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GSF Balance according to Verain (long posts!)


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I guess Dulfy's guide ought to be corrected, then. I had thought they were a pretty reputable source of info for GSF.


I would suggest that they are not. The guides were written early, so parts are out of date, and even at the time they had just TONS of stuff wrong.


So, what's the point of having the missile speed upgrades in the talent tree of the torpedoes? Are they there just to give targets less of a chance to recover their missile breaks before it hits?


And also less time to react. If I shoot a proton at 500m at you, you don't have much time to break the torp, but you have HALF the time if I have the speed upgrade.


I'd always (apparently wrongly) assumed torps could be outrun, so the investment in speed seemed a wise one, but it seems like the firing arc talent is a much better choice in that case.


Both are good. I prefer the firing arc, Stasie prefers the speed. I normally would suspect Stasie is correct, but I get so many less ninja-drops of the firing lock with the firing arc upgrade that I can't bring myself to use the speed very often. It really does make the missile more deadly, without question- it is much harder to break a point blank lock, and a medium range lock is more threatening too.



Given that a whole class of likely torpedo targets (T1 or T2 bombers) don't even have missile breaks, that seems to make the missile speed talent even less interesting or useful.


It is definitely not helpful versus those targets, you are correct.

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I guess Dulfy's guide ought to be corrected, then. I had thought they were a pretty reputable source of info for GSF.


So, what's the point of having the missile speed upgrades in the talent tree of the torpedoes? Are they there just to give targets less of a chance to recover their missile breaks before it hits? I'd always (apparently wrongly) assumed torps could be outrun, so the investment in speed seemed a wise one, but it seems like the firing arc talent is a much better choice in that case. Given that a whole class of likely torpedo targets (T1 or T2 bombers) don't even have missile breaks, that seems to make the missile speed talent even less interesting or useful.


- Despon


There are many times when I know a torp is launched at me ( you can tell from the lenght of the lock on ) and if I don't currently have a missile break up I just put power to engines and Hammer down burning as much engine power as possible (keeping enough for my maneuver) so that I might have time for the cooldown to come back up.

As most players Opt for the extra arc this actually works a ton, especially with power dive as your engine component. You usually only have a few seconds left on power dive and you don't even need to save engine power as power dive is Free!


I myself take speed on proton always, it just lets you land more missiles. The interesting choice is on thermites in my opinion as for some reason thermites break a lot more while trying to lock on. For this reason I tend to opt for the extra arc just to make my life a little easier. However if that lock drop thing didn't exist I would definitely use the speed on it aswell.

Edited by Drakkolich
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I myself take speed on proton always, it just lets you land more missiles.


I actually find it disturbing that you and Stasie both like speed so much. It makes me convinced that I'm doing something very wrong.


The other thing we disagree with is on gunship, speed or turning, but EVERYONE does turning except me, and I've deffo run a couple hundred with turning. That one I don't think I'm necessarily wrong on, but I feel I must be on torps.



Why don't you guys get ninja lock loss? Like the guy is at the center of screen, and lock goes away. That is so much rarer with +arc.

Edited by Verain
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I actually find it disturbing that you and Stasie both like speed so much. It makes me convinced that I'm doing something very wrong.


The other thing we disagree with is on gunship, speed or turning, but EVERYONE does turning except me, and I've deffo run a couple hundred with turning. That one I don't think I'm necessarily wrong on, but I feel I must be on torps.



Why don't you guys get ninja lock loss? Like the guy is at the center of screen, and lock goes away. That is so much rarer with +arc.


I dont think you are, I have used both. And neither group is wrong. There are just different benefits to one or the other. It does also come down to personal experience with missiles. If you find not having issues getting the lock then there is no point to increase the arc and the extra speed gives people less time to activate or wait for CD's, but if phantom lock lost happens a lot to you then the Arc is the best way to go.



Edit: this is an example of good choice, that doest just ADD damage or Add defense.

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The other thing we disagree with is on gunship, speed or turning, but EVERYONE does turning except me, and I've deffo run a couple hundred with turning. That one I don't think I'm necessarily wrong on, but I feel I must be on torps.


