna ask classes to get nerfed... make sure it's not your class first, lol. If they do anything to the Sorc, they're gonna do the same exact thing to the Sage.



I'm at work right now. Tonight when I get home, I'll grab one of my Sorc buddies and fraps some footage for you people.





Before you idiots start flaming me.


Fulkan, 50 Sage, belgoth's beacon


Amen sir, Amen

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