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The harm PvPers do to PvE


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Funny though, I tried it with BH on a flagged friends no flag unless I targeted them. I also purposely dropped flyby on a flagged imp this morning and no flag. I AoE the hell out of everything weak standing close together, so I am still thinking it is working. Just don't target them and you are fine using AoEs. However if you target and then damage them, you are flagged. Just as you should be.


So either you didn't try flame sweep or the other poster is lying.

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So either you didn't try flame sweep or the other poster is lying.

It should be easy enough to verify.


If anyone has a BH and a friend or guildy with a pub, have the pub flag themselves and use flame sweep on the toon.


Anyone want to give it a try?

Edited by Khevar
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So either you didn't try flame sweep or the other poster is lying.


Yes I did....and no he may not be. He either targeted them or it is a glitch that does not pop up everytime. At least that is what I would make of it.


Which is why I would put in a service request or look at the combat logs if I was him.


You seem to want to go straight to I'm lying or he is lying card... Personally I see no reason to lie and I see no reason for anyone else to lie. So I would say glitch or honest mistake.

Edited by mikebevo
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On harbinger and I will try it with you from either side. Have BH and every class on imp side and have all ACs on Pub side. However, if I remember you are not on Harbinger. :(

Yeah, BG. :/


I overreached anyway, as I'm not able to get on the game for a while. Maybe tonight I'll try and grab a guildy.

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Yes I did....and no he may not be. He either targeted them or it is a glitch that does not pop up everytime. At least that is what I would make of it.


I find this very hard to believe. Abilities are pretty reliable in performing however it is they are designed to perform. It could be some specific abilities will trigger the flag and others don't. They should always do whatever is they do, though. Not just randomly. I've never seen evidence of that kind of behavior in this game.

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Iknowright? I can't stand it when I get stunned against my will, forcing me to be unable to do anything for a few seconds. And then they have the nerve to force me to lose hp against my will! I bet they probably steal and murder in real life! :mon_rolleyes: It's as heinous as those people who force me to be a few minutes late driving somewhere by being on the road in front of me.



Your statement makes no sense because that isn't what I was talking about.


I was talking about PvPers forcing PvEers into a PvP fight against their will.


While I hate being stunned in PvP also, they are a mechanic and I'm not complaining about them. Mostly because I use them to my advantage as much as anyone else while in a PvP match. Yes I enjoy PvP, but when I want to PvP, not when I am questing. That is why I am on a PvE server. I have toons on PvP servers so that when I feel like doing more PvP play I play those toons, I don't go ganking PvEers who aren't flagged for PvP. That is a total D-Bag move.

Edited by RiVaN_
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I find this very hard to believe. Abilities are pretty reliable in performing however it is they are designed to perform. It could be some specific abilities will trigger the flag and others don't. They should always do whatever is they do, though. Not just randomly. I've never seen evidence of that kind of behavior in this game.
You really don't play end game do you? I have seen some weird glitches in this game. Just the other day I did D7 HM where driods glitched and would not take damage at all. /stuck came back and it worked perfectly. Came back it it worked just like it has the other 100 times I've run that FP. Don't even get me started about standing next to dreadtooth pulling with dirty kick, but yet not getting the achievement that time because I didn't get the buff (like I was standing to far away). I could go on with examples of weird stuff that happened one pull, but didn't happen another pull the same night. I know hard to believe in a scripted event, but glitches do happen.


So no I do find a glitch hard to believe.

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You really don't play end game do you? I have seen some weird glitches in this game. Just the other day I did D7 HM where driods glitched and would not take damage at all. /stuck came back and it worked perfectly. Came back it it worked just like it has the other 100 times I've run that FP. Don't even get me started about standing next to dreadtooth pulling with dirty kick, but yet not getting the achievement that time because I didn't get the buff (like I was standing to far away). I could go on with examples of weird stuff that happened one pull, but didn't happen another pull the same night. I know hard to believe in a scripted event, but glitches do happen.


So no I do find a glitch hard to believe.


Because mob AI and pathing is exactly the same as player abilities.

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You really don't play end game do you? I have seen some weird glitches in this game. Just the other day I did D7 HM where driods glitched and would not take damage at all. /stuck came back and it worked perfectly. Came back it it worked just like it has the other 100 times I've run that FP. Don't even get me started about standing next to dreadtooth pulling with dirty kick, but yet not getting the achievement that time because I didn't get the buff (like I was standing to far away). I could go on with examples of weird stuff that happened one pull, but didn't happen another pull the same night. I know hard to believe in a scripted event, but glitches do happen.


So no I do find a glitch hard to believe.


That D7 glitch is old, has to do with the kill order... you didn't have to stuck it, my girlfriend and I two manned it with companions, it just takes forever if his shield glitches (it drops for 1 second then pops back up for another minute).



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Here's a bug for you, guys.


Today at gree event me and my friend was completing heroic mission (kill Guardians of reley).

We killed it and at the last strike i got CL proc. I pushed it and... got raped by bunch of flagged pubs.

Becouse somehow i was manage to hit one of them while I WASN'T FLAGGED!!!!!.


I dont know how this system is suppose to work, but it's obviously work like ****.


As i said earlyer, this system MUST work like this:


1. While you NOT flagged - you cannot attack those who FLAGGED. They also can't attack you becouse you are NOT FLAGGED.

2. While you FLAGGED - you can attack or be attacked by FLAGGED players.


Simple, isn't it?

