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So Legacy Storage really = Crafting/Cartel Market Storage, then?


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Are you saying that you need space to hold 792,000 mats?


100 tabs x 80 slots x stack of 99 == 792,000


If so, I've got to imagine you're an edge case.

Across all the various threads about Legacy Storage/BoP issues, I keep seeing people talk about their 20+ alts all at level 55, I'm thinking the "edge cases" have been skewing this whole discussion pretty seriously.

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What a flood of tears this has caused. As someone who has the full 22 characters on a server, I'll make plenty of use out of legacy storage besides just storing crafting materials and CM stuff. All of those reusable medpacs/stims/adrenals that get passed down to alt after alt can be stores in the legacy storage bank for easy access. When you buy mods with planet comms, they are BoE. So now I can stockpile my mods bought for alts all in one place. I can craft gear, mods, implants, earpieces for an alt from my different types of crafters and send them all to the legacy storage bank for future use by the alt. And here's the best part: you don't have use legacy storage if you don't want. So all the whiners can just skip using it and not even put a legacy bank in the strongholds....problem solved, crisis averted.


Basically, you've just got some lazy people who want to give their alts hand-me-downs so they never have to gear an alt at all and can just speed up their power-leveling process and save a few credits. Sorry, characters don't even need very good gear to level. If you're struggling that much to level alts, then you're doing something wrong. If your character hasn't run end-game content, then that character doesn't deserve to equip the rewards from said content either.

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What a flood of tears this has caused. As someone who has the full 22 characters on a server, I'll make plenty of use out of legacy storage besides just storing crafting materials and CM stuff. All of those reusable medpacs/stims/adrenals that get passed down to alt after alt can be stores in the legacy storage bank for easy access. When you buy mods with planet comms, they are BoE. So now I can stockpile my mods bought for alts all in one place. I can craft gear, mods, implants, earpieces for an alt from my different types of crafters and send them all to the legacy storage bank for future use by the alt. And here's the best part: you don't have use legacy storage if you don't want. So all the whiners can just skip using it and not even put a legacy bank in the strongholds....problem solved, crisis averted.


Basically, you've just got some lazy people who want to give their alts hand-me-downs so they never have to gear an alt at all and can just speed up their power-leveling process and save a few credits. Sorry, characters don't even need very good gear to level. If you're struggling that much to level alts, then you're doing something wrong. If your character hasn't run end-game content, then that character doesn't deserve to equip the rewards from said content either.


Why do you, and people like you, continue to argue that we are sad and whining we can't pass down stuff to our alts? BECAUSE WE ALREADY CAN, AND WE ALREADY DO, AND THAT IS NOT WHY WE'RE ANNOYED.

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Using the terms "whining" and "flood of tears" is a sign of a lack of self respect IMO.


If you want to argue your point, argue your point. If your argument is so weak you have to resort to silly insults than perhaps you should reconsider your position.

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Across all the various threads about Legacy Storage/BoP issues, I keep seeing people talk about their 20+ alts all at level 55, I'm thinking the "edge cases" have been skewing this whole discussion pretty seriously.


Or....these "edge cases" aren't so uncommon as you think. We haven't had decent endgame come out for a year now. What else to do than level more alts?

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Or....these "edge cases" aren't so uncommon as you think. We haven't had decent endgame come out for a year now. What else to do than level more alts?

I'm sure there are plenty of people with a ton of alts.


But a ton of alts with more than half a million crafting materials? Seems unlikely.

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I'm sure there are plenty of people with a ton of alts.


But a ton of alts with more than half a million crafting materials? Seems unlikely.


That I agree with. I have 21 characters and I was quite amazed at his mountain of crafting materials. I certainly never had that much.

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NO fleet chat, NO credit storage, NO boud item between characters storage. No amount decorations or terminals will make me use this stupid thing for any more than it is. Crafting material storage.

Do you also complain when your FREE ice cream sunday doesn't have a cherry on top? Because your first Stronghold and the Legacy Storage (at least one tab of it) is something you are getting for free.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I'm sure there are plenty of people with a ton of alts.


But a ton of alts with more than half a million crafting materials? Seems unlikely.


I don't have that many crafting materials, but I have more than will fit into a single cargo hold.


If Legacy Storage is 5 bays with 80 each, it will be too small. I want to put more than crafting mats in there. How about stims, extra gear, spare mods from planet comms, etc...


When I open a few cartel market packs, I'd like to arrange the gear there so that I can roll a new alt and have them pickout gear from a common storage, rather than having to log in and out on a dozen alts to try and find all the bits of armor that match.


Frankly, for Cartel Market armor alone I could use 5 bays... another 5 for mats, another 5 for everything else.


20 would probably be a good number... but I highly doubt it will be that big.

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Do you also complain when your FREE ice cream sunday doesn't have a cherry on top? Because your first Stronghold and the Legacy Storage (at least one tab of it) is something you are getting for free.


Last I checked, $15/month is not "free'.

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You pay $15 per month for strongholds and legacy storage? Wow you got ripped off, I've been paying that just to play Swtor and they will soon be giving me strongholds and legacy storage for free! You should raise a ticket about that!



