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BW's 9-5 job while the world waits.


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Yeah, the licensing fees were huge. $150 million doesn't mean the game will be 150 times better than a $1 million game. Psycho was produced on just $800,000 and it's one of the most classic suspense thrillers of all time. But the Star Wars name means something. People just need to realize that a crapton of money doesn't mean SWTOR is the second coming of Christ.


Still I think its nice...I needed something after WoW got wayyyyy to tedious...I only decided this was worth playing after the beta. I really enjoyed it actually, it was nice to be in something so story immersive and fun!

Edited by Gilgamec
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Have you worked for Bioware? Do you know what its like to work in a game company with a major MMO in its lineup? No? Ok then. Hush. You don't know who is there right now and you know jack about working obviously.



Thats funny, do you know everyone personally and know their jobs, ask that question again and ill answer it. Stop making presumptions and stop trolling.

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I've given up on getting any access because I only pre-ordered last weekend.


That said, I woke up at 5.30am in the UK and majority of the servers have been at 'Light' load. I could be getting started but its obviously not going to happen.


What I need to know is what day I am likely to get early access if any. Sitting here keen to play and clicking 'check new mail' like a mad man isnt having a positive effect on my state of mind. :(

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The game was set to release on the 20th. This is an additional, unexpected, EXTRA day of early access.


This wasn't part of what you paid for - this is *bonus.*


And yet, people still complain.


yes and by the 20th there will be full guilds of level 50th rolling alts, this won't make anything easier on new players.

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I've given up on getting any access because I only pre-ordered last weekend.


That said, I woke up at 5.30am in the UK and majority of the servers have been at 'Light' load. I could be getting started but its obviously not going to happen.


What I need to know is what day I am likely to get early access if any. Sitting here keen to play and clicking 'check new mail' like a mad man isnt having a positive effect on my state of mind. :(


you probably get in sometimes around the 20th. so yes you need a whole week ahead of you. i suggest you to avoid pvp servers.

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It is completely sad to see BW's total indifference to the rest of us that are still forced to wait.


They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.


Dear Bioware,


Are you currently aware that you have waiting customers in Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and more? And only allowing 5 waves in per day at the time that you're in the office is a complete slap in the face to your customers (who supported you and paid your paychecks).


Are you too cheap to get multiple teams going to allow waves of eager paying customers to enter the game at all hours???


I'm sure people in Europe and Asia would certainly enjoy this idea.:mad:



Totally agree.


While it's nothing that will make me cancel or anything, they got a mark in my black book. That means one step towards canceling. Long way to go :-), but already started on the road, but not started the game.....

Edited by DimindRV
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Yes it was launch day but if you look at Stephen Reid's twitter, you'll see he came in around 4:30am yesterday and left shortly before 9pm. That is over 16 hours. I work in IT so yes it is part of the job sometimes to have extremely long days like that.


The thing is, I'm in the US as well and what I see is they quit shortly before the normal work day for us on the East coast. Makes sense because a lot of people were going to go home from work and start playing the game. If they had kept inviting people, they did risk running into a large surge from people who work during the day and those being invited.


I wasn't invited yesterday, I'm ok with how they handled it. It would've been nice especially since I think I might've been in the next wave if they had released another wave but I understand.

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It is funny to see how there is still people complaining about early game access. The situation is easy, we all paid the SAME amount of money for a game that is target to be released on December 20th. We ALL KNEW that the game release date was on DECEMBER 20th. Then, why the complains? Bioware decided to reward to those who preordered the game early with a bonus that consists on an early game access period. When I say bonus I mean something completely unexpected and additional.


When I preordered the game for example I was not thinking on "hey, I may get a bonus if I pre-order thegame in July". I did it because I like Star Wars and Bioware games, thats all. If I received an early game access for that then it is welcome. You cannot complain on this because you didn't pay more money for the service. Early game access was NOT INCLUDED in the game prize, so stop crying about "hey we paid the same money and don't get the same service". We all will get the same service on December 20th. Meanwhile, this early game access is a bonus, thats all.

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It is funny to see how there is still people complaining about early game access. The situation is easy, we all paid the SAME amount of money for a game that is target to be released on December 20th. We ALL KNEW that the game release date was on DECEMBER 20th. Then, why the complains? Bioware decided to reward to those who preordered the game early with a bonus that consists on an early game access period. When I say bonus I mean something completely unexpected and additional.


When I preordered the game for example I was not thinking on "hey, I may get a bonus if I pre-order thegame in July". I did it because I like Star Wars and Bioware games, thats all. If I received an early game access for that then it is welcome. You cannot complain on this because you didn't pay more money for the service. Early game access was NOT INCLUDED in the game prize, so stop crying about "hey we paid the same money and don't get the same service". We all will get the same service on December 20th. Meanwhile, this early game access is a bonus, thats all.