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Here's a bug for you, guys.


Today at gree event me and my friend was completing heroic mission (kill Guardians of reley).

We killed it and at the last strike i got CL proc. I pushed it and... got raped by bunch of flagged pubs.

Becouse somehow i was manage to hit one of them while I WASN'T FLAGGED!!!!!.


I dont know how this system is suppose to work, but it's obviously work like ****.


As i said earlyer, this system MUST work like this:


1. While you NOT flagged - you cannot attack those who FLAGGED. They also can't attack you becouse you are NOT FLAGGED.

2. While you FLAGGED - you can attack or be attacked by FLAGGED players.


Simple, isn't it?

Don't hit them next time, problem solved. Stop being sloppy or lazy or inattentive...

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That D7 glitch is old, has to do with the kill order... you didn't have to stuck it, my girlfriend and I two manned it with companions, it just takes forever if his shield glitches (it drops for 1 second then pops back up for another minute).
Well I was healing, well dpsing with a heal or two now and then. Then seemed to follow proper kill order and the did it the exact way the 2nd time and it did not glitch. As to /stuck, two undergeared dps a overgeared tank and healer. When the tank /stuck...I /stuck....Tank wasn't waiting nor do I blame him/her we killed it the second time faster. Of course I pretty much forgot healing 2nd try and just did dps. Not like heals are needed in that HP any longer.
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Well I was healing, well dpsing with a heal or two now and then. Then seemed to follow proper kill order and the did it the exact way the 2nd time and it did not glitch. As to /stuck, two undergeared dps a overgeared tank and healer. When the tank /stuck...I /stuck....Tank wasn't waiting nor do I blame him/her we killed it the second time faster. Of course I pretty much forgot healing 2nd try and just did dps. Not like heals are needed in that HP any longer.


Yeah, I was just relating my experience with that. But that is not related to abilities auto-flagging players, that's an AI scripting error that causes the shield to bug out. His shield is suppose to change, blue to orange to none back to blue. But what happens is, his script gets stuck on a loop for the immunity shield instead of cycling like it is suppose to. That's why it drops for 1 second, then comes right back.

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Here's a bug for you, guys.


Today at gree event me and my friend was completing heroic mission (kill Guardians of reley).

We killed it and at the last strike i got CL proc. I pushed it and... got raped by bunch of flagged pubs.

Becouse somehow i was manage to hit one of them while I WASN'T FLAGGED!!!!!.


I dont know how this system is suppose to work, but it's obviously work like ****.


As i said earlyer, this system MUST work like this:


1. While you NOT flagged - you cannot attack those who FLAGGED. They also can't attack you becouse you are NOT FLAGGED.

2. While you FLAGGED - you can attack or be attacked by FLAGGED players.


Simple, isn't it?


Were you in the area near the base camps, or were you in the area where you enter the Grey Secant?


If you were near the base camps, you WERE flagged. It's a FFA area.

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Would you have time to do some testing to determine the nature of the bug?


Is it AOEs on a flagged person? Targeting and attacking a flagged person? Something with companions?


I've heard complaints about this exploit before. Yet I've never been able to replicate it personally. If you could identify how it works, it would not only assist in reporting the bug to BW, but it would help players avoid becoming the effect of whatever is happening.

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Would you have time to do some testing to determine the nature of the bug?


Is it AOEs on a flagged person? Targeting and attacking a flagged person? Something with companions?


I've heard complaints about this exploit before. Yet I've never been able to replicate it personally. If you could identify how it works, it would not only assist in reporting the bug to BW, but it would help players avoid becoming the effect of whatever is happening.


One thing i can say for sure - CHain Lightning MAY couse this bug.

I was hitting droid with proc for CL (as i said early).

Guess AOE part of CL is got to one of pubs.

Seriously i don't know how it can happen, especially without flag.

I will try to test it more and investigate.

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I MAYBE found a reason for this flagging thing.


As you know, auto targeting (AT) is enabled for most of us. Its pretty useful thing in FP or OP's.

However this may couse you to be flagged.


I will try to give an example.

You fight with bunch of mobs, keeping them busy, spamming AOE, and watching your health.

Same with your companion or group mates.

Near you is lurking flagged person of opposite faction.

He trying to flag you by walking into your AOE.

You don't mind him and keep fighting.

And here comes this "exploit".

For your AT system there's no difference between regular mob and him.

So basically, you will target him as an enemy even without your will. System will do it for you (yeah... thanks alot).

And here we go - you are flagged and pwned. :D


I'v tryed to re-construct my situation as it was on Ilum.

So... Here the result.


Of course i don't know if theres more ways to flag someone, but this is what i got.


And my suggetion about improving PVP flag system would fully protect you from this kind of problems.

He can't hit you without flag - you can't hit him without flag. Simple.

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As you know, auto targeting (AT) is enabled for most of us. Its pretty useful thing in FP or OP's.


Autotargeting is the worst thing for FPs and Ops, it completely screws up kill order. As a raid leader, if I catch anyone going outside of the kill order, that's the first thing I ask is if they have autotarget enabled.


Autotarget is useful in PvP, it's the absolute worst in PvE because it causes wipes by breaking CCs, makes it more likely you'll not be hitting the tank's target and therefore pulling aggro and either getting yourself killed, or taxing the crap out of your healers.


Really.. disable it, do yourself a favor.

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