I take [gunship] speed too.

Edited by Kuciwalker
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I take [gunship] speed too.


Ok, this makes me feel a LOT better. I thought you were on Team Turnyface as well.


I dont think you are, I have used both. And neither group is wrong. There are just different benefits to one or the other.


This ALSO makes me feel better.


So, from the perspective of "did the devs screw up", I agree with you- it looks like a real talent choice with nice tradeoffs, just as Stasie says, it looks like solid design. I was more speaking as a player- I don't expect to be as good as, say, you at strikes- but if I see a consensus among really solid players and I've chosen the other way, that makes me convinced I'm compensating for a play weakness, right?


Do you just think it's a balanced choice, or do you actually put that choice on the ship? Like, there are some things that are ostensibly ok choices, like "+hull damage" or "+shield damage" that for me personally, I always go exactly one way with no deviation (ex: I always get +hull damage). You've run both but if it was a pretty hard game and you were in a Pike (assume here that they fixed the Pike or the meta around it), would it really be a coin flip? Would it depend on your expected target?



The fact that I feel compelled to run one based on ninja-lock loss makes me wonder if something about my target or following is causing the lock loss, was my concern.

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The other thing we disagree with is on gunship, speed or turning, but EVERYONE does turning except me, and I've deffo run a couple hundred with turning. That one I don't think I'm necessarily wrong on, but I feel I must be on torps.

I take turning on gunships, but I also run Feedback Shield and like to be able to fight in close when someone rushes me. I admit, against top pilots this is often (though not always) a losing proposition, but most of the pilots I face are not top pilots. I also often find that I have to hold (or take) sats while in domination games, and turning enables better maneuvering in the tight quarters of a fight like that.


I do wish Feedback Shield was better. I don't know if it would be overdoing it to make it trigger off secondary weapon hits, but it sure would be nice. Even a faster cooldown would help it. I don't think it's a joke or trap choice anymore, since they boosted it with the last balance adjustments. It fits how I play.


If I got in more gunship duels, or was playing as a pure sniper, I'd ditch the Feedback Shield and go DF and speed, since it seems more useful for escaping danger. Why do you go with speed?


- Despon

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Given that a whole class of likely torpedo targets (T1 or T2 bombers) don't even have missile breaks, that seems to make the missile speed talent even less interesting or useful.


- Despon


While I agree speed is generally not helpful against T1/T2 bombers I have found it can be equally beneficial to the firing arc. With thermites it ensures the torpedo hits before I'm in blaster range which helps immensely on an attack run since less blaster energy is wasted on their shields. In a competitive game where escort fighters give you minimal time for an attack run it can impact how much damage you actually do to a bomber. With protorps I've found sometimes it makes a difference between the torpedo connecting in time to kill them and a repair drone giving them just enough hull to survive a non-critical hit. In a dom match when you have to kill a bomber to take a sat the difference between the torpedo you just launched being a kill shot and having to launch yet another torpedo can be huge. (assuming here that the repair drone is placed in such a way that you can't attack it without going through a gauntlet of mines/defensive turret/drone fire).

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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I do wish Feedback Shield was better. I don't know if it would be overdoing it to make it trigger off secondary weapon hits, but it sure would be nice. Even a faster cooldown would help it. I don't think it's a joke or trap choice anymore, since they boosted it with the last balance adjustments. It fits how I play.


It's not an optimal component, but you are correct- it's not a joke or a trap. It trades defense for offense, like it is supposed to. Prebuff, it traded the defense, and got almost nothing, now it can crit for 1200. No, it doesn't do so very often, but the THREAT of that can discourage some opponents, depending on their shield status, and kill others. The base damage isn't terrible either.



Why do you go with speed?


Three reasons. I get where I am going faster, I expend less boost to get there, and it helps me dodge opponents in tight quarters. The first is obvious- if you move 10% faster, you'll be able to get from A to C much quicker (and this boost is much more useful in Domination than TDM). Second, if a base gunship needs to boost for 5 seconds to get to a position, the 10% faster gunship needs only boost for 4.55- the half second is easier to notice and less important, but the half second of boost is something I'll probably use later. The third is something that did not make sense to me at first, but I mean, I can't out turn a scout so my normal defense is to pilot around some object, and being able to to this faster, and have a greater variance between max and min speed, seems to really help.



