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Should Bind on Pickup be removed (or changed)?


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Ah, I see, you want everything to be BoL so you can get around the lockout mechanism. This is yet another reason why BW should not make everything BoL - they put the lockout mechanism in for a reason. I am not sure what that reason is, but if they spent the time and money to implement lockouts, the presumption is that there is one.

The alternative for me now is to simply ignore the players looking for help.

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All things that I can rectify without spending credits. Train the skill and run missions, as I do now. As any new player had to do in the beginning.


So do you think it's better to force people to take all the crafting professions to feed everything they do than to have the economy in a state that new players can actually afford things?


Despite there being alternative options available that could take care of their needs, they are quite time consuming and impractical to anyone who doesn't have half a dozen alts. Making credits and the quests that grant them worthless for new players is very bad for the game and creates a large hurdle which most won't be able to or won't care to cross. Shortly put, runaway inflation is bad and won't easily right itself.


Just a quick inb4, because there are two threads of discussion related to the topic of inflation:

I am talking about what happens when inflation has already taken hold to a large degree, not how it would be best to avoid it in the first place.

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Ah, I see, you want everything to be BoL so you can get around the lockout mechanism. This is yet another reason why BW should not make everything BoL - they put the lockout mechanism in for a reason. I am not sure what that reason is, but if they spent the time and money to implement lockouts, the presumption is that there is one.


But they also allow the action of circumventing the lockout mechanism so "working as intended"

But with the proviso, at present, that your alt needs to earn its own Earpiece, Implants, and Relics.

If that was a trivial limitation, people would not be trying to get it removed from the game.

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So do you think it's better to force people to take all the crafting professions to feed everything they do than to have the economy in a state that new players can actually afford things?


Despite there being alternative options available that could take care of their needs, they are quite time consuming and impractical to anyone who doesn't have half a dozen alts. Making credits and the quests that grant them worthless for new players is very bad for the game and creates a large hurdle which most won't be able to or won't care to cross. Shortly put, runaway inflation is bad and won't easily right itself.


Just a quick inb4, because there are two threads of discussion related to the topic of inflation:

I am talking about what happens when inflation has already taken hold to a large degree, not how it would be best to avoid it in the first place.


This is not how it works. One wouldn't need every crafting profession. Eventually these players will also be making loads of credits. This is no different than the state of things today.

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But with the proviso, at present, that your alt needs to earn its own Earpiece, Implants, and Relics.

If that was a trivial limitation, people would not be trying to get it removed from the game.


I'm confused, who is trying to get Earpiece/Implant/Relic slots binding removed and make it BoL? Is that being assumed by those against? Did someone actually say this?


And by the way technically there are legacy relics out there.

Edited by undiess
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The alternative for me now is to simply ignore the players looking for help.

Wait, are you saying that currently, since your alt must earn its own E-I-R pieces, you aren't using that alt to get around the lockout as you claimed?


Or is that you can't do the endgame content in 180 BoL gear, augmented Art. Microfilament Ears and Implants (which are better than augmented Arkanian), and the L45 BoL THORN relics? I think I could, except NiM and mabe HM DP. The difference in stats isn't as important as player skill.

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Wait, are you saying that currently, since your alt must earn its own E-I-R pieces, you aren't using that alt to get around the lockout as you claimed?


Or is that you can't do the endgame content in 180 BoL gear, augmented Art. Microfilament Ears and Implants (which are better than augmented Arkanian), and the L45 BoL THORN relics? I think I could, except NiM and mabe HM DP. The difference in stats isn't as important as player skill.


The bolded is really the reason why I don't see an issue with making BoP restriction obsolete.

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I'm confused, who is trying to get Earpiece/Implant/Relic slots binding removed and make it BoL?

At least TUX appears to be after exactly that.

And by the way technically there are legacy relics out there.

The BoL THORN Relics are great for leveling, but not that good for endgame content (where Presence is useless.)

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I've never seen any myself. What relics are legacy bound?


this is actually good to know info because I didn't know myself until I was leveling KDY.


Rakghoul plague relics are available at the legacy vendors on Nar Shadaa. These relics are great for leveling and are cheap, only require Newcomer standing from the Rakghoul plague.

You can get 3 different levels of them: level 25, 35, 45. They are cheap so easy to buy a set of each level and throw them on your main leveling character as you level, then save them for the next one. Great endurance on there, great for lowbie PvP.

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At least TUX appears to be after exactly that.


The BoL THORN Relics are great for leveling, but not that good for endgame content (where Presence is useless.)


ok well if Tux is suggesting that I would hope that he could see some reason there that we can't really ask for everything to be BoL, we should only be asking for armor slots and weapon slots, those that are already BoL basically. If Tux didn't mean to imply that the it's more a misunderstanding.