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I don't have that many crafting materials, but I have more than will fit into a single cargo hold.


If Legacy Storage is 5 bays with 80 each, it will be too small. I want to put more than crafting mats in there. How about stims, extra gear, spare mods from planet comms, etc...


When I open a few cartel market packs, I'd like to arrange the gear there so that I can roll a new alt and have them pickout gear from a common storage, rather than having to log in and out on a dozen alts to try and find all the bits of armor that match.


Frankly, for Cartel Market armor alone I could use 5 bays... another 5 for mats, another 5 for everything else.


20 would probably be a good number... but I highly doubt it will be that big.


They said that each stronghold has a separate legacy storage. They haven't said anything but I assume they will have the same number of bays as the normal cargo holds do.

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You pay $15 per month for strongholds and legacy storage? Wow you got ripped off, I've been paying that just to play Swtor and they will soon be giving me strongholds and legacy storage for free! You should raise a ticket about that!




You need to look up the meaning of the word "free".


GSH is just part of the game, part of what I pay for. Using your view, everything since launch has been "free", except for those who paid for RotHC of course.


But that is nonsense, Oricon is not "free", it is part of the game, as is GSH.

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You need to look up the meaning of the word "free".


GSH is just part of the game, part of what I pay for. Using your view, everything since launch has been "free", except for those who paid for RotHC of course.


But that is nonsense, Oricon is not "free", it is part of the game, as is GSH.


Firstly GSH hasn't even launched yet so such a statement is rather redundant.

Secondly what you pay for is all the benefits as listed on the subscription page. What isn't listed on that page is "Oricon" or "GSH" ( even though it hasn't launched yet ). F2P players get access to all that content too you know right? What you are getting is a FREE GSH as you are a dedicated subscriber. BW are in no way obliged to give this to you, they are doing it because they choose to. Also you get early access to GSH content on top of the F2P/Preferred players and again that is in no means something you currently pay for.


You are right in RoTHC, one of the few things that weren't free an in a way still isn't if you've never subscribed. As for your rather strange example of Oricon ... completely free. People having never paid a cent can run this content just as you can.


If I'm wrong by all means link me to where on the subscription page it says you get access to Oricon that others do not?

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Firstly GSH hasn't even launched yet so such a statement is rather redundant.

Secondly what you pay for is all the benefits as listed on the subscription page. What isn't listed on that page is "Oricon" or "GSH" ( even though it hasn't launched yet ). F2P players get access to all that content too you know right?


No, no they don't. F2P are limited to lvl 50 so they can't do Oricon. Preferred can, but they had to spend $5 on the game to get there.


GSH will cost something to unlock for F2P, so no, they don't get that either.


What you are getting is a FREE GSH as you are a dedicated subscriber.


Again with the word free... It isn't free if I have to pay for it, and I do, I pay for the game, a long list of features, of which one of them is GSH.


Let me put this another way. When you buy a car, you get a "free" set of tires, right? No, that is absurd, you pay for them along with the car. Same thing here.

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BW are in no way obliged to give this to you, they are doing it because they choose to.


Well, there are a lot of things that BW are not obliged to do, but we are also not obliged to invest money into this game.


They do need people to have subs and spend money in the CM as well. So obligation or not, it's a good idea with any new update to give something to subbed players to keep the sub worthwhile.

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Last I checked, $15/month is not "free'.

Last I checked, your subscription agreement does not say "And you get a Stronghold with Legacy Storage."

So yes, you are complaining about something you will get for free, but which someone subscribing in November will have to pay for.

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Last I checked, your subscription agreement does not say "And you get a Stronghold with Legacy Storage."

So yes, you are complaining about something you will get for free, but which someone subscribing in November will have to pay for.


As it stands, you don't get this reward for being subbed but for being subbed at a specific time. As the website said "if you have a sub before x date, you get this for free".


You can argue all day about what's free. The reward itself can be considered free, but there is a money investment (sub) required to be able to get that, so in that sense it's not free because you cannot get it without forking over some cash first.


I am not complaining about it but you both have different definitions or foci on what free means and that's a discussion that will never end.


You know money has to be paid first before you can get the reward. Whether you call that free or not is irrelevant, reality is that you only get it if you pay money first. That the money pays for something else doesn't change that you cannot get this reward without having paid for a sub a few times. I think you'll agree that without spending real money you will not have access to this reward. So call it conditionally free.

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I disagree as with GSH from what they've said it WILL be free for everyone as in you don't actually have to subscribe to get it. You just have to wait longer and pay credits/CC for it I would assume.


In saying that I could be wrong thinking on it now if the cost is more than what any free player can hold in credits thus they can't afford it in which case they shouldn't really be advertising they will release GSH for free players later on down the track.

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I disagree as with GSH from what they've said it WILL be free for everyone as in you don't actually have to subscribe to get it. You just have to wait longer and pay credits/CC for it I would assume.


In saying that I could be wrong thinking on it now if the cost is more than what any free player can hold in credits thus they can't afford it in which case they shouldn't really be advertising they will release GSH for free players later on down the track.


As they said in the live stream yesterday, a level 15ish character would be able to afford the two capital world strongholds. So well within the credit limitations of f2p.

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