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SW:TOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world


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2.) What does gambling have to do with making gold sellers happy?


Oh, haven't you heard?


Apparantly BioWare is creating a massive gold sink (the casino event that hardly anyone is playing) and they are doing this with the sole purpose of getting people to buy more credits from gold sellers who are actually backed by BioWare in secret to make more money off the players. :rolleyes:


And no, this is not a joke post.

There are people who actually believe this :(


That's how far this weird paranoia and conspirasy about BioWare trying to "nickel and dime" their playerbase has gone. :eek:

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I can't really take that seriously given the amount of cash the cartel market pulls in, and the drop in activities across the boards being reported by players on all servers.



Reported by players on all servers eh?


Because every time I hear players complain about longer queues and less activity, it always turns out they are from one of the PvP servers.

There sure are plenty of threads complaining about it on the forums but every time I check the complainers, they turn out to be from one of those PvP servers.

I've yet to hear anyone complain from the Progenitor or Harbinger or Red Eclipse for example.

Oh I'm sure someone who is displeased with the game will pop their head in and claim they are from those servers, but so far I've yet to see a thread started about it by anyone from any of the PvE/RP servers.

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While I'm certainly glad to see that TOR's presumably doing financially alright (I don't wish financial harm to the devs, their families or the broader employee base), I do wish that different design choices were made on a number of things.


Dyes: The whole dye system feels downright primitive in all the wrong ways. Primitive doesn't have to be terrible, but they seem to have put some careful thought into how to make it the suckiest, most un-fun and ultimately exploitative dye system I've ever encountered.


I'd rather not have one at all than have this brainspasm-inducing putrescent heap of malignance they didn't even bother to thinly mask their sheer greed in designing.



GSF: I've tried so hard to find something I can like about this, but its both unstoried and PVP. For someone like me, that's here for the story and that loaths PVP outside of my RTS and FPS games, this whole feature ...well, I don't think its a bad thing. Its no thing at all to me. If it vanished tomorrow and never came back, I'd probably only notice because people'd be talking about it on the forum. Its a cipher in my regard of the game. Utterly irrelevant to my experience.


The CM: I'm all for vanity being a great place to hang the dollar signs, but the way they make everything an RNG roll quite frankly pisses me off. I HATE gambling. I hate it, I loath it, I despise it, I resent it, I revile it. If gambling were a person, I would murder it and its entire family with forks. I would run its dog over while it watched, and then I would set its house on fire with combustible lemons.


Tragically for me, Bioware's TOR team(s) are a pony with one trick that they don't seem capable or willing to depart from, and that's to make everything a slot machine. I ...hate...that.


On the other hand, most people are incredibly stupid, so I've had a pretty good time buying hypercrates and selling them for credits. Then I buy what I want with the credits. This has been my sanity-preserving work around for dealing with the CM's 'Yet Another RNG Box' recurring feature.


The services are alright though. Everything outside the hypercrate/RNG box silliness is just fine, IMO.


Strongholds: I'm finding what they're showing reasonably acceptable so far. The whole hook system made me scowl at first, but it looks like there'll at least be some play to it. I'm waiting to see if it'll be as crappy as LotRO's decorating system came out to be in practice or not though. The hook system can turn an elsewise cool housing foundation into pure disappointment, as LotrO taught me all too well.


Talent Trees: Bioware really should've just not went dumpster diving in Blizzard's garbage for a great many things. This is one of them.


Oh hi, Wrath of the Lich King. I thought I was done with you years ago. Alas, here we are, with only one right way to build anything (though you're free to screw it up). Hybrid builds have been destroyed in terms of being worth anything other than some self-amusement at best, so here we are again, Wrath. Its kinda bollocks going up a level and getting +1% to something tertiary.


But we've already had all of those discussions and arguments and issue-examining over in WoW. Years ago. I wish they'd have dug a little deeper in Blizzard's dumpster to find the conclusions, at least.


