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Galactic Stronghold Ideas & Suggestions


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After the list of the first four Galactic Stronghold options (Coruscant Skyrise Apartment; Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace; Tatooine Homestead; and Dromund Kaas City Apartment) were listed, and they said that they'd like to see what other planets to create Strongholds on - I thought maybe an Alderaanian Noble House would be nice; or perhaps a Hoth Snowcave Hideaway; or Corellian Retreat; or Makeb Pleasure Barge?


It might be interesting to see one on the majority of the planets get a stronghold (possibly with the exception of the class starter planets).

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Id love to give them suggestions pertaining to Strongholds. But in my view, I would give them only one suggestion, as I think all others would and will be ignored....


Remove the lead programmer for the feature and give it to someone else, someone who is actually open to player feedback and suggestions.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I would love to have a stronghold on Ilum. I like ice planets like Ilum and Hoth but Ilum clearly wins with the beautiful sky.


Makeb, Manaan (if we will get the planet) and Korriban would be interesting too.

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Yavin iv


^^ This a thousand times.


Atop Naga Sadow's temple, where he was interred. A kind of penthouse if you will, while having his Massassi slaves around working.


Bioware was actually working on something concerning Yavin-IV a while back.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Manaan would be very nice, watch the sun setting on the horizon of the ocean from the balcony. Then go inside and down the stairs or lift to get some nice oceanic wildlife observations from an underwater dome.


Apart from that I wouldn't mind a Kashyyyk, in the top of the highest tree, looking out over the forest, going downstairs and cross a few bridges to other rooms in other trees. A Wookiee skin in front of a fireplace, or maybe a Wookiee butler.

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  • 3 months later...
I take it you never did the imp makeb quest line?


Hmmmm...16 sub-classes to 55...think I might have done Makeb both sides too many times :p


BUT all of my imp toons are retired for the most part, so I tend to view things in-game from the pub perspective

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