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Favorite lightsaber color combination?


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I have worn White + White on my mara for along time and still do but I get funky on my sentinel :p


I have all the war hero crystals and since I pvp only I change them very often (Collections ftw!!!), I wear the following combos very often.


Cyan Blue + Hot Orange

Green + Red

Mint Green + Cyan Blue

Derelict Purple + Mint Green

Pink Purple + Cyan Blue

Lime Green + Orange Red

Yellow Blue + Hot Orange

Black-Red + Black-Purple <----Cost me a crapload of Ranked comms that Black-Purple, curse you Bioware :mad:

Copper + Derelict Purple

Mint Green + Blood Red

Cyan + Derelict Purple


I dunno, I can't really say I have a favorite combination, But I really like the Cyan + Derelict Purple combo.

Edited by Tevzz
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Yellow is a must. The official colour of Sentinels after all. I use it on "Sentinel's Lightsabre". The other colour would most probably be either orange, purple or cyan. Depends on the build I am using(I equate Ataru to orange, Shii to cyan and Juyo to purple). Double yellow is fine as well.
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I use red and yellow. Not because I'm particularly fond of that combination, but because that's what I happen to have, and I don't see the point in forking out money for something else that will have the same stats.


Does look kind of nice, though. I guess the red represents her flirtations with the Dark Side; which, unlike her flirtations with Lord Scourge, did at least have some effect.

Edited by PLynkes
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My Pureblood marauder uses red and purple (the crafted, real purple). If I ever get around to playing a sentinel (and slugging through the JK story again), I'd probably go for blue and green. I should really take yellow, for the same reason my guardian used blue until he switched to red and my shadow uses green, if yellow lightsabres weren't so fugly.
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For the first many levels, I used blue and green, or blue and blue, because I didn't understand how to modify lightsabers then. Now, my Sentinel uses pink-purple crystals in both sabers, though I'm looking to get a different crystal besides the blue-white one I have in collections. The pink-purple contrasts nicely with the black armor.
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I can never decide for my cathar shadow whether I prefer the basic blue or the Cyan-Blue... Maybe I can use one for PVP and the other for PVP...


Cyborg Marauder: For undercover darkside: Red mainhand Purple offhand. For true self: Green mainhand cyan (light blue) offhand.


Nagai (Cathar, but oh well) Assassin: Bronze. Technically it's hot orange.


Cathar Sentinel: Cyan mainhand White offhand.


Human Guardian: Definately Blue.


Cathar Sorcerer: Derelict Purple (I got the crystal in a completely random pack and thought it fit his personality too well not to use).

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