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The harm PvPers do to PvE


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Did you turn off the auto target function? I think it's on by default. The one that if you have no target and hit an attack auto tabs to the next available target, I mean. I haven't tried, but I have this suspicion that this is causing the issue by auto-targeting a flagged player when you're not flagged, which it shouldn't do.

Auto-targeting is the cause. But they are shooting the player or they are targeting the player before they drop the AoE. It will not flag if you target a NPC then it auto targets PVP after AoE drops.


Want to be clear it is auto target that is getting people into trouble, but auto target isn't the problem. Careless play is, I didn't even get flagged with auto target on unless I shot the person or I targeted them before dropping the aoe. So I believe nothing needs to be done. It isn't a game play or design problem, it is a player issue.


I did it both with auto target on and off, but normally I have it off as should any player that ever does any group content.

Will also give my other pet peeve - if anyone does group play, turn off auto target and turn of target of target.

Edited by mikebevo
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Auto-targeting is the cause. But they are shooting the player or they are targeting the player before they drop the AoE. It will not flag if you target a NPC then it auto targets PVP after AoE drops.


I did it both with auto target on and off, but normally I have it off as should any player that ever does any group content.

Will also give my other pet peeve - if anyone does group play, turn off auto target and turn of target of target.


I wasn't under the impression the people complaining about this stuff were doing group play. I thought they were solo questing.


I'm still curious why auto-target sees a flagged player as a valid next target when you're an unflagged player.

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I wasn't under the impression the people complaining about this stuff were doing group play. I thought they were solo questing.


I'm still curious why auto-target sees a flagged player as a valid next target when you're an unflagged player.


If you are strictly solo then by all means leave auto target on. You will not be flagged just because you have auto target on. You will not be flagged if you target a flagged pvp player. You will be flagged if you target and damage a flagged pvp player, as you should.


I don't pvp, but I do get flagged because most of my play is on healers and I don't mind healing pvp players. If Im flagged and you shoot me, I will attack and on my sawbones you will either die or become so bored trying to kill me that you give up. :p

Edited by mikebevo
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There have been reports of people being flagged for right-clicking, accidentally, a flagged player.

I believe there is a way to avoid this, and other accidental right-click attacks.


I am not sure, but it seems that right-clicking an attackable target activates whatever skill is in slot 1 of quick-bar 1 (QB1). So the way to stop attack-on-right-click is to put something that isn't an attack in that slot (like mounting a vehicle).


Accordingly, except for my Agents and Smugglers, I put non-combat abilities into QB1 slot 1 and relegate it to the bottom edge of the screen - if your character doesn't use cover and you don't rotate through QB1 variants, there is not much special about QB1. For Agents and Smugglers, I put a cool-down there, not an attack.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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There have been reports of people being flagged for right-clicking, accidentally, a flagged player.

I believe there is a way to avoid this, and other accidental right-click attacks.

Not sure, have a slinger, sawbones and operative and never been flagged this way and I have auto attack in this slot. Of course I do pay attention to what I'm clicking.
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I shouldn't be forced to pvp to pve. I just want to turn in orbs in the FFA area.


My 4 man group was ganked by one guy


I keep getting attacked in the dailies area. What? Yeah I'm on a PVP server, what's that have to do with anything?


Reminds me of people complaining about the Casino event. You think it's bad now? Wait until we get the few who can't "afford" something to do with housing.


It's coming.

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There have been reports of people being flagged for right-clicking, accidentally, a flagged player.

I believe there is a way to avoid this, and other accidental right-click attacks.


I am not sure, but it seems that right-clicking an attackable target activates whatever skill is in slot 1 of quick-bar 1. So the way to stop attack-on-right-click is to put something that isn't an attack in that slot (like mounting a vehicle).


Accordingly, except for my Agents and Smugglers, I put non-combat abilities into QB1 slot 1 and relegate it to the bottom edge of the screen - if your character doesn't use cover and you don't rotate through QB1 variants, there is not much special about QB1. For Agents and Smugglers, I put a cool-down there, not an attack.

How do you accidentally right click on a player? Just pay attention. Flagging is the fault of those whining.

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How do you accidentally right click on a player? Just pay attention. Flagging is the fault of those whining.

Some report that as they were right-clicking an objective (like a chest or a scavengable item) a PvP-flagged toon runs in front of them. I've seen people pull by right-clicking a boss they meant to left-click, as well. Mistakes happen.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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If you are strictly solo then by all means leave auto target on. You will not be flagged just because you have auto target on. You will not be flagged if you target a flagged pvp player. You will be flagged if you target and damage a flagged pvp player, as you should.


You are implying all that happens in multiple, player confirmed steps. With auto target on if you hit one of your attack buttons just after your current target dies, it automatically fires it at the next valid target. Why it would think a flagged player is a valid target when you are not is the real question here.

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Some report that as they were right-clicking an objective (like a chest or a scavengable item) a PvP-flagged toon runs in front of them. I've seen people pull by right-clicking a boss they meant to left-click, as well. Mistakes happen.

The time it takes to click it extremely short...if they fail to see someone running up, that's on them. That's the inattentive part.

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You are implying all that happens in multiple, player confirmed steps. With auto target on if you hit one of your attack buttons just after your current target dies, it automatically fires it at the next valid target. Why it would think a flagged player is a valid target when you are not is the real question here.

Sloppy and lazy play. Pay attention to your target.