Talent trees COULD be done better, but I don't think they've figured out how to make a gambling box out of it yet, and if they can't put sword in the lever box with sword to maybe pop out, they're just freakin' lost and probably shun it like its hygiene.

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Reported by players on all servers eh?


Because every time I hear players complain about longer queues and less activity, it always turns out they are from one of the PvP servers.

There sure are plenty of threads complaining about it on the forums but every time I check the complainers, they turn out to be from one of those PvP servers.

I've yet to hear anyone complain from the Progenitor or Harbinger or Red Eclipse for example. (...)


You haven't look hard enough it would seem, since I'm on both those serves and I have complained(?) about it in the recent past.


(...) Oh I'm sure someone who is displeased with the game will pop their head in and claim they are from those servers, but so far I've yet to see a thread started about it by anyone from any of the PvE/RP servers.


You need a screenshot?

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I love Assassin's Creed. :D


Bioware releasing shoddy ports for the PC is ancient history though. It's in their DNA.


AC is no bad, but Ubisoft's attitude is not helping (not to mention how irrelevant they are making the plot, which was the best part). For example, the co-op in Unity seems totally pointless, as from what we have seen, single player could have handled that mission just the same. And what is most ridiculous that all character in co-op are exactly the same guy. Talk about immersion...


And not sure what you mean by shoddy ports (or you have not really seen a shoddy port :) ). Whatever games they released on consoles had great control on PCs. KOTOR was good, Mass Effects were great, Dragon Age 1/2 also, Inquisition also seems to work fine. I have no idea about jade Empire, as I never played that one.

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AC is no bad, but Ubisoft's attitude is not helping (not to mention how irrelevant they are making the plot, which was the best part). For example, the co-op in Unity seems totally pointless, as from what we have seen, single player could have handled that mission just the same. And what is most ridiculous that all character in co-op are exactly the same guy. Talk about immersion..


I'll wait for it to be released, before making any judgement. After AC3, I was ready to give up on the series but Black Flag rekindled my hope.


And not sure what you mean by shoddy ports (or you have not really seen a shoddy port :) ). Whatever games they released on consoles had great control on PCs. KOTOR was good, Mass Effects were great, Dragon Age 1/2 also, Inquisition also seems to work fine. I have no idea about jade Empire, as I never played that one.


I wanted to say Ubisoft. Nevermind that; Need coffee. ;)

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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AC is no bad, but Ubisoft's attitude is not helping (not to mention how irrelevant they are making the plot, which was the best part). For example, the co-op in Unity seems totally pointless, as from what we have seen, single player could have handled that mission just the same. And what is most ridiculous that all character in co-op are exactly the same guy. Talk about immersion...


And not sure what you mean by shoddy ports (or you have not really seen a shoddy port :) ). Whatever games they released on consoles had great control on PCs. KOTOR was good, Mass Effects were great, Dragon Age 1/2 also, Inquisition also seems to work fine. I have no idea about jade Empire, as I never played that one.


Jade Empire played a lot like KotoR (same engine, I think), and it plays just dandy on PC. I didn't fine the controls to be unwieldy at least. Others' mileage may vary on that'n, of course.

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Good news is they're probably on course for a repeat cos if they're semi competent they'll be able to monetize the crap out of strongholds via CM thematic packs.

I still have 12k CC I built up from sub stipend and I could see myself throwing it away on some nice jedi statues for my meditation chamber and I'm not even big on housing lol.


As good as the CM is apparently doing there isn't really much on it you'd want if you're not the gambling type. Strongholds could change that at least for a time.

Edited by aeterno
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Jade Empire played a lot like KotoR (same engine, I think), and it plays just dandy on PC. I didn't fine the controls to be unwieldy at least. Others' mileage may vary on that'n, of course.


To be honest, I bought KotoR years ago to give it a spin, but the controls were actually reversed from what I normally have. To some this might just be an adjustment but for me it just annoyed to crap out of me so I never ended up playing through it.

