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What you BoP people should be asking for is....


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You may control that which you have achieved with a specific character. It does NOT give you the right to freely share it across your Legacy, thus giving the impression you've earned something which you actually haven't with that specific character.


It pretty much comes down to that. Same line of reasoning applies to relics, implants and earpieces.


That's your opinion.


Not everyone shares it. I personally don't share your view, nor do I agree with it. I am a player. My characters are different expressions of me and my effort. Which character I earn an item on is not, generally speaking, relevant. Because extant features enable me to move most items to where I, the player, need that item to be for my characters.


As far as I am concerned, BOP was designed and intended to keep items from being sold to other players. BOL still fulfills that necessity, as BOL items cannot be sold or traded to other players. This game encourages alts, this game encourages and supports item movement within Legacy.


It is entirely logical and reasonable to ask for a Legacy Storage that can support the movement of non-BOL items between characters. Particularly as the 2.9 state of LS is not necessarily final, as Bioware has stated they are still discussing internally what to do on this very subject.


As has been said, if I did the work, and earned the item, it's my item, regardless of the character I earned it on. You're welcome to your novel viewpoint that each character is independent, but I don't share it.

Edited by Kirazy
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Then explain the Legacy items you receive while doing your class stories....


Bioware gave me a way to get strong gear and share it across my legacy, Birthright and Inheritance. I can give a mainhand inheritance that I earned with my Smuggler to my Trooper alt.


The character did nothing, unless you're asserting that the characters are sentient and can move of their own accord.


I wonder then why achievements are legacy wide and not character wide? And I wonder what the legacy gear is for?


Are you guys deliberately ignoring what I've said, in order to circumvent the issue?


I've said plenty of times already I don't have an issue with Legacy shells or the use of those shells, in order to transfer mods around.


I am against however the very notion that armor shells, such as Verpine or Rakata, or Lightsabers, such as the one for Darth Sion or Soresu's Razor, should be freely traded around between characters. It should remain RESTRICTED to the character that earned it.


If people want them so much, try and find out if they're craftable and seek them out in the GTN. Simple.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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especially when you're the one who wants to ignore a significant part of it, whether it's new or retooled.

You keep asserting that and ignoring what I say about it. I would do MORE with MORE characters...not less. Gearing up isn't the "fun" part to me...playing the content is.

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That's your opinion.


And that's not an argument.


(...) It is entirely logical and reasonable to ask for a Legacy Storage that can support the movement of non-BOL items between characters. (...)


This is beyond paradoxical.


You keep asserting that and ignoring what I say about it. I would do MORE with MORE characters...not less. Gearing up isn't the "fun" part to me...playing the content is.


Last I checked, "Gearing up" is... "Playing the content".

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I am however - AND WILL ALWAYS BE - against the very notion that people would walk around using gear they haven't earned, with that specific character.




Wanna have a specific look? Walk around with a specific weapon?


Grind. It's very the essence of every single MMO.


You'll be entertained for a significant amount of time and even better, you'll have less time available to complain about no content, especially when you're the one who wants to ignore a significant part of it, whether it's new or retooled.


How about this scenario....


I work in the real world and get paid real money. I then purchase enough CC's to buy a Hypercrate to sell for in-game credits which buys me 180 gear.


Did my characters earn this gear or did I? I just leveled a toon to 55 and purchased gear by "grinding" real life..There is no in-game grinding occurring yet I'm able to buy whatever I want for as many alts as I want thus bypassing the gearing process.


So I shouldn't be able to have this gear since I didn't "earn" it?

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I wonder then why achievements are legacy wide and not character wide? And I wonder what the legacy gear is for?




The people who have a problem with BoL should also have a problem with legacy titles, achievements, Heroic abilities, etc.

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And that's not an argument.


You take your opinion as gospel and reject all competing opinions. I am reminding you that you are but a player advocating a particular position on a subject that is not settled.


This is beyond paradoxical.


And that's not an argument. Or even a cogent point.

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What they're asking is for Bioware to substantially cut down the need to play content on your every single LV55 you have, only to complain about it shortly after.


Don't forget that it will also promote need rolling on gear for alts.


They already made it too easy for lazy lootwhores to get BoL shells to transfer mods, they don't have to make everything defacto BoL gear to launch a new lootwhore epidemic.

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Don't forget that it will also promote need rolling on gear for alts.


They already made it too easy for lazy lootwhores to get BoL shells to transfer mods, they don't have to make everything defacto BoL gear to launch a new lootwhore epidemic.


No more than people already do...so big deal, run the instance again.

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The people who have a problem with BoL should also have a problem with legacy titles, achievements, Heroic abilities, etc.


Yep. Everything in this game, since Legacy was introduced, supports and facilitates the experience as a Legacy-wide effort. Acheivments I make on one character are available on another, and vice versa, each character supporting the rest in some fashion.


Based on Bioware's history where Legacy is concerned, it was not unreasonable to imagine that Legacy Storage would continue this trend and support further sharing between characters in a legacy.


