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Character select screen keeps changing


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So ever since this mornings patch, when at the character select screen, it has a tendency to change from the normal "close up" view if the selected char, to a different view entirely.


The different view is a more... scenic view where is shows your char from about the knees up with a much more detailed background scene.


Is this just a weird camera pan glitch? Or is the char select screen being changed?


If it is, -please- do it, and soon, the more panned out view I'm occasionally get looks fantastic... :eek:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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So ever since this mornings patch, when at the character select screen, it has a tendency to change from the normal "close up" view if the selected char, to a different view entirely.


The different view is a more... scenic view where is shows your char from about the knees up with a much more detailed background scene.


Is this just a weird camera pan glitch? Or is the char select screen being changed?


If it is, -please- do it, and soon, the more panned out view I'm occasionally get looks fantastic... :eek:


I'm getting the same thing. There seems to be no switch to flip between views so I think it's a bug. It happens when you first log into the game, the character you had when you quit the game will show that way, and when you log out with a character. Flipping between characters will bring in the close view.

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Yep, this is a bug that we are aware of. Thanks for the post, though!


I love this bug. Please make this panned out view the norm! I haven't realized what I've been missing until now.


Example of awesomeness...


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Yeah, this bug is much better looking than the correct way.


You might want to adjust the scale just slightly since it leaves a lot of empty space at the top (Or just pan it down). But still, as it is now, it looks way better.

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Since it has not been mentioned before, I'd like to add: In a way, this has been bugged since release, but only because of today's patch did everyone become aware of it.

Before today's patch, the camera would first center on your belly button when logging in/switching characters, and only when selecting another character would the camera correctly center on the upper body. It was just a minor difference, but noticeable if you paid attention.

If they fix this bug, I hope they'll fix it for real so that the camera angle will stay the same from logging in to selecting another character.


It seems to me that the majority of people saying they like it this way are Imperial players, or at least base their opinion on the screenshots posted on the forums and elsewhere, which for the most part only show Imperial characters.

IMO, the Republic don't look as great as the Imperial ones. On Imperial side, the edges of the ship are dark, which is why your eyes are drawn to your character, while on Republic side, the whole ship stays lit up, which is a little distracting from the character.

If they decide to keep it this way, I ask to darken the edges of the Republic ships so that they are also darker like the Imperial ships. And in the best case, allow players to switch between closeup and far view via the mouse wheel.

I would even be okay with having a close-up of the ship, but a far view of the character, since not all ships look good with the far view.

Edited by Jerba
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I'm going to speak up and say that although I got used to having my 'active' (last logged in character) in the zoomed out perspective, it was with some relief that I noticed that the other characters in my select list were still showing as 'zoomed in'--I sometimes use that zoomed in POV to take good screenshots of my toons.


So, although I wouldn't mind it remaining exactly as it is right now, I would disagree with having every toon in the list display as fully zoomed out.

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