It would have been nice to get in on the day of launch tho.

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It is completely sad to see BW's total indifference to the rest of us that are still forced to wait.


They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.


Dear Bioware,


Are you currently aware that you have waiting customers in Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and more? And only allowing 5 waves in per day at the time that you're in the office is a complete slap in the face to your customers (who supported you and paid your paychecks).


Are you too cheap to get multiple teams going to allow waves of eager paying customers to enter the game at all hours???


I'm sure people in Europe and Asia would certainly enjoy this idea.:mad:


You can wait like everyone else, go outside and play. You dont have staff work 24/7 until launch anyway.

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It is completely sad to see BW's total indifference to the rest of us that are still forced to wait.


They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.


Dear Bioware,


Are you currently aware that you have waiting customers in Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and more? And only allowing 5 waves in per day at the time that you're in the office is a complete slap in the face to your customers (who supported you and paid your paychecks).


Are you too cheap to get multiple teams going to allow waves of eager paying customers to enter the game at all hours???


I'm sure people in Europe and Asia would certainly enjoy this idea.:mad:


Are you aware that you think they're letting in five ways a day based solely on how the first day went? Are you aware that you have no idea how many people are getting into each wave? Are you aware this could have been avoided if you pre-ordered sooner than later?

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Are you aware that you think they're letting in five ways a day based solely on how the first day went? Are you aware that you have no idea how many people are getting into each wave? Are you aware this could have been avoided if you pre-ordered sooner than later?


Are you aware that lots did order "sooner" but due to no fault of their own they never got the codes for days or weeks?

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Seriously, it doesn't matter what hours they work, the waves consist of people based on PRE-ORDER CODE REDEMPTION DATE. Timezone is irrelevant.


its more of the fact as to why there was only 5 waves when it was clear the servers could hold oh so much more, they could have kept doing waves overnight(if they had/have the team for it) and make many customers happy and keep the you pre-ordered first so you got in a few hours or so be for someone else O.o

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For those that are being or will be rude, I have reported you and will report any future rude remarks.


There is a wrong way to disagree with people, and there is a professional way to disagree with people. Sadly, I see most of the hecklers here lack the proper education to know which is which. Either way it is Rude and Unwelcoming behavior, as BW puts it.


Thank you for your time and proof that most of you need to put the game controllers down and pick up a book.


I'm going to own this guy come game time.

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For the record...


The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.


Dear Mr. Reid, looking at http://www.swtor.com/server-status one can see that the European servers are Light Populated, yet no invites at all for like 18 hours. For me this translates in a very poor launch - since no other game had their players locked in a huge giant queue for a 7 day process while having their servers almost empty. Sure we may had some small queues and/or minimal lag in WoW or RIFT but nothing that made the whole experience actually melting. Like we sadly have it with SWTOR these days.


Having 1 million+ of players angry out in the cold while your servers are not populated at all for tens of hours its really weird for me and I am struggling to understand your points of view along with the whole community. I hope you guys understood by now the whole EAG thingie was a complete failure, having 1 million customers pay the bill for the happyness of 100k cant be a "good" ideea.


I know that you guys dont want to pay for more servers then necesairly but really, 7 (SEVEN) days queue ? Come on. I can add that for European players (which at worst will be only 50% of the playerbase) the day does actually start with 6-8 hours earlier then in US so the waves and services should also start accordingly, dont you think ?


I really hope for the best.

Edited by Suspirium
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Suspicirim brings up an excellent point that a lot of people over look. Stagger launches ARE THE EXACT SAME THING AS A LOGIN QUEUE. Just because you change the name on it, doesnt make it any different. You cant log in until position x becomes available (in this case your preorder date, in a login queue for your position in the order).
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Patience is a virtue???


Ok, by that you mean for me to use patience as the rest of you attack me? Yeah...right, ME needing patience? Take your own advice.



Allowing only 5 waves in a day SCREAMS admittance by the dev's 8 hour shift.



Do I need to start reporting you hecklers for, as BW puts it, Rude and Unwelcoming Behavior???


I'm doing that now...thank you for the feedback.


Your whole Topic was rude and unwelcoming now you're just mad because people are being more mature about the EGA and they understand how it works..


I'm sure if everyone would have come in and jumped on your Bandwagon about how ''mistreated'' they where by Bioware you would have been as happy as a clam

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I only got my pre-order code confirmed on 1/10 and I got my invite at 4am this morning, so pretty stoked aboot that. Wasn't expecting to get in until the weekend.

In my mind this will make up for having to wait a day or two after the actual release for the discs to arrive from Amazon; earliest possible delivery (even after SR badgered them for us) is the 21st (which is the 22nd here).

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