Meanwhile, the big advantage of turning is that you can simply take better shots more often. You don't need to drag the reticule to the edge as far, and you can snap it back to your target with a greater margin for error to get the centered shots, and the off center shots you end up being able to take ones that you wouldn't otherwise, etc. It's very sad to not have this power, but I like the preceding paragraph's benefits more than this one! Secondarily, you can also have a better time in melee versus particularly gunships and bombers.

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Ok, this makes me feel a LOT better. I thought you were on Team Turnyface as well.




This ALSO makes me feel better.


So, from the perspective of "did the devs screw up", I agree with you- it looks like a real talent choice with nice tradeoffs, just as Stasie says, it looks like solid design. I was more speaking as a player- I don't expect to be as good as, say, you at strikes- but if I see a consensus among really solid players and I've chosen the other way, that makes me convinced I'm compensating for a play weakness, right?


Do you just think it's a balanced choice, or do you actually put that choice on the ship? Like, there are some things that are ostensibly ok choices, like "+hull damage" or "+shield damage" that for me personally, I always go exactly one way with no deviation (ex: I always get +hull damage). You've run both but if it was a pretty hard game and you were in a Pike (assume here that they fixed the Pike or the meta around it), would it really be a coin flip? Would it depend on your expected target?



The fact that I feel compelled to run one based on ninja-lock loss makes me wonder if something about my target or following is causing the lock loss, was my concern.



Well for me personally it is kind of dependent on targets I am intending to face, and ships. Like the Clarion I go for the speed more often cus it doesnt have a second missiles to punish with. If I am going to be going for scouts or GS I would go speed as they have 2 missile breaks so usually the best way there is right in their face. But if I had a slight amount more latency problem I would go for the arc because phantom locks are a problem (I find on laggy days myself swapping to the arc, or on days people are just flying evasively and not just popping their defensive manuever. If I am fighting more Strikes and Bombers I go for the Arc because they only have 1 break. People who specifically CHOOSE strike I have found often times are pretty good about causing lock breaks with simple flying so the extra arc is great to have same with bombers, but even against Scouts and GS you can occassionally find this as well, especially if you set up your T2 Strike with clusters and force them to burn both Missile breaks, in that case most of the time both can do well more depending on the pilot you are facing and his reaction. If the reaction is to try to out run you while his second CD comes off CD Speed is the way to go, if he starts getting evasive and tries to go around corners or cut the distance closer to you hoping for you to lose the lock rather then waste time for his CD then arc is the way to go.


The problem is you dont know which situation you are going to find yourself in until you are in it. This is why it comes down to player preference. Every situation where it would be nice to have the other happens, so assuming perfect play the best to have is dependent on what situation you want to be ready for or find yourself USING torps in. Like again the example with the Scouts and GS in which the speed is generally better as you dont want to give them time to react or have the CD's come back up, most of the time it might be just as useful to just continue to spam clusters or concs rather then use the torpedo. If that is your common response then having the extra arc to make it better against strikes and Bombers is absolutely the right way to go.


Thats why from a me perspective having flown strikes all over the place I find both equally useful and viable, it just kind of depends on what you are running into and what you are largely using it for, and latency can push it in favor of the Arc very easily.

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Three reasons. I get where I am going faster, I expend less boost to get there, and it helps me dodge opponents in tight quarters. The first is obvious- if you move 10% faster, you'll be able to get from A to C much quicker (and this boost is much more useful in Domination than TDM). Second, if a base gunship needs to boost for 5 seconds to get to a position, the 10% faster gunship needs only boost for 4.55- the half second is easier to notice and less important, but the half second of boost is something I'll probably use later. The third is something that did not make sense to me at first, but I mean, I can't out turn a scout so my normal defense is to pilot around some object, and being able to to this faster, and have a greater variance between max and min speed, seems to really help.


Yes, yes yes. Speed is how you actually evade scouts, which is a prerequisite to railgunning them.


