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The harm PvPers do to PvE


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Surrounded by like twenty guys from the other faction. They got so bored trying to get me to target them so they could gank me that they helped me kill the mobs I was spawning during the heroic, and the champ boss. It didn't even take them that long to realize that no one in my party was going to accidentally shoot them and get ourselves flagged.


What is funny is my first group to have this happen to didn't even have a healer. Just two dpsers we would have had a crappy time killing the champ with just off heals and companions.

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Surrounded by like twenty guys from the other faction. They got so bored trying to get me to target them so they could gank me that they helped me kill the mobs I was spawning during the heroic, and the champ boss. It didn't even take them that long to realize that no one in my party was going to accidentally shoot them and get ourselves flagged.


What is funny is my first group to have this happen to didn't even have a healer. Just two dpsers we would have had a crappy time killing the champ with just off heals and companions.


lol Cool. That made my night lol

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There would also need to be a timer associated with flagging it on/off, but I like this suggestion.


of course to avoid abuse but the point would be you could only be flagged if you accept the terms of being flagged


problem solved for 99% of the people

as we all know by now, 1% will complain about anything and everything so 99% the best you can attain


Quote: Originally Posted by slafko View Post

TBH, "everyone in equal gear" is the only way true PvP actually has meaning.




I have not entered a warzone since coming back and do not partake in the Ilum PVP contests (the mutual ones between concenting parties) except for 1 character because of one Word EXPERTISE


Course Ive never understood this concept of creating gear disparities between players.


The VERY BEST PVP I ever took party in was original Neverwinter Nights on AOL

You HAD TO BE a Caster (mellee did not work in pvp back then) so everyone and their dog became Clams (Cleric/Magic users) and drew from the same pool of spells to choose from.


and because of that skill and ability is what seperated the great from the very good from the not so good PVPers


They all had the same potential and it was how they reached that potential that mattered.


After that game the next best was early DAoC

Early DAoC had exactly 1 major flaw

The devs were in love with long term CC and put far to many long term crowd controls in game that the game suffered from IWIN buttions (who ever casted the first group cc won 90% of the time)


If DAoC had removed long term cc and group target cc and just utilized 2-6 sec stuns, the PVP would have been dang near perfect.


Instead Mythic went the SW:TOR way and brought in special powers for the hard core pvpers and before long the game suffered the same fate as SW:TOR PVP suffers from.


It stopped being about skill and ability and just became about grinding pvp to earn realm points to buy the special alpha character powers.


I know the very last pvp match I ever had in DAoC was when a stealther used his "magic powers" to heal himself from almost dead to full health 2 times.


After that I failed to see the sense in doing their RVR because classes designed for high damage but little defense now ran around in god mode self healing at will.


Match was no longer about talent, skill, ability


SW:TOR PVP is lacking talent, skill, ability

and its all because of the gear discrepancy regarding expertise


But hey, some people truely do rely on those alpha gear and powers to win and sadly since WOW, thats mostly who the genre been pandering to.


Early DAoC had the formula with a couple tweaks for GREAT PVP CONTENT.

Shame Mythic didnt know or understand what they had till it was far to late

Edited by Kalfear
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As I said before, exactly how bad does one have to be at PVP that they are forced to exploit code to flag PVEers in a setting the PVEers already at a disadvantage in.


What part of "I don't open-world PvP" did you not understand?


BTW, how much commercial software did you say you've written, from which experience you know the changes would be simple?

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What part of "I don't open-world PvP" did you not understand?


BTW, how much commercial software did you say you've written, from which experience you know the changes would be simple?


what part of ITS ALREADY BEEN DONE dont you understand?


And if you also dont understand the difference between open world pvp and exploiting bad code to flag unwilling players


You probably should sit in sideline while the adults are speaking

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what part of ITS ALREADY BEEN DONE dont you understand?

I see: you blather on about how easy it is to code stuff, and that it has "already been done," but you've never written commercial code in your entire (probably short) life.


Now me, I've spent decades writing code, did it for a living starting back in the 1980's.

Spent over a decade designing microprocessors at Intel too.

So I know what I am talking about when it comes to computers and software.


You apparently do not.

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I see: you blather on about how easy it is to code stuff, and that it has "already been done," but you've never written commercial code in your entire (probably short) life.