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Some report that as they were right-clicking an objective (like a chest or a scavengable item) a PvP-flagged toon runs in front of them.
My understanding is the are doing it from stealth. However, I have never seen it and would probably chalk it more up to another excuse to explain it isn't my fault I got flagged (however I could be wrong). Most of the flagging have seen has been careless game play.


I love for a flagged player to follow me around trying to flag me during the gree event or rakghoul event because they are wasting their time, just like they are trying to do to me. :p I scarifies no dps, I use all of my abilities, only thing I do is pay attention, which I do all the time anyways. When I get flagged it is my choice.


You are implying all that happens in multiple, player confirmed steps. With auto target on if you hit one of your attack buttons just after your current target dies, it automatically fires it at the next valid target. Why it would think a flagged player is a valid target when you are not is the real question here.
Sorry even with auto target on, I had time to move when the target switched. I look at my targets before I shot them. This may come from me playing so much group play because last thing I want to do is shot a CC'ed target. Also not going to waste a ability that hits for 10K on a target with 1K of health, so I want to see what what I am hitting. Again it has been fixed, not a design problem but a player issue. Edited by mikebevo
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The time it takes to click it extremely short...if they fail to see someone running up, that's on them. That's the inattentive part.


I don't care who is at fault or how bad they play. My point was simply that you can lay out your abilities on the quick bars to prevent this unintended-attack-on-right-click from occurring: don't bind an attack (or heal) to quick-bar 1, slot 1.

So what's your problem?

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Yes yes, you keep harping on that and it doesn't answer the question at all.


Sorry, I really didn't get the question. Why is a flag person a valid target? Because people still PvP on a PvE server, so so why should a flagged player not be a vailid target if I want to shot them? They are from the opposing fraction or I'm in a free-for-all area (in which case I'm already flagged). If I was a lazy PvP player I have just as much right to use Auto-Target and a PVE player. ;)

Edited by mikebevo
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I don't care who is at fault or how bad they play. My point was simply that you can lay out your abilities on the quick bars to prevent this unintended-attack-on-right-click from occurring: don't bind an attack (or heal) to quick-bar 1, slot 1.

So what's your problem?


I have none. I was simply implying that reorganizing your toolbar to avoid this seems a bit unnecessary. Your advice was solid and appreciated, it's good to know for everyone, I just felt like it might be overkill for THIS issue.

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Sorry, I really didn't get the question. Why is a flag person a valid target? Because people still PvP on a PvE server, so so why should a flagged player not be a vailid target if I want to shot them? They are from the opposing fraction or I'm in a free-for-all area (in which case I'm already flagged). If I was a lazy PvP player I have just as much right to use Auto-Target and a PVE player. ;)


Well that's exactly what people have been saying this entire thread. It should take some kind of manual interaction for you to decide you want to flag and engage someone. The auto-targeting system shouldn't be making that choice for you.

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I just felt like it might be overkill for THIS issue.

NP, thanks for clarifying.

Please note, though, that "overkill" is an oxymoron: if something needs to be killed, it cannot be killed too much. Having seen HK-51 do 53K damage in one Assassinate, I am sure he would agree. ;)

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Sorry, I really didn't get the question. Why is a flag person a valid target? Because people still PvP on a PvE server, so so why should a flagged player not be a vailid target if I want to shot them? They are from the opposing fraction or I'm in a free-for-all area (in which case I'm already flagged). If I was a lazy PvP player I have just as much right to use Auto-Target and a PVE player. ;)


I think it's pretty ridiculous that a non-flagged player can essentially target and get a free shot on a flagged player without the flagged player having the same opportunity. This is who both players should have to manually enable the flag before ANY attack is allowed (walking into a contested area would be considered manually enabling the flag).


However, that's not how it works, so people just need to pay attention and be aware of who they are attacking.

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Well that's exactly what people have been saying this entire thread. It should take some kind of manual interaction for you to decide you want to flag and engage someone. The auto-targeting system shouldn't be making that choice for you.
Auto taget does not! You make the decision to damage the next target. All auto target does is choice from the existing targets within range. If a flagged player is within range then it is a valid target since this game allows PvP. It is the player choice to fire, so if you shot you decided to flag yourself. It isn't anyone's fault but your own. I never griefed anyone in my life, but if you shot me I will attack.


I had that happen on oricon. I was flagged from healing the heroic for some fresh 55 guild-mates as they wanted the starter gear. One is a pvp player so I ended up flagged. They finished and dropped group so I figured I would complete the weekly. Some imp accidentally shot me flagging himself/herself. I attacked, luckily he/she yelled sorry before I killed them and I stopped my attack. I wasn't trying to flag them, they choice to attack me with sloppy play. They were nice enough to say sorry, so I didn't finish the job. :p

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NP, thanks for clarifying.

Please note, though, that "overkill" is an oxymoron: if something needs to be killed, it cannot be killed too much.



don't discount the undead...don't want those becoming un-undead.


Rule #2 double tap ->zombies

silver/steak in the heart/fire ->vampires

holy water/fire ->demons


sometimes there is no such thing as overkill. just making sure it was dead the first time.

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Auto taget does not! You make the decision to damage the next target. All auto target does is choice from the existing targets within range. If a flagged player is within range then it is a valid target since this game allows PvP. It is the player choice to fire, so if you shot you decided to flag yourself. It isn't anyone's fault but your own. I never griefed anyone in my life, but if you shot me I will attack.


Then we are at an impasse, as I do not believe that should be a valid target unless you are flagged. That is my problem with the system as it stands.

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