Also, a lot of scouts prefer to make low-endurance choices on components (disto over QC, turning engine vs speed engine, turning thruster vs regen or speed thruster). BR+speed gets you that much closer to endurance parity.

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  • 7 months later...

BUMP / NECRO (May 2015 bumping from July 2014->October 2014: same meta as back then)


I'm bumping this thread because it's reasonably topical. I mentioned the bump at the top of the OP. While these changes are out of scope of the recent dev call for strike buff suggestions, I do want to point out that there's a bunch of ways to get strikes to be better, and addressing some of the other components is relevant- but there's a lot more bad components than good ones. That whole thread doesn't really talk about how to make weapon power converter better, for either the gunships that rarely/never use it, for the Type 1 Strikes for whom it is a massive trap, but this one does.



Edited by Verain
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BUMP / NECRO (May 2015 bumping from July 2014->October 2014: same meta as back then)


I'm bumping this thread because it's reasonably topical. I mentioned the bump at the top of the OP. While these changes are out of scope of the recent dev call for strike buff suggestions, I do want to point out that there's a bunch of ways to get strikes to be better, and addressing some of the other components is relevant- but there's a lot more bad components than good ones. That whole thread doesn't really talk about how to make weapon power converter better, for either the gunships that rarely/never use it, for the Type 1 Strikes for whom it is a massive trap, but this one does.




Weapon power converter is also on the T2 strike...... which.... lol I can not think of putting that on that ship with out laughing at how utterly BAD that would be......

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Because... it was a cool idea they didn't think through-or playtest hard enough?


Putting a lock break on it so a ship with it it can keep pounding a target even though someone's trying to missile it would make it useful. The ship with it would still be vulnerable to guns, but missiles would be a smaller problem. Or extra gun burst potential (T1 strike/GS)/faster missile locking and loading (T2 strike).

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You have some good sugestions, i dont agree with all of them, but all of the are nice(I especialy liked different turrets type)


As for converters, in my opinion they are very interesting.


Weapon power converter


Sacrificing both defence and mobility for questionable profit of extra blaster energy pool is not a good trade off. IF it activated a flat 7% buff to primary wapon dmg for 5 seconds it would be something(with a trade of incresed cooldown, up to 12 seconds)


Shild power converter


I was playing with that component on a charged plating t2 pike, and i have to say it was much better then i thought(Not good, but better)


It gives really a powerfull shild arc: 2970, stacked with 94% dmg reduction it was...acceptable on sats. And chasing a bomber on the sat spaming clusters and LLC shots was fun. Getting to the sat was a pain, due to ion flying around and zero defence vs incoming protorps. and this ship is not fast or manoverlable enough to work well in the open. What this component needs is a 3 second lock immunity(same as engine lock-breakers have)(also at a price of incressed cooldown to 12 seconds)



As for those poor missiles. I`m not a fan of messing with Disto, i think its a valid component and great gunship couter.


What i would want to see is incresing their "rewardness of landing" i think that a massive boost to speed for all of them (except clusters) would be a good 1st step,


Sadly even with advanced tooltips i havent found missile speed. So no math to support my theory.


We know that Protons arent afected much by 100% extra speed upgrade , if their flight time would be incressed to 300% total the reaction time would be lower. Also, shorter flight time would strongly afect ther "land propablity" i also ihink that they need higher critical chance at about 15%


So, by type:


Protorps would have 25% critical chance(going up from 10%) and max 300% speed

Increse base speed by 100% and have left talant boost it by 50% (instead of current 100%)




would recive a 15% crit chance(from zero, wthout TT), both to "on impact dmg and to DOT, tic`s and max 300% speed





They would recive the abilty to Crit a target for 1659 with 464 dmg going to hull(729 with bypass)

and 100% speed boost as base.


Clusters and interdiction are in good place atm


for utility missiles i think you nailed it;)

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Did some math and testing in game:



It looks like base speed of protorps is at about 1250 m/s -

concs speed is at about 1665 m/s


i`t means that at max range vs a powerdiving it`s imposible to get hit by a protorp from max range.