Now me, I've spent decades writing code, did it for a living starting back in the 1980's.

Spent over a decade designing microprocessors at Intel too.

So I know what I am talking about when it comes to computers and software.


You apparently do not.


...and you remind everyone of that every time you come across this kind of situation, even going so far as to tell actual devs you know better than they do.


You do not have the answer for every situation BD. That doesn't mean youre wrong here, but you forget that devs actually play this game and participate in the forums.


I have seen you talk down a few more than once....and we had a bit of a chuckle over it at the office.


Don't be so quick to tout your credentials.

Edited by LordArtemis
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...and you remind everyone of that every time you come across this kind of situation, even going so far as to tell actual devs you know better than they do.

I do not recall ever doing the latter. As far as I know, I've only ever communicated with BioWare's PR folks, never with actual code developers. PR folks might have some coding expertise, but that's not the way to bet. And it seems unlikely that BW software engineers are posting to the forums incognito, for several reasons.


But feel free to post a quote to the contrary, where I contradict a software developer from BW on a SW issue. Failing that I will have to assume you are either misremembering, using a contextually-inappropriate definition of "dev," or making it up.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I see: you blather on about how easy it is to code stuff, and that it has "already been done," but you've never written commercial code in your entire (probably short) life.


Now me, I've spent decades writing code, did it for a living starting back in the 1980's.

Spent over a decade designing microprocessors at Intel too.

So I know what I am talking about when it comes to computers and software.


You apparently do not.


because no one ever lies on the internet huh


Frankly BD I dont think or believe you have ever coded a lick in your life that was your own idea


Maybe you mindlessly coded others ideas

I could see that

Shame you think that makes you special


You come across as one of those types (like talking about MMA who constantly posts) "Do you even lift bro?" when faced with well thought out and knowledgeable people disagreeing with you.


You want my resume for online gaming?


I have been apart of this genre since practically day one

I was apart of the very first MMORPG guild and later became a leader of it for many years

My name was on a list of acceptable Alpha testers during the early years of MMORPGs when knowledge and experience mattered more then just blind numbers (and when Alpha tests and beta tests truly were about testing and giving feedback that was taken seriously by the developers before betas turned into free advertising/trial periods before release)


LOL, I'm STILL invited blindly by companies to alpha and beta test their MMORPGs with out ever even signing up for the betas.


Truth is I've probably forgotten more about this genre then you will ever know in 3 life times


So go ahead and question my credentials all you want


I'm sure you will even find some folks to agree with you (which will make you feel so empowered and superior)


I'm secure in my knowledge and experience and proved myself long before you ever got out of diapers most likely.


But hey thanks for the laugh, I shared your accusations with others and we all had a great laugh at your expense as your so proud you did a few lines of code. *golf clap*

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What part of "I don't open-world PvP" did you not understand?


BTW, how much commercial software did you say you've written, from which experience you know the changes would be simple?


the flag has got to be a variable..if FLP=0 then not flagged..if FLP=1 then flagged... have the ability to set the flag in preferences. end of problem. It took rift 1 week. that 7 days to implement this.

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I do not recall ever doing the latter. As far as I know, I've only ever communicated with BioWare's PR folks, never with actual code developers. PR folks might have some coding expertise, but that's not the way to bet. And it seems unlikely that BW software engineers are posting to the forums incognito, for several reasons.


But feel free to post a quote to the contrary, where I contradict a software developer from BW on a SW issue. Failing that I will have to assume you are either misremembering, using a contextually-inappropriate definition of "dev," or making it up.


You can believe what you like BD. You should know by now I do not make things up. There are devs that play this game and are members of the forum from OTHER GAMES in the industry.


6 well known forum members that are to my knowledge, probably more. The point was made, it is up to you to decide if you wish to continue this kind of behavior or dial it back a bit. Naturally you can do anything you like.


You certainly do not need to accept anything I say. But I can't quote any of those occurrences for obvious reasons.

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Omg...drop the drama...they aren't "exploiting", they're taking advantage of lazy people. It's wrong, but stop dramatizing it. And please, STOP calling them "PvPers"...they're greifers, jackholes or gankers...the last thing they are is a PvPer.


on the + side though, you can just enter a wz and leave and the flag drops off of you. a lot quicker and more efficient.

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