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To be honest, I bought KotoR years ago to give it a spin, but the controls were actually reversed from what I normally have. To some this might just be an adjustment but for me it just annoyed to crap out of me so I never ended up playing through it.


That right there is the imponderable on it, yeah - personal tolerances and preferences. Was it KotoR you ditched or Jade Empire?

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That right there is the imponderable on it, yeah - personal tolerances and preferences. Was it KotoR you ditched or Jade Empire?


Never played Jade Empire so yeh it was KotoR.


And it is indeed about personal preferences. I had the same with NWN2. I loved the first one but the second one didn't allow free camera rotation for example so I got annoyed with that really quickly aswell. But hey, a friend of mine has 2 free games he likes so that's all good.

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Wow epic reading comprehension failure.:eek: This "list" is for 2013, last I check 2014 was nearly 2/3's in the books.;)

The correct title for the thread should be "SWTOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world in 2013, ignore your calendar":p

Edited by Taorus
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Wow epic reading comprehension failure.:eek: This "list" is for 2013, last I check 2014 was nearly 2/3's in the books.;)

The correct title for the thread should be "SWTOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world in 2013, ignore your calendar":p


Yeh though it's kinda hard to give yearly figures for 2014 when 2014 isn't done yet.

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Oh, I agree. But using nearly year old data to say this game is doing "well", is a stretch to say the least.


Well, I think that's being too extreme. I think everybody should realise that numbers are always a retrospective. The title may not be ideally chosen, but to me it's abundantly clear what the numbers are about.


And let's be honest, people were already in the doom and gloom mode last year as well and looking back it wasn't doing badly at all.


But what does make me wonder is if things went that well last year, why is it taking so god damn long too get some decent content out this year?

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Wow epic reading comprehension failure.:eek: This "list" is for 2013, last I check 2014 was nearly 2/3's in the books.;)

The correct title for the thread should be "SWTOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world in 2013, ignore your calendar":p


Pretty much standard when it comes to MMO's...

It's always about a year after when it comes to reports on their wellbeing.

With the exception of newly released games since these tend to have to prove that they are successful (ESO being the odd exception to that since they have been notoriously clammed up about their numbers. This is the first time I've heard any numbers about subs in ESO. And they are lower than expected so that might explain why they aren't shouting it from the rooftops).

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Say what???


No, that'd be around 92.000 subs if you count them paying the highest sub cost of 15$ per month.

You just divided by 15 it seems... meaning they'd have 1.14 million subs, but only during one month of the year...


Both of you guys really need to brush up on your math skills. If it were subscriptions alone at $165m per year it'd be ~917k subscribers. Ultimately that's not what it is so this entire exercise is pointless.

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both of you guys really need to brush up on your math skills. If it were subscriptions alone at $165m per year it'd be ~917k subscribers. Ultimately that's not what it is so this entire exercise is pointless.


listen to this person!


Discussion over!


Caps are cool!


EDIT: wow... the site actually formatted my capital letters away? /Sad panda

Edited by Jandi
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That makes sense. Because I was going to say, just doing some basic math, that if SWTOR was pulling in $165 million a year, that equates to about 1.14 million subscribers. (Roughly) . Someone with much better math skills than me can doulbecheck that, but I don't believe this game has anything close to a million subs.

Say what???


No, that'd be around 92.000 subs if you count them paying the highest sub cost of 15$ per month.

You just divided by 15 it seems... meaning they'd have 1.14 million subs, but only during one month of the year...


You're both wrong... doesn't anyone bother to check decimal places?


165 M / 15 = 11 M

11 M / 12 = ~920 K

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Wow epic reading comprehension failure.:eek: This "list" is for 2013, last I check 2014 was nearly 2/3's in the books.;)

The correct title for the thread should be "SWTOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world in 2013, ignore your calendar":p


If you actually looked at the report the 10-K filing is for March 31, 2013 to March 31, 2014, that's FY2014 which was filed on May 21, 2014. Their year runs March to March because of the high volume of sales in December. So really we are only 1/3 of the way into FY2015.



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