[Protorp flight time at 11500= 9.2 seconds]

Powerdive CD [10 sec]

Imunity[#3sec after activation 3 sec]

Lock on time [3,4]


So even locking just in the same split second as the safety bubble is off, PD is

7 sec cooldown remaining. and now the lock on 3,4 sec. missile is in the air. 3,6 sec on powerdive cooldown. Missile is broken after traveling 4500 meteres. and now we have a immunity for the next 3 sec, but it dosent really matter couse protorp cooldown is 11 seconds.


but ok, you might say that powerdive is the ultimate defensive cooldown.


how it works vs retro thrusters?


cooldown 14 sec


Just after a target used it


So, we are 11 seconds in cooldown, - 3.4= 7,6 seconds in cooldown, missile is broken after traveling 9500 m.(7,6 seconds) safaty(2k safe range and 1,6 sec remaining


now Barrer roll:


20 sec cooldown


again 3 sec safety bublle , 17 sec left on the clock.lock(3,4). 13.6 sec on the clock 9.2 seconds. a BR target is hit with 4.4 seconds remaining on CD



And i know that max range fired protons arent often, i know that you can add time by running

using booster.


So lets see how protorps work with 100% t4 talent:



7 sec-3,4 lock on and 4,6 flight time. 0,2 sec reaction time window


11 sec -3,4 lock on and 4,6 flight time. hit with 3 sec on protorp side

Barrer roll hit with 12 sec on protorp side


Hmmm....what ships can acces only BR as a good option, without any other missile break...T2 GS and T2 strike(current Kaiogan turn is a joke)


"Ok, so how about concs ? " you might ask


shorter range, faster missile it should be better right?



flight time and 7700 range [4.6 seconds]

lock on: 2.6

Relaod 6 sec




7-4.6.-2.6-2= -0,2 sec(reflex latency hit/miss)



14-4.6.-2.6-2 = 6,8(safe hit)


Barrer roll




(Btw this means that a target from max range using only BR can eat 2 concs unless it manually evades or breaks LOS)


with 100% speed upgrade:





7 sec -3.4-3.0= 0,6 hit




11 -3.4-3.0 4,6 hit


Barrer roll


17-6.4 = 10.6


BR ship are still eating only one protrp, due to 11 sec cooldown


Other ships are "hitable"


For concs with 2x speed


vs powerdive

7- 2,4-2,6 = 2 sec hit


vs retro


11-2,4-2,6= 6 sec hit


vs BR


17-2,4-2,6= 12 sec hit


so in theory thay can eat 2 max range concs with one second remaining


So what about disto?


correctly used disto should be used second, lets assue it`s used 3 times per minute(Sec zero, sec 20, sec 40. Lets also assume that powerdive is used in the mid, so 6 times powerdive(18 sec immunity and 6 m breakes and3 disto m-breaks


A protorp can be fired at every 14,4 seconds which means for protrps per minute. PD+ disto can avoid every one


Retro and disto can at max provide 8 m breaks per minute


Barrer roll and disto can provide 6.


All of the main manovers still makes it hard to land a proton on a ship with 2x missile break, extra speed didnt changed much here


How about concs now?


almoest 7 shots per minute


BR disto target would get hit


Retro target is more or less safe


PD target is completly safe


lets look at optimal missile open spots on the most on a PD disto scout for just 30 sec:



Sec 1 - powerdive used


Sec 4 - immunity buble ends


sec 4- disto activated


sec 10- PD ready to use(disto CD 16 sec)


sec 13- immunity bubble ends(disto CD 11 sec, PD cooldown 7 sec)


Sec 20- powerdive active (disto CD 4sec)


Sec 23- PD imunity ends(disto CD 1 sec, PD cooldown 7 sec)


Sec 24 - Disto used(PD cooldown 6 seconds)


Sec 30 - PD activated (Disto cooldown 14 seconds)


I know it`s the most missile resiliant t2 scout build but still at best you have a 7 second gap between abilites iwth my proposal you would actually be able to lock and hit the even that build with a torp from max range. If you would play it well. ther also shouldent be a problem with landing concs, couse it would be harder to dogde them.