To be frank, how exactly does me moving items between characters (I can't sell these items to other players, remember) effect anyone else? And why would anyone care what I do with my items? To you, Darth Wicked.

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No they shouldn't, you can't need roll steal any of those other things from another player.


Everyone played the content and should have the "right" to roll for what they see fit. BW sees it this way. Otherwise, they would block us from rolling on items that we "can't use."


But that's an issue for each group to work out on their own.

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No they shouldn't, you can't need roll steal any of those other things from another player.


All the people saying that everyone will suddenly roll need on everything that drops are missing something: Most people don't have every single class and archetype and do not need every single type of gear that will drop in a given FP/OP.


My experience running content is that no, most people do not need on everything. Nor would I expect an epidemic of need rolls. The people who roll need on everything are more likely to vendor it than use it, and making everything BOL would not affect that in the slightest.

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You take your opinion as gospel and reject all competing opinions. I am reminding you that you are but a player advocating a particular position on a subject that is not settled.


I'm not taking my opinion as gospel last I checked.


And that's not an argument. Or even a cogent point.


You're trying too hard.


(...) It is entirely logical and reasonable to ask for a Legacy Storage that can support the movement of non-BOL items between characters. (...)


How is it even remotely logical for a Legacy Storage, that is meant to store Legacy items, to store bound to a specific character items?


No offense but that's absolute nonsense. The term "Legacy" should be self-explanatory.


To you possibly, to me it's helping others complete it or just doing things to have fun. Gearing up isn't "fun" to me.


Then perhaps you should consider playing other games, other than MMORPG's I guess.


For me, in this case, you just come around as someone who wants the most of the system with the LEAST amount of effort possible. Nothing more.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Then perhaps you should consider playing other games.

Right, I enjoy doing the content in this game too much so I should play another game!? I PvP, I GSF, I PvE...why the **** should I play another game? Because I enjoy doing those things more than grinding gear for alts?! What the **** dude...

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No more than people already do...so big deal, run the instance again.


So... You claim that gearing up is not fun for you yet when MaximusRex says this, concerning potential Ninjas...

Don't forget that it will also promote need rolling on gear for alts.


They already made it too easy for lazy lootwhores to get BoL shells to transfer mods, they don't have to make everything defacto BoL gear to launch a new lootwhore epidemic.

You say this...

No more than people already do...so big deal, run the instance again.

In other words, when things don't go other people's way, you urge them to run the instance again.


In your case though, that shouldn't happen. You should have everything handed to you in a silver platter.


Glad we got that out of the way.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Then perhaps you should consider playing other games, other than MMORPG's I guess.


For me, in this case, you just come around as someone who wants the most of the system with the LEAST amount of effort possible. Nothing more.


You just exposed the worth of your opinion, to me. Telling people to go away just because they have a different viewpoint than you do is just immature and kills any respect you may have garnered.

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So... You claim that gearing up is not fun for you yet when MaximusRex says this, concerning potential Ninjas...


You say this...


In other words, when things don't go their way, you urge people to run the instance again.


Right. Because I run the instances regardless of what I get for loot. I run them because I enjoy group content.

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You just exposed the worth of your opinion, to me. Telling people to go away just because they have a different viewpoint than you do is just immature and kills any respect you may have garnered.

Absolutely...I'm shocked he said that...

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For me, in this case, you just come around as someone who wants the most of the system with the LEAST amount of effort possible. Nothing more.


Less effort in what way?

If you want to raid for a specific piece of gear, you still have to raid and win the drop. Regardless of what character you use.

If you want to purchase comm gear, you still have to grind the comms. Regardless of what character you grind them on.

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How is it even remotely logical for a Legacy Storage, that is meant to store Legacy items, to store bound to a specific character items?


No offense but that's absolute nonsense. The term "Legacy" should be self-explanatory.


If it's only for legacy items then why can I store non-BoL items in there too?


It's legacy storage because it's storage for your legacy. All of your characters are a part of your legacy. This should be self-explanatory.


For me, in this case, you just come around as someone who wants the most of the system with the LEAST amount of effort possible. Nothing more.


And you're coming across as someone who thinks characters are sentient individuals who can "earn" things. You also come across as someone who thinks that players should have unnecessary restrictions put on them for no other reason than to make things more time consuming. Because "that's how I like it".


Charicatures are fun.

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Right, I enjoy doing the content in this game too much so I should play another game!? I PvP, I GSF, I PvE...why the **** should I play another game? Because I enjoy doing those things more than grinding gear for alts?! What the **** dude...


Calm yourself.


Instead of freaking out, you could at least try to make more sense of what you said earlier.


You just exposed the worth of your opinion, to me. Telling people to go away just because they have a different viewpoint than you do is just immature and kills any respect you may have garnered.


I'm not telling anyone to go away. I'm just saying that if someone has an issue with the grinding, which holds TRUE for every single MMO out there, then maybe this genre is not for them.


As for any respect you claim I may or may have not garnered, that is honestly not my main concern when I share my PoV.


I assume you think differently and more often that not, you prefer to be in everyone's good graces, instead of being honest about something. Good to know.

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