I definitely would agree it's not sensible to ask for slots not BoL to be BoL. That is just asking for too much outside of the current structure.


(mods sorry for the back to back posts, I meant to add this quote and reply to my existing post).

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Or is that you can't do the endgame content in 180 BoL gear, augmented Art. Microfilament Ears and Implants (which are better than augmented Arkanian), and the L45 BoL THORN relics? I think I could, except NiM and maybe HM DP. The difference in stats isn't as important as player skill.

The bolded is really the reason why I don't see an issue with making BoP restriction obsolete.

But skill level has its limits, both in terms of how much content a particular level of skill willl let you handle given any given level of gear, and how much content even the best skilled players can handle given less than BiS. I am not skilled enough to do NiM DP in even BiS gear, and I don't think even the best players can do NiM DP in Art. Microfilament gear.


So it is an issue.

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As someone else said... the alt who is to receive the gear, has to be the appropriate level to use the gear... so it wouldn't necessarily equate to less missions played. If I choose to use my main to run Ops for a good portion of the time (which I do), then using the items earned to outfit an alt = same number of missions.


I am completely ok with Bind on Legacy.


Bind on Pick-Up removal... how about Bind To Legacy On PickUp


Bind on equip... I wouldn't mind seeing it Bind To Legacy on Equip... but otherwise I am ok with it. Never liked hand me downs ;)

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At least TUX appears to be after exactly that.

Huh? I haven't once mentioned earpieces or relics or implants...I want this for armor mostly, especially the BoL token which I want for cosmetic reasons.

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Huh? I haven't once mentioned earpieces or relics or implants...I want this for armor mostly, especially the BoL token which I want for cosmetic reasons.

Then you and I are in agreement: there is no need to eliminate BoP. Just give us the option to convert cosmetic items to BoL and we'll both be happy.

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ok well if Tux is suggesting that I would hope that he could see some reason there that we can't really ask for everything to be BoL, we should only be asking for armor slots and weapon slots, those that are already BoL basically. If Tux didn't mean to imply that the it's more a misunderstanding.

TUX isn't suggesting that at all. What I would love though is for some of my bound Elite War Hero gear to become BoL so I could use it instead of the Legacy armors I'm currently using.

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Then you and I are in agreement: there is no need to eliminate BoP. Just give us the option to convert cosmetic items to BoL and we'll both be happy.

I thought so...as I originally said, this is item #1 on my WISH LIST! My desire is for BoL cosmetic items. I use Legacy armors already, I'd love to use the armors I want.


As for the topic of implants, ear and relics...I don't really feel strongly enough either way about them. I grind them out now, I'd love to be able to skip that of course, but my main desire for BoL gear (especially the token idea) is cosmetic.

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This is not how it works. One wouldn't need every crafting profession. Eventually these players will also be making loads of credits. This is no different than the state of things today.


What about those who don't craft and don't sell on the GTN? If they got to 55 today and the price of things being sold were such that an augment kit was 10m they would be greatly hampered in getting themselves off the ground. Dailies wouldn't do it because it doesn't give enough. Again, it's not impossible but it creates a big hurdle to start out.

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What about those who don't craft and don't sell on the GTN? If they got to 55 today and the price of things being sold were such that an augment kit was 10m they would be greatly hampered in getting themselves off the ground. Dailies wouldn't do it because it doesn't give enough. Again, it's not impossible but it creates a big hurdle to start out.


If they're not doing any of that, they're already hampered in a way. Sometimes you have to work for stuff.


And here's another point. If it takes longer for people to get geared for the content, then the content will remain relevant longer, as everyone won't just blow through it in a couple of weeks.

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this is actually good to know info because I didn't know myself until I was leveling KDY.


Rakghoul plague relics are available at the legacy vendors on Nar Shadaa. These relics are great for leveling and are cheap, only require Newcomer standing from the Rakghoul plague.

You can get 3 different levels of them: level 25, 35, 45. They are cheap so easy to buy a set of each level and throw them on your main leveling character as you level, then save them for the next one. Great endurance on there, great for lowbie PvP.

Now I feel silly, as I've just leveled another toon and I could have used these.


/le sigh

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If they're not doing any of that, they're already hampered in a way. Sometimes you have to work for stuff.


As it works now you can just do dailies and get anything you need, so they wouldn't be hampered. Not so if suddenly everything costs in the millions, even the basic stuff. Sure, the rest of the players would have more than enough to afford that stuff, but a new player wouldn't.

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