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The Shield Power Converter lock break would make it a lot more viable for not-bombers, but that component is already a favorite on bombers. If you thought whacking them with a protorp once they got on a sat was hard before, just wait until that change goes in.
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The Shield Power Converter lock break would make it a lot more viable for not-bombers, but that component is already a favorite on bombers. If you thought whacking them with a protorp once they got on a sat was hard before, just wait until that change goes in.


I wasent recomending adding a lock break but a lock immunity, but yeah i`m guilty of forgeting that t1 and t2 bombers have that. (Which is much stronger on t1)

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I'd have suggested the Targeting Telemetry to be more like a scout-type ability: for pointing out targets.

Instead of a 10% accuracy boost, it would give a 10% evasion debuff and -4000m to sensor dampening to several nearby hostiles for the duration.


Hyperspace beacon:

Change tier 3 right (extra health/DR) to have some sensor dampening, making it that much harder to hunt these, and rewarding creative placement.. The extra health/DR is worth very little in real games, because burst/slug.


Ion missile: Non-crits take out one shield arc. Crits take out both. Tier 5 choices become: 80% regeneration debuff for 10-15 seconds, and interrupting any active shield ability (basically: surprise, I turned off your charged plating and left you wide open).


Concussion missile: Faster lock-on time. Some armor penetration stock.


EMP missile: Dumbfire mode. If it fires without a target, it flies straight until it hits a ship, terrain, or maximum range. If something breaks the lock once the missile is in flight, it goes to wherever the target was when it broke the lock and explodes and splashes and debuffs.


Thermite: Prevent any repairs to target. Slightly faster lock-on time.


Slug rail: It's good against everything. Make it pierce 50% damage reduction to begin with, and swap the 100% piercing and reduced power draw talents. This makes a choice between an I-want-to-kill-evasive-targets gun and an I-want-to-bash-charged-plating gun.

Plasma rail: Both current tier 4 talents come stock. New tier 4 gives a choice between a stronger damage reduction debuff and a stronger evasion debuff.


Crew skills:

The engineering increased-power-pool talents could also mean explicit resistance to drain.

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I finally came up with a potential Distortion Field missile break replacement that shares the traits of potentially interesting and nothing that I dislike about it right off the bat. Not sure how much I like the idea yet, as I haven't fully thought through all of the likely effects.


While Distortion Field is active any missile fired at the ship is slowed 75% for six seconds.


Aside from the potential for hilarity if animations are tied to such an effect in a way that results in swarms of missiles cruising along and being passed by bombers that aren't boosting, at first glance it seems to offer some potential for fairly deep play and counterplay.



Edited by Ramalina
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I finally came up with a potential Distortion Field missile break replacement that shares the traits of potentially interesting and nothing that I dislike about it right off the bat. Not sure how much I like the idea yet, as I haven't fully thought through all of the likely effects.


While Distortion Field is active any missile fired at the ship is slowed 75% for six seconds.


Aside from the potential for hilarity if animations are tied to such an effect in a way that results in swarms of missiles cruising along and being passed by bombers that aren't boosting, at first glance it seems to offer some potential for fairly deep play and counterplay.




I for one would support this, if only for the image of a Flashfire boosting with a couple Double Volley Clusters following his tail, at that point you pretty much HAVE to listen to Danger Zone while flying XD

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While Distortion Field is active any missile fired at the ship is slowed 75% for six seconds.

And the use of this is to make every missile sound like a torpedo launched from 10km?

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gives you like 3 more seconds to missile break to come off CD.....


It will remove the break and you won't gain any worthwhile benefit.

Neither on gunships that usually use their barrel roll for gaining distance, nor on scouts that are usually locked on by multiple enemies including seeker mines.


Instead of nerfing DF there should be a bonus to the only class that uses slow locking missiles. Strikes having a shorter lockon time (or reduced cooldown of) concussions and torpedos would be having the same effect (making the bigger missiles useful agains scouts) without taking away something gunships and scouts need to fulfill their roles. (Scouts being close combat fighters that naturally get targeted a lot and Gunships being Snipers that need to dodge and run away if they're getting attacked.)

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